by Sharon | Apr 1, 2016
What is one to do when we’re in between holidays?
Prepare for the next one . . . or look ahead . . . or combine two classics . . .
Yes, think Halloween . . . and Christmas . . . Two holidays when people do go a bit crazy with decorating.
I have just the thing for you to try making now . . . so when it’s time to impress your family and friends, you’ll be able to make an impressive Gingerbread Halloween House.
Click the image on the right and you’ll be taken to the free template.
I was thinking of using this concept for a mini-album or a card . . . just discovering ways of making things from one medium to another. Free templates are always great to get you started creating your own designs. We always can use a starting point for making something different and special.
And this is a good time to try making something for another holiday. It seems we never have time to finish things . . . Probably because we’re inspired by other new ideas . . .
That’s the thing with inspiration . . . we never know where it will take us. But it is a wonderful ride . . . or journey . . .
It’s good to relax and think things through without pressure. You can adapt this to fit several different holidays . . . using food or paper products. You can make it spring or summer . . . it doesn’t have to be Halloween . . . The template provides the bare necessities . . . you provide the theme.
This is something to explore when you’re not busy doing other things . . . or planning other celebrations.
Have fun!
by Sharon | Jan 1, 2016
Yes!!! 2016 Is Finally Here!!
We have such grand hopes for the year ahead . . . as we always do this time every year.
Throughout the year, we’ve been able to count our many blessings and be truly thankful . . . then giving and the spirit associated with that . . . and throughout the year we’ve been filled with love and appreciation for so very much.
Then the New Year comes . . . a time of reflection . . . a time to make goals for the upcoming year . . . or not officially, but to take a bit of an inventory.
Of course, I think about my websites and how to use my time more productively. This applies to more than just my blogging. There is so very much to life that I don’t want to take for granted . . . which I may have in the past.
This Christmas season has had an impact upon me.
It made me think about what is truly important. Also to keep that wonderful feeling of Christmas linger throughout the year . . . no matter what is going on in the world . . .
It’s not hiding my head in the sand, but realizing that there is only so much as an individual I can do. So, if I can be upbeat and positive throughout the year, I can accomplish so very much more and perhaps help others. I do want to be a place where worry and frustration are not to be found. It is a place where we continue on no matter what . . . unless the internet crashes . . .
Worry Doesn’t Accomplish Anything
Have you noticed that?
Yet, I find myself worrying about things I can’t change. I know I can change myself . . . not by a snap of the fingers or a twitch of the nose . . . but through consistent effort I can change my behavior.
Worry is something I no longer need to do. It also does me no good to be upset or frustrated by the behaviors of elected officials . . . local, statewide and federal . . . I can voice my concerns to those individuals, but besides that I must continue living my life the best way that I can.
We must be strong for our family . . . I want to be strong for my many visitors, by giving them a safe haven to come to and learn something interesting that doesn’t have to do with the affairs outside of your own home or circle of friends and family.
I won’t be able to eliminate worry entirely . . . a bit of it is necessary to make sure I get my bills paid and continue to function as part of a community. But I don’t have to allow worry to consume me.
I don’t know if it was the books or movies that gave me this food for thought. Perhaps a combination of the two. I am grateful that I no longer need to hold on to this burden.
A friend of mine would talk about having a donkey in a box. It’s there wherever you go no matter what. And, there is a time to let go of it . . . allow it to be free and in the end, you free yourself.
It’s also true about “living in the now.”
This seems such an easy concept, but in reality it is difficult to do. We’re always projecting to the future and dwelling on the past . . . I’m going to appreciate what is before me. That is my moment. It could be the beautiful day before me . . . or that stack of mail I need to go through . . . Or taking down the tree and all the decorations throughout the house . . .
It doesn’t matter what . . . that is one way I’m noticing if I’m in the “now” or soaring into the future or into some nebulous void.
Life is to be experienced and enjoyed in a most positive and loving way. It’s to express how wonderful things are and the abundance around you . . . look at things in a more positive perspective and you’ll find you have a bit of a bounce in your step and a smile on your face.
Things won’t bother you as much as they once have. Your perspective will be more positive and you’ll have nothing but goodness to give to others in thought and deed.
Yes, there will still be disagreeable people and events that are upsetting . . . but by sidestepping them, and continuing on with a positive outlook, things won’t seem as horrible.
Yes, tragic things may still happen . . . you’ll be able to deal with them appropriately . . . by taking a brief break from your grieving to notice a sunrise or sunset . . . the sounds of nature around you . . . just those little things to remind you that you’re still alive and have things to do. And to appreciate those who have been in your life and how much you still love them.
Grief can be concurred with love. Just as fear and many other emotions. You’ll still be down and in the dumps, but you’ll also have moments of wonder and happiness when thinking about those who are no longer here.
I guess we still have things to accomplish here . . . and we need to make it all as pleasant as possible . . . even when our personal world seems to be crumbling down around us . . . It comes down to what you choose to focus upon.
