by Sharon | Dec 21, 2015
What Does Christmas Feel Like To You?
For me, Christmas is colder temperatures . . . not snow cold, because I don’t get snow regularly during the winter . . . just at odd extreme times.
There is something about having a wet Christmas rather than a white Christmas. I doubt “I’m Dreaming of a Wet Christmas” would be a very good song. But this may indeed be what I’ll be experiencing this year.
It’s mainly about the sharing, caring and giving to family, friends and even neighbors. Also about greetings of goodwill for all. Having a happy disposition. And spreading good cheer to all we encounter on our rushing around this Christmas week.
Life does feel wonderful when we’re out and about on our various errands. My thoughts go to family and friends who are no longer with us. I do believe they are celebrating this glorious Christmas season together and with me.
My traditions are their traditions . . . taught to me and practiced when we were all together. It is a good time . . . even remembering those who are no longer with us . . . it doesn’t have to be sad and taint our Christmas celebration.
We all have precious memories we do cherish and honor not just at Christmas, but all year round. It may be a bit melancholy, but it doesn’t have to be . . . it is all a matter of perspective.
This Is The First Christmas I’m Sharing With My Precious Yorkshire Terrier Diva.
She’s a great little girl that I absolutely adore. So loving and funny in her excitement of every day being special. She may not understand Christmas, but she knows something is different with a Christmas tree and decorations . . . she may feel the excitement of what is hiding in her stocking . . .
I believe we can learn a lot from our pets. It’s mainly universal love. Loving no matter what. And also seeing a new adventure in every single day. Each day is a wonderful gift . . . we must enjoy it and recognize it for what it is.
I know that some people experience loss during Christmas and at various times throughout the year. It always seems worse at Christmas.
I wish I had something wise and memorable to say to you . . . to give you comfort while you’re grieving . . . but although your heart is aching remember the good times . . . the journey you’ve shared and how you’ve grown and prospered because of knowing them.
We are loved. And we do love. That is special in and of itself. Love is very powerful. That’s what makes our pets seem human to us. It’s what the Christmas season is all about.
Take a moment to look back in loving memory . . . allow the love to come forth into your life . . . and live and thrive and give and enjoy this Christmas.
Think of all your blessings and how fortunate you truly are . . .
Every holiday is what you make it. And creating new memories that will brighten your life for years to come.
I Wonder Why People Watch Sad Movies At Christmas
I’m beginning to believe that with tears . . . our hearts are opened a bit wider to give more and to feel more.
That may seem strange. Just ask around and discover for yourself. Many people have a favorite Christmas movie they watch each and every Christmas. Ask them why . . . some will just say, “It’s our family tradition.”
But delve deeper, if you can . . . don’t be disappointed if they don’t know . . . but their tears are not negative at all . . . that seems to be a miracle. It could be a cleansing to a degree. I guess a good cry is healthy.
Maybe similar to laughter.
Have You Noticed The Number of Vlogs On YouTube?
There’s also that new vlog people share while driving home from work or just driving around.
It seems many of them are in their car . . . some may be home and sharing what they’re doing. Why is this “reality” thing so popular?
Do we really want to look into the homes, cars, errands of others?
What is fascinating about them?
They are fascinating with the number of subscribers they get . . . are these lives so different from yours?
Would you want to vlog your life?
Yes, I’ve watched many of them . . . just to see what they’re about. Some have interesting moments . . .
Maybe it is an escape from your life . . . or the sense of wanting to be part of something different . . . I don’t really know. I just admire people who sustain their vlogs for years . . . sharing their home life . . .
I couldn’t do it. I have my hands full with my blogs . . . and is this any different, really?
It does give me something to think about . . .
I’ve rambled on for quite some time with my random thoughts during this Christmas week. I hope yours is much more exciting . . . you may even vlog about it . . .
I wish you a very productive and delightful Christmas week,
by Sharon | Dec 19, 2015
Christmas Week Is Coming!!!
Yes, excitement is in the air!!!
I’ve been having dreams of candy canes and elves and a jolly fat man dressed in red with a long white beard. A huge sleigh and eight reindeer . . .
Families are gathering . . . the stores are bursting with activity with excited customers buying, buying, buying!!!
Everywhere you go there are happy smiling faces . . . children jumping, hopping and running . . . so full of energy and merriment. This is an exciting time for one and all.
