You Can Cook In Your Waffle Iron

Do you believe it? You can actually cook hamburgers in your waffle iron!!waffleburgers

I found this really good article that shows all kinds of stuff you can cook on your waffle iron. Seeing is believing. Check it out.

I wasn’t too sure about all the things, but you know, it does make sense. It’s also good to know how versatile a waffle iron can actually be.

You may need one. I’ve checked out some waffle irons:

This definitely goes into the category of learning something new. So I’ve fulfilled my quota for today. I’m really delighted to learn this. Also, you may already know this, but some of these waffle irons comes with pancake plates, so you have a choice of pancakes or waffles. That’s really cool.

Please check out the article. Hopefully, you’ll be as delighted as I was to see all the things you could cook in your waffle iron. Some people are really clever and don’t mind cleaning up a mess if their little experiment doesn’t work. That’s why I don’t come up with clever ideas — I don’t like cleaning up messes . . . and I’ve made plenty of them over the years.

It was always a treat to have waffles at my house. It was cooking at the table which was so very strange to me, but it worked and there was always a fresh supply of hot out of the waffle maker waffles for us to enjoy.

Appliances have really come a long way over the years to fulfill our needs.

Thanks for stopping by!


5 Facts About My Website That Will Make Your Hair Stand On End

Yes, I Talking About TwoCansOnAString.comTwoCansOnAStringLogo1

First, I didn’t think I had a niche for this website. I refer to it as “my fun website” or my “kitchen junk drawer.” And I do mean the last one quite favorably, because where would we be without a junk drawer for all those odds and ends we don’t know where to put otherwise.

I was writing a post today on one of my niche websites and it dawned on me that I do have a niche, of sorts. I share a lot of recipes and I do get into the holidays and share whatever is of interest to me. I love the free paper craft printables I share regularly. I’ve pretty much created a niche for myself. Just as others have done with their websites.

You see, we don’t fit neatly in a box and our websites are a reflection of that.

Second, I have many interests which are directed by what’s going on around me.  Yes, I have broken my original website into 4 niche markets, but this website is still eclectic. It’s kind of like Grandma’s attic. You never know what you’ll find.

I’m not sure what was so fascinating about Grandma’s attic. I loved climbing the stairs as a child. I also liked the opportunity of being invited into an area of the house where I wasn’t permitted to explore on my own. It may have been the stories. Everything seemed to have a story. It was best when my grandmother and her sister forgot I was there and they’d reminisce about their childhood and the funny antics of their brothers and even those of my father and uncle when they were growing up.

That’s what I want to bring to, that sense of family and remembering all those precious moments of long ago and bring them forward to enjoy once again.

We do have our own stories that are unique to us, but there is that overlap where we do have memories in common centered around cooking, a holiday, a sound, a fragrance or special or not so special event. It’s that human connection that makes this website fun and special for me.

Third is the building of relationships. We haven’t met formally in person, but we do know one another by the time you’ve spent here. I’d know you a lot better if you’d leave me a comment, but I can still relate to you. We have made a bond of sorts. You come here to see what’s new — what I have to share with you.

It may be something you like or it may be something that doesn’t interest you at all. But, it is nevertheless a place where you come to visit for awhile. Where I share the weather, my precious Diva, random thoughts and things I found interesting.

I do like sharing recipes. Most of life is centered around food. What’s fun for me is making the recipes unique. Not just for me to share, but to imagine what ingredients you’d add or substitute. Or what pops into my mind . . . or yours for that matter that would make the recipe unique for you to share with your family.

I sometimes think about a can of something I bought and don’t know where to use it . . . then a recipe comes along that will work out nicely with that ingredient. This may not be the best way of selecting recipes, but it’s a good way to use what’s in your pantry or refrigerator.

Fourth, there’s the anticipation of holidays or the change of season and what can be learned from that. Just the other day I learned I’ve been using the term Indian Summer wrong.

It doesn’t bother me to be wrong. It’s an opportunity for me to learn something new and share it with you. Quite honestly, why are we online? Isn’t it to learn something new that we can then share with friends and family? That’s true for me and also for me to put here and on my other websites. I’m always wanting to add something new to my websites.

