by Sharon | Oct 10, 2018
A neighbor was doing major repairs on his house.
He is not the kind of person who would admit to having spirits in his house, but he had to admit something strange was going on since he began major construction by adding a second story to his home.
His wife was much more open minded and we started talking. I was on my way to my favorite coffee shop and she said she would meet me there.
I was surprised when her husband was with her when they walked up to the counter to place their order. I was sitting with my friend Barbara and her nephew and his girl friend.
I asked Bob how he liked camping out in his backyard. I thought this was the best way to get a conversation going. He said he felt like a kid. They had access to the house, but they set up a tent in their backyard to escape the dust and construction mess.
He even admitted to imagining their fire pit was a campfire and he and his wife Millie would tell scary stories.
Barbara asked if they were having any disturbances in the house.
She explained that all houses have spirits and those that take up residence don’t like change and new construction is something that threatens them.
Bob admitted they had problems with the architect and getting the stairway and the upstairs lay out the way they wanted it. Then there was the plumber who couldn’t get the upstairs baths working. Electrical was a problem, too. Mirrors kept breaking. Tools kept disappearing. Workers could hear talking or music or heavy footsteps. Inspectors wouldn’t arrive when scheduled. When they did come, they wouldn’t sign off the work.
They were well behind schedule. Workers refused to come. They reported being pushed and being watched. They also knew they weren’t welcome and their tool boxes would be dumped out or thrown across a room. Many quit, even though they needed the work, but they felt their life was in danger.
Millie was tired of camping out in the backyard, but she, too, started feeling uncomfortable in the house. They were close to throwing in the towel.
I suggested they speak with a psychic friend of mine to find out what was going on in the house.
I expected resistance and scoffing, but Bob jumped at the opportunity to get to the bottom of this and see what spirits were in the house and let them know who was boss.
I didn’t point out that Bob and Millie were camping out in their backyard afraid to spend any time in their house while the spirits were having a great time in the house.
We were invited to participate in a séance one evening.
When I arrived, Barbara, her husband, nephew and his girlfriend were already there. The psychic was running late. I could hear heavy footsteps upstairs. There were lights turning on and off throughout the house. I also heard water running upstairs. I expected it to flow down the staircase, but that didn’t happen.
It was a spooky place.
When the psychic arrived, we took our places around the dining room table. I noticed my chair kept moving and others were having a similar experience. The table moved. I brought my legs up into the chair to sit with them crossed as though I was sitting on the floor. I noticed others were readjusting themselves as well.
Bob’s chair tipped backward and he went crashing to the floor.
We were all a bit shaken up by that and decided to leave the table. We went out to the patio and sat talking while the psychic walked through the house.
There was a little boy who appeared, floated to Bob and kicked him in the shins. A little girl pulled Millie’s hair. I couldn’t believe it was ghosts of children who were causing all the trouble.
The children didn’t like the new construction. They didn’t like people in their house.
The psychic explained that they were of another time and needed to leave and join their parents who were waiting for them. They didn’t want to go. She explained that their friends were probably there, too. But nothing she said persuaded them to go.
I asked if they knew they were dead.
They ignored my question, but said they were told to stay in the house while their father drove their mother to the hospital. Evidently, they never returned and the children were trying their best to obey what their father had told them.
We needed to do some research about the house and the family that lived there. We weren’t going to have a séance that night or maybe any night.
I found it interesting how this construction brought the spirits out. There were others who had lived in the house without any disturbances. I wondered if that was possible. I also wondered why the children were there alone. Surely if something happened to the parents, relatives would have taken the children. It didn’t seem to make any sense.
Millie was finally able to get some answers about the early history of the house.
The parents of the children were going to the hospital, but they didn’t make it there. The children, instead of staying in the house as they were told to do were out running around the neighborhood. They ventured up into the hills and couldn’t find their way home in the dark. There were rumors the children were attacked by coyotes.
Once the ghost children were confronted with the truth, they talked with the psychic and explained how they tried to be obedient children believing their father would return home and in a few days their mother, too, with their new baby brother or sister. They were upset that the construction destroyed the house and their parents bedroom and that of the baby’s room.
It took several weeks before the children agreed to go into the light as instructed by the psychic. They realized that their behavior had nothing to do with the fate of their parents, but there were definite consequences that cut their lives short.
Today, Bob and Millie are delighted with the addition to their house. They are comfortable, but do think about the young family that lived in the house so many years before and what happened to the children as they were wandering in the hills.
The good news I can take from this story is that I have neighbors who believe in ghosts!!
It’s always disturbing to learn that the ghosts in your house are those of children.
