Halloween Theme Jigsaw Puzzles
Jigsaw Puzzles Are Great Family Fun!!
Jigsaw Puzzles are great for all ages — I remember doing them with the adults when I was just a kid. I felt so grown up when I found a piece! It is a relaxing exercise and allows for casual conversation. It helps with observation skills and spatial relationships. Who thought something fun could be educational? And there are a variety of Halloween-themed jigsaw puzzles — some with over 1000 pieces. This would truly be a wonderful challenge for the upcoming Halloween season!
It will definitely give a spooky creepy vibe to your Halloween gathering. It’s an enjoyable way to blend groups of people together — this activity invites engagement on a casual social level.
Unleash the magic within and embark on a captivating adventure with this Vermont Christmas Company Witches’ Brew Jigsaw Puzzle. Prepare to be enchanted as you immerse yourself in hours of bewitching fun, solving this challenging 1000-piece puzzle. Each piece is uniquely shaped, putting your brain to the ultimate test. Share the enchantment with family and friends, as the fully interlocking Halloween puzzles bring the joy of the season to all generations. Take a break from the toil and trouble of daily life, and let this Halloween puzzle whisk you away into a world of relaxation and mental stimulation. Crafted on durable and premium quality board, this 1000-piece puzzle is not only entertaining but also display-worthy art. Every completed piece can be easily mounted and framed, adding a touch of spooky spirit to your decor. Looking for a thoughtful treat without the trick? This Halloween jigsaw puzzle makes perfect presents for the holiday or special occasions. Surprise the puzzle enthusiast in your life with one of these cool and captivating puzzles today.
This is only the beginning of the Halloween Jigsaw Puzzle selection that awaits you! I was completely amazed and enchanted — there is something for every taste — some are scary and others are comical . . . What’s important is that there is the perfect Halloween Jigsaw Puzzle waiting to be ordered by you for your family and friends to enjoy! Just click the picture and you’ll be taken to a secure area where you can purchase or make other selections.
Let’s Take A Look At The Wonderful Halloween Selection Vermont Christmas Company Has To Offer In Their 1000-Piece Jigsaw Puzzles
I Made My Selection — Little Goblins and Halloween Barn Dance! How About You?
Now that was fun! Vermont Christmas Company has a selection of 550-piece jigsaw puzzles and some that are smaller. I do like their puzzles — the pieces are interlocking and randomly shaped. Each piece is produced on thick, premium quality puzzle board. These puzzles are made with recycled materials. All of these Halloween puzzles are perfect for building anticipation leading up to the holiday.
I hope this post was enjoyable for you. I got caught up in the whole Halloween vibe — the nostalgia thinking about when I was a kid dressing up and going out on All Hallows Eve to see the other neighborhood kids in their costumes and smiling faces in anticipation of the sweet treats we would be collecting. A Halloween Barn Dance does seem like a fun way to spend Halloween — I remember going on a hayride one year. It was cold, but it was fun!
Thanks for stopping by!
The Book Vs. The Movie Which Is Better?
Over The Past Several Months I’ve Been Watching Movies — More Than Once — And In Some Cases I Felt I Wanted More Information About The Movie Or The Characters In Particular.
It became clear to me that I needed to see if the movie was based on a book — so I did some research and found that there are audible books available — this was so very helpful . . .
I did receive the information I was seeking and I thoroughly enjoyed having a book read to me. I’m enjoying audible as much as I’m enjoying watching movies.

I Do Have An Active Imagination
While listening to an audiobook, I can close my eyes and actually see what I’m hearing. I find it quite amazing.
Of course the authors are quite talented, but so are the narrators or readers — many have beautiful voices and do make changes with the different characters they’re depicting.
This is a time for me to relax and truly get into the story being told to me.
Welcome to TwoCansOnAString.com. I’ve been in “holiday mode” for quite some time thinking about this website and my newest one. I was basically looking for inspiration, tips, or suggestions and discovered some wonderful “good reads”. You seriously can’t go wrong with audiobooks — if that is at all your thing. This has truly been a great adventurous journey for me. You may want to join me by selecting some audiobooks in a genre of your choice. I don’t believe you’ll be disappointed.

There Are Countless Things You Can Do Around The House While Listening To Your Audiobook
I’d suggest minimizing the use of the vacuum cleaner and refraining from making excessive noise, but you can certainly engage in light housekeeping activities to maintain tidiness around your home. It makes dusting and cleaning much more enjoyable while listening to a good book in the genre of your choice.
Speaking of genres. . . they include:
Arts & Entertainment
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Literature & Fiction
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Mystery, Thriller & Suspense
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- Mystery
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Science Fiction & Fantasy
- Fantasy
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Sports & Outdoors
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- Workouts
This is quite a comprehensive list I’ve gotten from Audible’s website. I’m sure there is something there that appeals to you and everyone in your family.
I’ve been exploring other genres that previously I would not have considered, It has definitely opened up a new world to me. That’s true with Amazon Prime as well. I’ve gotten into some genres that I ignored for much too long.
This is an excellent time for me to re-examine some of the classics I may not have fully understood when they were first introduced to me. Plus there is truly something about having a story read to you. It brings back memories of my childhood — Although I enjoyed being read to, I was eager to learn to read on my own. Now, in my latter years, I’m gravitating back to wanting to have stories read to me. Go figure.
The best thing about Audible or audiobooks is that you don’t need bookcase space. I know for some of you, you enjoy the feel of an actual book in your hands. I personally don’t miss it. I really enjoy having an audible library of hundreds of books without cluttering up my house.
Which is better? The book or the movie? I would have to say it depends on the book and the movie. I would think each offers something unique — it all depends upon you and how you interpret what you’ve read or viewed.
I encourage you to give Audible a try. And leave me a comment telling me your thoughts on the matter.
Thanks for stopping by!
How Many Names Are There For The Shopping Cart?
The Shopping Cart Seems To Be A Universal Symbol For Shopping In Various Venues Across The Globe . . .
I know here in the United States we have several names for the shopping cart.
Some refer to it as a basket . . . In the south it is common to hear someone calling it a buggy . . . On the east coast we have the name carriage being applied. I had a friend from Hawaii who referred to it as a wagon.
In European countries and Australia it is referred to as a trolley . . . I rather like that.