Today, I learned we may get some rain. I was a bit surprised when I went outside and saw that it was overcast and not as hot as was predicted a few days ago. I guess it is true, the best way to predict the weather is to go outside. Well, I’ll believe it’s raining when I experience it.

My websites are actually no different from the department or grocery stores that anticipate season change and upcoming holidays. Well, I don’t have inventory to put on the shelves and I didn’t have to place orders in advance, but I have been saving some posts to publish closer to the season.

This may surprise you, if you’ve been following this blog regularly. I’ve touched on Halloween and Christmas. Yes, it may be my excuse of giving you time to prepare, but you’ve probably guessed that it’s because I’m just like a kid — I can’t wait.

Fifth, I love paper crafts. I love printing them out, cutting them out, folding and gluing pieces in place. It amazes me how it does come together nicely. It’s also a good project to do with the kids. They’ll learn how to follow directions and in the end have something to show for their efforts.


Since we’re into Back-to-School mode, I wanted to add this great Skoolhouse from Ray Keim’s Haunted Dimensions. He also has some other great houses on his website you may enjoy printing out and making for a special Halloween display.

As I remember he has a lot of Disneyland/DisneyWorld buildings along with The Bates House from the old Alfred Hitchcock movie Psycho. There’s Amityville, too. And he has a new one of The Colonial Theater where the classic movie The Blog took place. These are all excellent, but I’m excited about the old Skoolhouse — although mine didn’t look like this, I can relate as you and your children can. School was a huge part of our lives and will be part of your children’s lives for quite a few years.

I was going to add a few more, but sometimes it’s best to stop before I go overboard.

Thanks you for stopping by and reading this post. Please leave me a comment.


Do You Get Inspired By An Image?

It Depends Upon The Image . . .pumpkin-field

For me, nothing is more inspiring than a field of bright orange pumpkins. And the fallen leaves . . .

I do love fall . . . and all that goes along with it . . . the crunch of leaves underfoot, the fresh crisp smell when the season changes . . . the cool nights and the cooler days . . . I love wearing sweaters and going to the various places that sell pumpkins right out of their pumpkin patch.

There are the hay rides, Halloween Parties and, of course, Halloween — and with that comes the carving of pumpkins . . . the nights in front of a fire . . . the ghost stories . . .

I may cheat this year and re-read the Legend of Sleepy Hollow. I usually save it for Halloween, but for some reason I want to get back into that story. It is a classic and has become a tradition at my house.

I even enjoy watching the Disney cartoon of it. It’s nice to revisit these characters . . . it doesn’t matter that I know what is going to happen, it is still an exciting story I can read over and over again.

Just like other stories you may never tire of reading or hearing again and again.

I may be torturing myself by bringing up this picture, but it is always nice to anticipate what is to come. I do find it relaxing and tranquil.

I know of people who absolutely love Christmas as much as I love fall . . . they begin planning their decorating and begin shopping early. We do anticipate what makes us feel good. Fall has that special thing for me.

I also know of some who are enjoying their summer. This is their season! They love the hot weather and going to the beach. They’re totally caught up in the season and savoring the BBQs and the camping and all that summer has to offer. It is truly invigorating to them. And the telling of ghost stories while sitting in front of an open fire. There is something about being outdoors, maybe in the woods and being inspired by the dark shadows of the night . . . and the shadows cast beyond the light of the campfire.

We all have our favorite season, some love them all and take them as they come . . . and enjoy every bit of each one from start to finish . . .

Without spring and summer, we wouldn’t have the great harvest in the fall . . . Thanksgiving wouldn’t be the same now would it?

I do love Thanksgiving, but it does seem to get crowded out by Halloween and Christmas . . . sure we celebrate it, but it does seem to be a “filler” rather than an honest to goodness holiday we thoroughly enjoy.

Look at how Black Friday has moved to Thanksgiving Day . . . all to get the great bargains to kick off the Christmas Season.

I am much too old fashioned to give up my Thanksgiving for bargain shopping. I love the time with family and friends.