Santa Claus Is Coming To Town Along With Family Members
Houses are decorated inside and outside.
Everywhere you look there are hints of what is to come for the whole family . . . good food and good company . . . and the anticipation of Santa’s visit.
It’s good . . . all good.
Toy Drives are in full swing for needy families . . . also Food Drives to make sure there is a nutritious Christmas meal for many families who would go without . . .
A feeling of goodwill towards all is abundant . . .
I do wonder about this Christmas Spirit that comes around this time of year. It would be nice to have it year round, but we do get caught up in our own family matters.
Does it really matter that children receive gifts? Does it really matter that a family have a grand Christmas dinner?
Isn’t it about family and spending quality time together . . . trimming the Christmas tree or the fireplace . . . and remembering the reason for the season?
Have we forgotten?
For many it is a myth. For others it is all too true . . . taking a leap of faith.
Are we caught up in the gift buying?
Looking Around My Neighborhood

Merry Christmas Wallpapers
Yes, the neighbors have put up their lights and light displays on the lawns.
All telling the arrival of Santa’s visit. This is great and wonderful for the children. I do get a kick out of it, too.
Tucked away is a manger scene or two . . . yes three, four . . .
There is a combination of the true meaning . . . and the commercialized version of Christmas.
Is there the celebration of Jesus’s birth . . . or is it about what’s under the Christmas tree?
It’s not my place to tell you how to celebrate Christmas. It is your holiday as much as it is mine. Celebrate it with your family however you wish. Or spend it alone and treat it like any other day of the year. It is your choice.
I do value the excitement. The lights and the outdoor displays. People have gone to a lot of work.
It is the last big celebration before the New Year.
Yes, We All Deserve A Grand Holiday
For many, this is the beginning of Christmas vacation.
Yes, there are politically correct labels placed on the season . . . but it is Christmas . . . and all that goes along with it . . . lights, a tree, presents, family and friends gathering . . . baking . . . cooking . . . all in anticipation of Christmas Eve and Santa’s visit . . .
Lots of preparation went into this celebration . . . all the planning and labor that went along with it . . .
We do it every year . . . so it is definitely worth it.
May this Christmas be everything you’ve thought it would be.
by Sharon | Dec 17, 2015
Winds Gusted Through My Yard
I was hearing bumps and bangs.
I knew it was my new neighbors next door. I listened as the sound moved around to the front of the house.
It sounded like footsteps, but more of a dragging . . .
Before my imagination could switch into high gear, I heard the first drops of rain on the roof.
The wind is still blowing, but I’m no longer concerned . . . it’s no two legged culprit out running amuck in my yard.
I Do Love Rainy Days
It’s my excuse to stay home.
But I do have groceries to buy . . .
I guess they can wait. Check out the pantry and freezer.
There’s a big boom of thunder. I jumped. Then the roar and rumble that seemed to go on and on . . . and the major flash of lightning . . . more thunder . . .
I shut down my laptop. I didn’t want to be involved with any electrical phenomenon.
The weather has calmed down considerably and we have some clouds, but mostly sunny.
As much as I love the rain and cooler temperatures, I do play it safe when there are electrical storms. I do love the sound of the rain and the rumbling of the thunder, but the lightning makes me a little nervous and I allow Mother Nature to do her thing and I’ll stay off line.]
It’s a good time to dig into a good book. There are plenty for all ages. And maybe doing a jigsaw puzzle will pass the time nicely and allows for conversation.
Of course I have a selection of good books and jigsaw puzzles for your family enjoyment. Reading aloud a favorite story is always fun. It may be interesting to have a jigsaw puzzle out, too. That way you can take turns reading and working on the puzzle.
Here are some great before Christmas rainy day stories and jigsaw puzzles for your family enjoyment:

These are in Kindle format so be sure to click hardcover or paperback if you want a printed book.
Now, for the jigsaw puzzles:

Some of these puzzles won’t be available until closer to Christmas. But there are plenty that are available now you can select. These are only my suggestions.
I don’t mind if my order comes after Christmas. It’s a way of keeping the season going a bit longer. And they’ll be available for next Christmas. These aren’t gifts. They’re to have around for my family and friends to enjoy while they’re visiting. And for rainy days in winter . . . and any time of year, actually.