Many people move on knowing that their loved ones would want them to do so.
On Holidays There Are Too Many Accidents That Impact The Lives Of So Many
It’s difficult for me to hear about traffic accidents . . . and other tragic events.
I don’t understand how this could all be avoided. It seems inevitable. I may not like to accept it, but with years of this happening . . . there is a time to accept what is and to learn something value from these events, then move on determined I’m not going to be the cause of anything harmful to others.
It comes down to using common sense. We all have it. We need to employ it more over our needs.
Every life is precious and worthwhile . . .
I suppose that could be debated, but the lives of those around me seem to be valuable . . . outside my circle I can’t judge for lack of information. I’m not going to draw unfounded conclusions that are not my place to comment.
I know what I can do for myself . . . and you know what is best for you. That’s what is most important. And in the end, it may be beneficial for others as well.
Happy New Year . . . may this year be better than the last one . . . and may your future be bright.
by Sharon | Dec 26, 2015
Oh Yes, Time Does Seem To Be Marching On
It’s a political year. It’s also a leap year. Most importantly, it’s a New Year.
Politics is a private matter. We all have our views. And what comes will come. It is the nature of the world. Change is inevitable . . . whether we like it or not . . .
There are many things in our lives we may want to change . . . we may want to spend more time with family and friends . . . or learn something new . . . or clean out a closet . . . there is always something we have brewing on the back burner of our minds.
Each year we make promises to ourselves that this year . . .
Yes, we do this regularly . . . and when the time is right, we will accomplish those things.
I’m not one to dwell on those things that I should have done . . . I choose to focus on those things I want to accomplish . . . while taking care of those things I must do on a regular basis.
Yes, we do have responsibilities. And those seem to be our priorities. Then everything else takes its place.
I’m Not One To Make Grand New Year’s Resolutions
I see those areas in my life that are in need of change.
And that’s where I begin. Nothing grand or ground breaking, but an attempt day by day to work on those changes. Baby steps.
Over time, those changes will be part of my life and the destination is within sight. I can see the improvements.
It’s good to see improvements and celebrate them. Sure, you may have a long way to go, but you’re moving in the right direction.
It’s about making progress . . . and you have plenty of time to fully achieve success.
I like being my own cheerleader. It’s good to encourage yourself . . . and make adjustments along the way.
The New Year Seems To Hold Such Promise
For some it’s like wiping the slate clean.
For others it’s taking care of old business.
There is hope . . .
We can’t foretell the future. We can only do what we can to make each day count. No matter what it entails. It could be spending quality time with your family or reading a good book or resting. Each day will be different. And we must value each day and honor how we feel.
There will be melancholy days . . . days we don’t feel like doing much of anything . . . good weather days and bad weather days. It’s just a matter of taking them in stride and doing what feels right.
I learn a lot from books and movies . . . maybe not what the authors wanted me to learn . . . but sometimes something clicks and gives me a solution to something I’ve been thinking about. They may do the same for you.
We need to be aware of our environment . . . to see how the seasons change and the weather changes . . . celebrating that . . . it is a process . . . a cycle . . . and it does affect us . . . even without our knowing it.
Today is windy here. I’m not fond of the wind, but it does serve a purpose. I may not be fully aware of the why and how, but it is something I accept because I can’t change it. I do what I can within me . . . I can’t change the weather or make things happen to suit my mood.
I know there are people who believe they can . . . and many can with a strong belief system . . . but I believe it has to do with one’s perspective. When we focus upon good things, good things will come to us. And the opposite is also true.
Just honor your thoughts, feelings and beliefs. I’m not trying to change you in any way. You know what is best for you. I just want to encourage you to be as positive as possible to have a good life . . . one you want for yourself.
Have a wonderful New Year.
by Sharon | Nov 2, 2015
Feeling A Bit Lost After Halloween
It’s interesting how the let down of one holiday event drives one forward to another holiday.
I have been anticipating Thanksgiving prior to the Halloween celebration. Then, once Halloween arrived, I was at a loss to proceed forward to Thanksgiving.
I believe the weather has a lot to do with it. We’ve been experiencing warm days — still summer, early fall type of forecasts. The rain, then the wind and the heat . . . now the forecast of rain . . .
I can get into the rain. It seems appropriate for the onset of the Thanksgiving season.
Strange How Thanksgiving Is A Transition Holiday
We’re bombarded with Christmas ads . . . Thanksgiving seems to be the forgotten holiday.
I do enjoy Thanksgiving. It’s a time of reflection for me. A time to get together with family and be very grateful for the love, caring and sharing the holiday provides.
I reflect on all holidays, actually. Thanksgiving seems to have this quality built-in. Yet, it seems to have become a “transition” holiday. A prelude of sorts for Christmas.
In my family, Thanksgiving was celebrated as a major holiday. We would get together for either Thanksgiving or Christmas, rarely both. It seemed to always coincide with work schedules.