If I want a head start on Christmas, I do my shopping in July and August. Those are the times that feel right for me. I also stock up at the end of the season sales, too. That’s when I believe I’ve really gotten bargains. Yes, things may be picked over, but many times others have waited, too. It does seem like a fresh selection of ornaments and decorative pieces for next year. It’s just remembering where I put them . . .

We’ve really changed how we shop . . . with the internet. I remember reading somewhere that with all the mobile devices we think of shopping every time we go online. Is that true? Is that how you feel? Is that what you do?

It’s an interesting concept. I need to think about it and watch what I do each time I go online. I believe I check my email and do research for my blog posts, but deep down I may have masked over my desire to shop . . .

It does make sense. I do a lot of shopping online. I prefer it to going out in the summer heat and traffic . . . I feel as though I’m helping those who do need to go out to do their school shopping . . . I’m not taking up a parking place they could use.

Shopping online has become a natural thing to do. Check out various prices without running all over town. Many times we do this research, then, instead of buying it online, we go out, buy it and pick it up and bring it home.

I don’t know if this is happening in your neighborhood, but some stores are merely showrooms. They are there with merchandise, but you’re going to have to order it . . . that seems a waste, but it is helpful to see it before you buy it. That has been my experience for quite a number of years with furniture. It’s rare that I see something and I can have it delivered in a few days. There’s been that lag time of three weeks minimum.

So, the concept of shopping online is becoming much more appealing.

I do hope you’re enjoying your summer and anticipating the holidays to come . . . or you may be just too busy enjoying your various summer activities or getting the kids ready for a new school year . . .

Thanks for stopping by!

Please leave me a comment.

Sharon, Owner of

It’s Going To Be A Hot One Today

Yes, I’m talking about the weather!summerwallpaper

In my little corner of the universe it may get 110°F today. Fortunately, I have no plans other than working on my websites and taking care of my precious Diva. We’ll be out from time to time in the backyard . . . but other than that we’ll be indoors with the air conditioning and a fan circulating the air.

I may have mentioned a time or two that I’m doing a Boot Camp with the Affiliate Marketing group I’ve joined and been a member of for the past year . . . Since February, 2014. I now have 5 websites . . . my newest one is is about Affiliate and Internet Marketing as a broad topic. I review products of the work at home on-line variety. There are still scams out there, so beware. It’s a shame how too many people are out to get money from people who don’t have money to waste on tomfoolery.

I’m learning quite a lot about keywords and found a program for screen capture. I’m working on making Power Point Videos . . . I found a lesson on that from changing a slide show to a video. I need to check into that.

It’s truly amazing what is available to learn on-line and getting free software or apps that will do some amazing things. But, Power Point is a paid program . . . I got it with Word . . . I love having a word processing software. Office Word is still quite popular which seems surprising to me, but there are students who still use it and I’m definitely old school when it comes to the computer. I’m not up on the newest, greatest and latest.

I enjoy my blogs and learning something new each and every day. 

Now, back to the weather, we’re into August, the hottest month of the year, but we do get some warm days up until Fall, my favorite time of year — how many times have you heard me say that? And, of course, I’m going to mention that false fall that gets my hopes up . . . only to be dashed with another hot spell we call IndianSummer1Indian Summer.

I do wonder where the term Indian Summer came from and if I’m using it right. So a little research was in order.

I have found I’m in error. It usually occurs between November 11 through November 20. But that’s on the east coast . . . here in Southern California we get a bit of a cold spell and then warm weather kicks in during late September and through October . . . but the evenings do cool down quite a bit . . . which has been happening this summer as well. We’ve had a few warm nights though.

The term goes back to the early settler in New England. In late October they would welcome the arrival of cold winter-like weather allowing them to leave their stockades unarmed. Then it would suddenly turn warm again. The Native Americans would take advantage of this change in the weather and have another go at the settlers. So, the settlers named this last go around “Indian Summer.”

Isn’t is great to learn something new?

Thanks for stopping by! 

Be sure to leave me a comment with your thoughts about Indian Summer.