And, yet, amusing that these young children haunted this house so successfully that they scared so many adults.
They have crossed-over and there was a happy ending. I do love it when I can share a Real Ghost Story with you that has a happy ending.
Thanks for stopping by!
by Sharon | Oct 8, 2018
You always have to be careful buying previously owned products.
Jerry and Kathy’s daughter and son-in-law were going abroad on a working vacation. Their two young granddaughters wanted to visit their grandparents. Kathy was delighted to have her granddaughters visit, but she wasn’t sure how to keep them busy and occupied.
Jerry was looking through the ads and saw a children’s playhouse for sale. He called about it, got the address and he and Kathy went out to take a look. The man who was selling it gave them a great deal with all custom furnishings included. He had a flatbed trailer he used to deliver it to them.
They should have realized something was wrong when the man was so eager to load it up on his flatbed and follow them home and set it up for them. Jerry only thought about how much fun his granddaughters would have.
The men set it up under the shade of the old oak tree as Jerry instructed.
It looked lovely there. Jerry set a paving stone walkway to the playhouse from the patio. He also set up an intercom system from the playhouse into the kitchen.
The playhouse was quite large. It had furniture in it so his granddaughters could have tea parties at the table and chairs and there was also floor space with a rug and a miniature sofa and stuffed chairs. There was a built-in window seat under one window where Kathy put some toys, books, coloring books and crayons. They also set up some chairs and planted some flowers around the little playhouse. It was a labor of love.
Jerry and Kathy were quite happy with what they had set up until . . .
The intercom was making screeching sounds. Jerry thought some animal got into the playhouse. He went out to investigate, but found nothing. When he returned to the house, settled in his easy chair to read a good book, he heard moaning coming through the intercom. Once again, he went out to investigate. Nothing.
Before their granddaughters arrived, Kathy smudged the playhouse and all the furnishings. She also invited a psychic friend to check it out.
During the day, the intercom was quiet, but at night there were noises that Kathy and Jerry couldn’t explain. There were what they thought were animal sounds, but they also heard whispering. When Kathy looked out and saw the playhouse glowing from the inside, she was ready to call the people who sold it to them and have them take it back.
After all the work they’d done and the cute playhouse she knew her granddaughters would love, Kathy called in a priest to bless it.
On the day of the blessing, she heard screams, growls and eerie music coming from the playhouse. The priest suggested they get rid of it before the grandchildren came.
Jerry and Kathy were disappointed. Jerry called the man he bought it from and asked if they would take it back. The man was reluctant to do so. Jerry asked if they would take it to the dump for him — he’d pay them.
The men came. The playhouse let out its disapproval, but the men finally got it loaded on the flatbed.
Kathy didn’t remove the toys and other items she put in the window box. She was afraid they were tainted by whatever was in the playhouse.
Jerry left the intercom he set up in the kitchen with the other unit still in the playhouse. They heard what they could only describe as sinister laughing. Now Kathy wondered if their house was haunted by whatever was in the playhouse. She called the priest.
Jerry removed the intercom from the kitchen and put it out in the trash. The priest came to bless their house.
Their daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughters came to visit. They had the most frightening night anyone had ever experienced.
After dinner, while Kathy and her daughter were cleaning up, the girls went out in the backyard to play on the patio. Jerry and his son-in-law watched a ball game on television. The girls came running in screaming that something mean was out there.
Once the girls were settled down and put to bed. Jerry told his daughter and son-in-law about the playhouse they bought and the creepy sounds they heard from it.
The son-in-law was a skeptic, but after the nightmares he experienced and upon waking what he saw and heard, he was a believer. There were nonhuman and human-type entities in the bedroom. He was dragged out of bed and flung around the room. He had no idea what was happening. He just knew he was scared and beat up quite badly.
As he sat on the floor, he could feel and hear these entities sniffing him. He tried to call out to his wife, but nothing came out. There was a knock on the bedroom door and a sinister voice shouted, “Keep Out!”
Jerry couldn’t open the door. He started pounding on it waking up the whole household.
Kathy took the granddaughters into the kitchen and fixed them some hot chocolate.
The smoke alarms went off. There was a fire in the bedroom where the son-in-law and daughter were trapped. They managed to get out a window. Jerry, Kathy and the children were out in the front yard waiting for the fire truck. They were relieved when their daughter and son-in-law joined them.
They lost their house and all their possessions that night. Needless to say Jerry and Kathy didn’t get to have an extended visit with their granddaughters. They went to Europe with their parents.
Years later, the family discussed that night. The girls didn’t remember much about it other than the hot chocolate and the fire. Their father still had nightmares about that night.