A shopping cart is a wheeled cart supplied by a shop or store, especially supermarkets, for use by customers inside the premises for transport of their grocery or other items.
I Find It Interesting How These Variations Refer To Various Previous Modes Of Transportation

I’ve Always Been Curious About The Various Names Given To An Item As Common As A Shopping Cart
As an American, I’m finding we’re a mix of numerous cultures. This could stem from our ethnic backgrounds and it could also be regional as to geography insofar as where we were raised or where are parents and grandparents were raised. We pick up local expressions and those that are used commonly among our family and friends.
It’s also common to pick up expressions from literature, television and movies.
I am curious if what you refer to as a shopping cart was not addressed here. Please be so kind as to leave it in the comment section of this blog.
I do thank you for stopping by and hope this was both entertaining and enlightening to you as it was to me.
Blue Ridge The Movie

I sometimes have a bad habit of multi-tasking while I’m watching a movie. The problem is that I have to watch it again if I missed too much . . . And sometimes I just enjoyed it so much I wanted to view it again.
That’s the beauty of Amazon Prime Video . . . or owning your own DVD of a favorite movie. It makes it very convenient to view when you have the time to relax and enjoy with friends, family or even alone.
Prime Video has a huge selection available each and every month and throughout the year. Of course, there will be some of little or no interest to you at all . . . And then, you may just be surprised to watch something and really get into it . . .
Oh yes, this could work the other way — there’s a movie you want to see, looked forward to watching it . . . and it just didn’t deliver . . . Oh, I do dislike when that happens . . . But . . . There are always others to select.

I’m Not Into Spoilers. . .
I will tell you what made this movie interesting to me. I do like a mystery and I’m a real fan of old family frueds . . . And Blue Ridge had both . . .
Well, the sherrif was an outsider . . . You may be able to relate . . . I know I can . . . But, of course, he wanted to uphold law and order . . . It wasn’t that he was taking any side of the “fued” . . . He was trying to figure out whodunit.
As is true in most good movies in small towns . . . everyone has an agenda . . . and once you think you have a handle on the situation, more information comes to light . . .
I beieve its an excellent movie — one suitable for family viewing . . . Obviously, family is a key element in this plot . . .
I do hope you’ll take a look at this movie and check out Amazon Prime . . .
Thanks for stopping by!
August Plans

August Is A Magical Time . . .
We’re hopefully coming to the close of summer. I’ve had enough . . . My air conditioning went out twice and just yesterday the electric company gave the neighborhood a power outage to work on the power lines . . . Why is August and not during the cooler weather?
I suppose no time is a good time for a power outage . . . but it is a good time to enjoy a refreshing root beer float in a frosted mug . . .
And to celebrate in the evening, it’s always good to sit outside by the fire pit and make some s’mores with friends and family.
August is our last chance to do a camping trip . . . and to celebrate with backyard bbq’s . . . You can even camp out in your own backyard . . .
I Thought It Interesting How In The U.K. They Go To The Seaside And We In The U.S.A. Go To The Beach
It may just be a matter of semantics . . . or a cultural thing . . .
Spending time at the beach is always a fun day . . . Mainly getting out of the heat of the city . . .
I do enjoy going up in the mountains to get away from the heat of the day . . . I do find the mountains relaxing. I suppose we all have our get-away spot . . . Having a picnic is alway nice and taking a bit of a hike . . .
Then nights can be ripe for telling ghost stories — basically scaring the wits out of each other . . .

There is truly something about the mountains and the trees and the wild animals that makes ghost stories ideal . . .
Especially urban legends that take place near a lake or stream . . . a child who was drowned and a crazed mother terrorizing everyone years and decades later seeking revenge for the loss of her child . . .
Leave Me A Comment Letting Me Know How You Spend August
Some are preparing to going Back-to-School or embarking on their college days . . .
I do enjoy relaxing . . . sometimes thinking about the fall and winter holidays. This is truly a perfect time to plan ahead and take advantage of all those wonderful summer activities . . .
Yet, most of my activities are quite low-key . . . I do enjoy a relaxing life and life-style . . .
It’s a good time to work on craft projects . . . Even planning ahead to get started with Halloween — yes, it may be a bit early . . . But never too early to choose that perfect costume . . . I like to avoid the crowds and get a bit of a jump on the selection available . . .