Sharon, Owner of

Summertime News

I’ve been building another website.DTDM1

I guess I do get a bit bored and look into things to do. I really don’t need another website — this is #5. It’s about the internet marketing community I belong to. I thought since I was part of it, I should promote it. They have a Boot Camp program of instructional videos. I’ve really been into those and following through with the tasks they place in front of me. I thought I could always learn something new. It does take time away from my other 4 websites. I’m doing a bit of a catch-up now. I need to keep my priorities straight and not allow the new website to take over.

If you’re interested in building your own website and earning some passive income, you may want to sign-up as a FREE Starter Member. You can look around and see if this would be right for you. My new website is: It’s new, I’ve just started with it, but you may find it interesting. I have some pages and posts with information you may find interesting.

I found this place that has discount prices on books — I have a Kindle, but I have friends with Nooks.

There are plenty of free titles you may want to check out. It’s FREE and you fill out your interests and everyday they have a selection from which you can choose — and many of the titles/books are FREE you can put in your Kindle or Nook. I don’t know how many free books I added to my Kindle for my summer reading. Here’s the link:

I tried out a new recipe!!

Here’s a Summer Veggie Salad You Grill on the BBQGrilled-Summer-Salad

Recipe makes 6 – 8 Servings


  • 3 large assorted bell peppers, cut in 1-1/2 inch strips
  • 1-1/2 pounds of your favorite squash, cut in 1/3 inch strips
  • 1 medium red onion, cut in 1/4 inch thick rounds
  • 1 loaf French Bread, cut crosswise into 1 inch thick cubes
  • extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 clove of garlic, peeled

Now for the Dressing:

  • 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon grated lemon peel
  • 1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 pound heirloom tomatoes
  • 1/4 cup fresh parsley, chopped
  • 1/4 cup basil or herb of your choice

Let’s Get This Salad Put Together:

  1. For the salad: Prepare the bbq medium heat.
  2. Brush both sides of bell peppers, squash, onion and bread slices lightly with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Grill vegetables until tender and brown — approximately 4 minutes per side for peppers and squash and 3 minutes per side of onions.
  4. Grill the bread until browned and crisp, turning occasionally. Cool, then rub with cut sides of garlic. Tear the bread into 3/4 inch pieces and place in a large bowl. Chop the garlic you were using and toss that in the bowl.
  5. Cut the grilled vegetables into 1 inch pieces and add to the bowl with the bread and garlic.
  6. For the dressing: Whisk first 3 ingredients in a small bowl to mix.
  7. Gradually whisk in 1/3 cup oil. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
  8. Add the dressing, tomatoes with juices and all remaining ingredients into the salad and toss.
  9. Let it stand for 20 minutes allowing the bread and veggies to soak up the dressing.

It was easy and you’ll love it!

Hot New Releases

It’s always good to know what’s new and what’s hot!

Why is it that we’re always competing for the newest and the best? Do we really want it? Is it to impress our friends and family? Do we really need it?

Well, I think it’s best for you to bookmark the link above so you’ll always be in the know of what is new and what is hot so you can be on top of what is available and make a decision, not based on emotion, but on the value and you just may be the first in your circle of friends and family to snag it at the best possible price before they’ll be on store shelves.

You see, you and only you know what your friends and family want for gifts. You know what is best for you and usually the best gifts are those that you try out yourself and use . . . and see the envy in the eye of others . . . That way, you know they really, really, truly want it. That’s the secret to giving the best gifts for all your friends and family.

You know, there is always one picky relative that you just can’t seem to get a handle on . . . well, sure you can sit down and have a nice little chat over a nice cup of coffee or tea . . . but you can ask for his/her advice on some of the greatest and newest products . . . this may be a valuable wish list you never knew this picky relative really, truly wanted. This is how I come up with winners every single time. And my gifts are usually the most anticipated.

This is my secret . . . I’m sure you have some of your own . . .

The link above is invaluable. The products change regularly . . . so there will always be something new and hot to consider for either yourself or your friends and family.

Happy shopping!!

Thanks for stopping by.