All of this chaos, caused by a haunted playhouse.
Whoa — Creepy enough for you? I was saving this Real Ghost Story for predicted Thunder Showers that did not materialize. I guess there’s no predicting the weather. So, I’m letting this be a lesson not to schedule my ghost stories around the weather … yet I thought that would be a lovely background …
Anyway, this isn’t about me … but that creepy playhouse. I remember when I was looking for a house to purchase, there was a children’s playhouse in the backyard. It was cute and the upkeep on it was beautiful … but I noticed the little girls who lived in the house with their parents did not once go inside of it … I then remembered this story about Kathy and Jerry …
I didn’t ask the realtor about it nor inquire with the homeowners … I just left without looking through the entire house … they may have thought it rude of me, but I didn’t feel comfortable and didn’t want to purchase a paranormal nightmare.
We do need to be careful when purchasing previously owned furniture, toys, etc. as well as homes — just saying …
Thanks for stopping by!
by Sharon | Oct 2, 2018
College kids and ghost hunting seem to go together — especially with a media assignment.
I was at my local coffee shop when some college kids came in all excited about an assignment they had to film something. They could have done a political ad or some documentary about just about anything. They decided to go on a ghost hunt to a local elementary school. People have said that at night the swings are swinging and some claim to have seen ghostly children at play. They decided it was better than being in a spooky cemetery or in some other known haunted area.
My friend Barbara and I were invited to go along, but we passed. We thought the kids should enjoy the experience on their own. They were a little nervous about it, but they possessed that youthful enthusiasm I had to admire. I did encourage them to tell me about their experience the next morning.
The next morning they came in tired and a bit down.
They recorded or tried to record the swings swinging, but the cameras wouldn’t work. I looked at one of the cameras they offered and noticed that they did get something.
“Look, off to the side,” I pointed out. “It looks like a ghostly teacher on yard duty supervising the ghostly children.”
“Oh, I see it!” One girl squealed. “Let’s go again tonight and see if we get anything else.”
They were off to class to share what they found with their instructor.
Once again a tired group of college students came to share their ghost hunting experience.
The children on the swings didn’t appear, but the swings were swinging. They captured a little boy with a bat resting on his shoulder as he walked out in the field. They also captured girls jumping rope.
It seemed like a success for their first ghost hunting experience, but they were going out again to get the kids on the swings.
Barbara and I didn’t see the kids the next morning. As a matter of fact we didn’t see them again for about a week.
These students were so determined to capture ghostly children on the swings that they got a bit carried away and decided to have a séance in the playground near the swings. They did this on their own without having a psychic or someone who knew about holding a séance. They believed they could do it on their own from all the movies they’ve seen. They did want to capture it all on tape for their media assignment.
Once they got their candles in place and got themselves seated they began. It didn’t take long for the swings to start swinging. They needed to move out of the way, but they remained where they were not to disturb the spirits and what the camera was capturing.
It didn’t take long for the swings to begin attacking the students and they went running off leaving their candles and cameras behind.
They began seeing spirits wherever they went. They felt as though they were being watched. They decided to stay away from each other and places where they usually went. The problem was going to class and also going into the dorms.
They came in the coffee shop with their personal experiences to share.
“We opened up something,” one remarked.
“How do we make it go away?” was the question on their minds.
“I can’t sleep,” another explained. “There’s something at the foot of my bed watching me.”
Barbara told them to seek professional help and gave them a list of people to call.
One of the college students was sitting off by himself at another table. He had vacant eyes. He was carrying on a conversation with something we couldn’t see.
It wasn’t long after the college students left that something fell in the back room. Several coffee shop personnel ran outside. Barbara and I decided to join them. When we inquired what happened, one young woman remarked that something was in there. “It kept touching me,” she said.
Great, now my favorite coffee shop was haunted.
There are spirits around us all the time. We have been warned about Ouija Boards and calling on spirits when we don’t know what we’re doing. Ghost hunting looks like fun when we’re in the comfort of our own homes watching it on television or YouTube. The big difference is that these programs are documenting events as they happen, not calling out spirits.
That, initially, was what these college students were doing, but as they admitted they got carried away. They wanted to see the ghosts of children on the swings. That was the purpose of the media assignment. They discounted the ghostly apparitions they did capture on film.
The thing is, ghosts don’t appear on demand. They may be there, but it doesn’t mean we’ll see them, hear them, or be able to record them. We should be grateful for what they allow us to capture and not demand more — it could cause trouble as the college students admitted to experiencing.