This may be true today and also flight schedules and various other factors. The media puts much more focus upon Christmas . . . and all the songs associated with the holiday . . . and the sense that one must be home for Christmas.
For me, the weather makes a big difference in how I feel about the holiday season.
If we can get some rain and maintain colder temperatures, then I’m good to go.
I remember having a warm Thanksgiving and Christmas . . . it just didn’t seem the same. I feel myself with this lackluster feeling.
We did celebrate as usual, but something was entirely different within me. It may have been better for us to celebrate in another location where the temperature was a bit or quite a bit colder.
I don’t know if this is common for most people. Perhaps they just flow with it. I’m happy for them. I need a complete package to completely the embrace the holiday.
My Local Market Has A Sign On The Door “The Turkeys Are Coming”.
It’s our notice to reserve our Thanksgiving turkey.
But, the sign doesn’t amuse me as it once did. Maybe it’s no big deal. Or the weather has me in a funk.
I dislike it when I get this way. I ran an errand and stopped at the park to reflect for awhile. I thought the change of scenery would give me a more positive perspective.
I thought it would be good to get out in nature and perhaps among the population and see if I could catch some of that holiday enthusiasm.
Nope, not there.
Even the clerks in the various stores don’t have that holiday spirit.
Weather Has Much To Do With How We Feel
There has been scientific research that has proven this fact.
I don’t know if they’ve studied weather we’re experiencing with the specific anticipation of a holiday season. I’m doing my own unofficial research and I’ve found sales were down for Halloween and during this transition period before Christmas the stores are relatively empty.
Unofficially, in my area, others are feeling the same lack of enthusiasm as I am.
People involved in various sports and the fans are into their team games. This seems to bridge the gap.
For me when the weather becomes a bit cooler, I’ll get into my stride and get the holiday spirit going full steam ahead.
Thanks for stopping by. Please leave me a comment to let me know your thoughts about the weather and the holidays and whether it affects you or not.
Until next time,
by Sharon | Sep 30, 2015
These Popcorn Ball Pumpkins are flavored with orange jello and decorated with mini Tootsie Roll stems and green leaves you flatten and shape from green fondant.
They are excellent for parties — young and old alike enjoy popcorn balls. The kids may enjoy helping you make these little pumpkins.
Let’s get this party going!
Popcorn Ball Pumpkins Recipe
- 12 cups of popped popcorn
- 1 3ounce box of orange flavored Jello
- 1/2 cup of butter
- 1/4 cup of corn syrup
- 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda
- mini Tootsie Roll candies for the stem
- green fondant for the leaves
- Pop your popcorn.
- Melt the butter in the microwave.
- Stir in the jello and corn syrup.
- Microwave again allowing it to reach a full boil.
- Mix in the baking soda and stir for 2 to 3 minutes.
- Mix in the popcorn. I use a little bit at a time to get it covered evenly.
- Microwave the whole thing for about 30 seconds if you want it gooey and a bit longer if you prefer crispy.
- You can either butter your hands or use plastic bags with non-stick spray on them to use as “gloves” for the kids. You’ll be making this orange popcorn into balls.
- Add the mini Tootsie Roll stem and press in while the popcorn call is still warm and pliable.
- Add the fondant leaf.
There you have it, a delightful treat for the eyes and the taste buds.
Here are some handy links:

It’s a fun, but messy project. Please leave me a comment.
Thanks for stopping by!
by Sharon | Sep 9, 2015
I love crafts, especially those I can do for every holiday.

This pictorial tutorial shows you exactly what you need to do.
I like the coffee cup concept with the saucer, too. I may want to experiment with a wine glass or other glassware and also kitchen or other household objects that would be special to you, a member of your family or for whomever you’re making this “centerpiece” or the holiday or celebration.
We’re approaching fall and Halloween. You could use a witch’s shoe or a plastic pumpkin or plastic cauldron or even a plastic skull . . . I’m sure you could think of something else. And, of course, you could be thinking ahead to Thanksgiving, Christmas or the New Year.
You can add whatever you desire to the “plate/saucer” and use artificial leaves or other foliage that fits your holiday theme to cover the fork. I would truly love to make a miniature scene using small figurines for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. There could be artificial snow to cover the fork handle and the fork on the saucer. I may want to use a brandy snifter to spill out the pieces that magically are later placed in the saucer scene. It could be people being poured out of the snifter or elements such as trees or whatever fits the particular holiday.
The flowers and eggs do work out nicely with this concept, but I believe it is worthwhile to create something for the other holidays — it would definitely be a challenge. I’d have to do a lot of experimenting to see what looks and feels right for me. I’m confident something would work, it will just take a bit of trial and error to make it work.
I hope this pictorial tutorial was helpful and gave you considerable food for thought. I’ll be thinking about it and gathering various objects to see what would work for the concept I have in mind.
Thanks for stopping by! Please leave me a comment. I’ve love to hear your ideas.