I didn’t see that college kid who was sitting off by himself and conversing with something we couldn’t see in the coffee shop again. Hopefully, he got some professional help.
I haven’t been by that elementary school where the kids were recording in years — it’s a bit out of town and admittedly creepy to go out there. I remember hearing about the place and going out there when I was in high school.
The swings did swing for us … we did hear faint sounds of running feet and children laughing. At the time I didn’t know if it was real or my imagination kicking in … but when I did see the marks in the dirt of where a jump rope had been turned and small shoe prints, I became a believer. And also a bit sad to realize the number of small children who died young … At least they have this old playground …
Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed this Real Ghost Story.
by Sharon | Sep 29, 2018
Our local library has a colorful history of being haunted.
Two librarians died in the library under unusual circumstances. One hung herself from the attic rafters and another was battered to death by a book cart. Spend a little time there and you’ll hear footsteps, feel as though you’re being watched, see ghostly apparitions browsing the stacks or sitting and reading, see runaway book carts and ghostly children sitting with young children during story time.
It’s a lively place with a history that very few people discuss. On overcast rainy days it’s not a place where you want to be — yet it is ideal for relaxing with a good gothic tale — especially with what is going on in the library. Seriously, I prefer being home on such days in my comfortable chair with a lap robe and my Kindle, but I digress.
I was at my local coffee shop on such an overcast rainy day and I met Graham who had a story to tell about his college library.
He and four of his friends worked at the library. They were given the task one evening after closing to clean the third floor, which was believed to be the most haunted area of the library. They did split up to cover the area.
Immediately Graham felt a kind of static electricity surrounding him. He was uncomfortable, but he didn’t want to alert his friends.
When the lights started blinking, Graham and his friends became concerned.
“Maybe we should leave,” one of his friends said. “I don’t want to be stuck up here in the dark.”
He was teased a bit about being afraid of the dark, but they all felt the cold air that blew throughout the area. Graham looked around and saw a middle aged man dressed in a dark suit carrying a couple of books and looking in the stacks.
When he first started working in the library, the librarian told him about an English professor who haunted the library. At the time Graham accepted it, but didn’t think much of it. He believed in the paranormal, but he didn’t think it odd that college professors wouldn’t be haunting the library from time to time or the lecture halls or classrooms. So when he saw the gentleman ghost, he assumed it was the English prof.
As the spirit moved around, the lights blinked. The elevator chimed and the doors opened. Graham and his friends stood still watching and listening. No one came out of the elevator and no one went in, but the doors closed and the elevator moved down.
Books were falling from the shelves from various areas. Graham wondered if a group of spirits got off the elevator to mess with them. A book cart slowly rolled towards them. When Graham reached out to stop it, it picked up speed with Graham taking a ride on this runaway cart. It headed for the elevator. When Graham thought he would crash into it, the door opened. On the ride up and then down he could hear soft laughter. He wondered if this was an reenactment of a fraternity hazing that happened a number of decades previous.
He tried to remember this particular incident. Did it happen in the library? He remembered that it did involve books, but a book cart . . . Graham closed his eyes to think. He took a few deep breaths. When he opened his eyes he had a vision of a young man blindfolded with hands and feet bound with a rope. He was on a book cart, bumping along a path pushed by young men in long coats. Each one yelling insults at the one on the cart.
Up ahead near a tall tree was another man making a noose from a coil of rope.
“What do we have here, boys?” he said.
“A horse thief,” was the reply.
“Well now, you know what we do with horse thieves, don’t you?”
The noose was put over the young blindfolded man’s head. He was removed from the book cart and raised just a few inches in the air. If he stretched out, his feet would have touched the ground, but he was so scared . . .
The cause of death was not hanging, but . . . could one die from being scared to death? That seemed to be what happened.
From the research Graham did, he found that each of the young men involved in this hazing incident all died within a year. Was this revenge . . . or guilt?
Of the six fraternity brothers involved, two fell down the elevator shaft, three hung themselves on the third floor, and one was crushed to death under the weight of fallen bookshelves.
They were destined, so it seemed, to play out their deed for eternity.
Residual hauntings can’t harm the living, but they can be frightening. I’d rather see the old English Professor than these frat boys any day.
I hope you enjoyed this Real Ghost Story.
Thanks for stopping by!
by Sharon | Sep 26, 2018
There are plenty of old houses where I live. I sometimes get a weird feeling from houses, just passing by them.
Some are inviting and others feel creepy and I don’t even want to look at them. Has this happened to you?
I believe every house has the potential of being haunted. Not scary haunted, just having a previous owner who has passed still living there. It starts out with a feeling of being watched. Then you may feel cold or increasingly uncomfortable. Depending upon the spirit, you can either feel welcome or unwelcome. I have walked into houses and immediately wanted to leave. It’s awkward when you’re invited to dinner and just don’t want to stay another second. You truly believe something horrible will happen to you if you do stay. Sometimes you see something out of the corner of your eye. You know you’re not imagining it, but you do shrug it off. You don’t want to say anything, not everyone shares your belief in the paranormal. And, honestly, how do you tell a friend that their house is creepy?
The interesting thing is when you do make contact with a ghost, who doesn’t know he or she is dead.
There have been times when I’ve talked with a ghost and didn’t know it was a ghost. It thought I was a ghost.
I was looking to buy a house a number of years ago. There was a great open house that served food and allowed potential buyers to look around and get a “feel” of the house. I suppose it was a way of imagining how it would feel to live there as opposed to most open houses where they invite you in, quickly show you around and out the door you entered.
It was a friendly crowd who were sitting around enjoying the buffet. I wasn’t sure how many realtors were there and how many were potential buyers. It didn’t matter to me. I was enjoying the setting and was curious about other homes in the area they may have seen. For me, it seemed to be a way of comparing notes of different houses in different price ranges.
I noticed an elderly woman standing off to the side with an unpleasant expression on her face. She seemed to be upset about something. Being a curious person, I walked by her and stood close by, but not too close.
She immediately said, “Why are all these people here?”
I told her it was an open house.
She said there must be some mistake, she wasn’t selling her house. She also explained that no one would listen to her. “These people came early and started setting things up and snooping all over the house. They woke me up at the crack of dawn.”
Then she got a really frightened expression on her face. She was sure her house was haunted by these “party makers.”
Well, I’m not one to tell her they were real. At the moment I didn’t know I was talking to a ghost.
Later, my realtor was asking me why I was standing there talking to myself.
Fortunately, she shared my belief in ghost so I told her I was talking to the previous owner who didn’t know she was dead and didn’t want to sell her house.
She left to talk with the realtor who was hosting this open house. We did make a hasty retreat. He was probably afraid I would tell his potential buyers the place was haunted.
I can only imagine how the family that moves into that house are going to feel to have a resident ghost who doesn’t want them there.
Well, I’m usually at my local coffee shop, if they wish to talk . . . I wonder how the dear old woman is coping . . .
Thanks for stopping by!
I hope you liked this real ghost story and it got you thinking about the paranormal.
by Sharon | Sep 20, 2018
This is the creepiest thing imaginable!
I don’t know anyone who would want to see a figure in their rear view mirror on a dark road late at night, but this is exactly what happened to John as he was returning home from a weekend at his cabin.
The radio was on Coast to Coast AM which is a talk radio program where they have guests discuss all kinds of topics, but especially about the paranormal and UFOs. It was a favorite of John’s. He enjoyed hearing about the experiences of others. It was better than the news and politics. This was his escape from all of that. He was listening to it while packing up to return home and continued listening in his car.
It was approaching midnight. The road was deserted and dark. His headlights cut through the darkness ahead of him. The radio program was about UFOs. John thought this would be the perfect time and setting to see something strange in the sky. Instead, he saw something white fly across the road in front of him. He immediately broke out in goose bumps.
He calmed himself by saying it was an owl. He tuned the radio to another station to listen to music. He wasn’t in the mood to have his imagination fed with a discussion of UFO abductions.
Before John got on the freeway for home, he decided to stop for a cup of coffee and a hamburger.
He heard something move in the backseat.
He adjusted his rear view mirror to see what had fallen when he got the scare of his life.
There was a child in a car seat and next to him was a woman he had never seen before. He didn’t know how they got into his car. He immediately pulled off the road to investigate.
When he turned around, the back seat had nothing except what he placed there.
He forgot about getting coffee and got on the freeway heading for home. Periodically, he checked his rear view mirror, but there were no people in his back seat.
When he arrived home, he checked his email and did a google search for any accidents on the road. He did find one of a young mother with her young son.
To this day he’s disturbed by this incident. A part of him wants to see those ghostly figures again.
John has become obsessed with this woman and her son. He found out that she was looking for property in the mountains. She was recently divorced and wanted to relocate. Unfortunately, according to her family she found nothing appropriate in her price range and was on her way to her parents house when the accident occurred.
Strange as it is, this accident occurred three years to the day of these ghostly apparitions appearing in John’s car.
Residual haunting? It would appear so. Let me know your thoughts by leaving a comment below.
I hope you did enjoy this Real Ghost Story.