This may seem strange, but sometimes during a hot summer day I like bringing out a jigsaw puzzle of snow and cold weather — even a Christmas theme . . . or Halloween . . . or any holiday for that matter. I don’t need to go along with the season. It’s all in the fun of reading a story or doing a jigsaw puzzle.
I have a friend who always does Christmas in July. She can’t wait to throw a party . . . she puts up a tree and we bring gifts and have a great feast with Christmas goodies. It’s fun and gives us two Christmas celebrations.
It’s always fun to create your own traditions.
Have a Very Merry Christmas!!
by Sharon | Dec 14, 2015
Lately I’ve Been Watching A Variety Of Christmas Movies
The unfortunate thing is that I don’t remember titles . . . or paid much attention to them.
After a while the themes or story lines seems to blend together . . .
I do like the movies that have to do with families. There was one where a young woman was to meet her fiance’s parents by spending Christmas with them. He had a business appointment and would meet her there.
Well, it so happened that the last name was the same as the last time of a man she met on the plane . . . her fiance’s name was Will and the man’s brother was Billy . . . but it seemed close enough for her and she joined the man to meet his parents . . . and they were having a lovely time . . .
Until Billy showed up . . . and Will the fiance called wondering where she was . . .
These mix up stories are always wonderful . . . yet embarrassing . . . and real heart breakers . . . Yet they’re always eye-openers when it comes to affairs of the heart . . . And the connection we make with others . . .
Movies May Have One Central Message . . .
But we do find so much more that is meaningful to us.
Yes, it is very subjective. It’s about finding common ground for friendship and love relationships . . . without that there is nothing . . . or to have shared interests in the movie I mentioned, but with differing attitudes.
In this movie, the woman owned an antique shop that was opened by her father . . . he since passed and it was left to her . . .
The fiance was a real estate big wig and he wanted to sell the shop to a high bidder . . .
The man on the plane appreciated old things and rebuilt an old clock or music box for his grandfather . . . which was lost in the baggage claim . . . and the woman lost her luggage . . .
Yes, they had a bit of a conflict at the “lost luggage” counter . . .
But besides their differences . . .
It is a lovely movie . . . one I’d watch again and would recommend to you, if only I could remember the title . . .
The message I received from this movie may be entirely different from the one you’d receive which makes it quite interesting and an excellent movie that relates to a wider audience.
It’s very much a romance than a love story . . .
I don’t want to give the ending away, but I may have let the cat out of bag unintentionally . . .
It’s difficult explaining something without giving too much away . . .
Generally, Christmas Movies Are Feel Good Movies
There is usually something for everyone.
I know the classics that everyone watches during Christmas . . . “A Christmas Carol”, “It’s A Wonderful Life” and there are probably a dozen or more others you may enjoy and watch each and every year without fail.
I like Dicken’s “A Christmas Carol” and I’ve found many remakes of the basic theme run through them. The message is always the same and it’s delightful to acknowledge it has withstood the “test of time.”
There are funny movies . . . and heart break movies . . . and some with a bit of nostalgia and even melancholy thrown in . . . there are various mixes that make for Christmas entertainment.
It is wonderful to live in a time where movies are made to capture a wide audience either on the wide screen of movies in theaters or small screen for home entertainment.
They also reach all age groups . . . which is always fun for family entertainment.
Christmas Is Family Time

There’s a lot of focus on Santa and gifts.
And Black Friday and getting a head start on gift buying.
For me, the gifts are nice, but it’s family quality time. That’s what I remember the most . . . not really the gifts . . . but those quiet moments when we’re all together . . . maybe lost in our own thoughts or talking quietly . . .
I suppose we all have our own memories which may be very different from mine . . . but a quiet walk or sitting by the fireplace quietly is very special to me . . . it doesn’t have to be grand, just knowing you’re safe and warm, wrapped up in the love of your family.
Have a Very Merry Christmas!
by Sharon | Dec 10, 2015
Do You Believe It?
Yes, the webinar I attended was 5 hours long with a 10 minute break.
There was time for questions and answers and clarification. That ate up some of the time, yet it was full of useful information. And my conclusion . . .
I’m going back to how it was before with a focus on holidays and crafts and whatever interests and amuses me.
I was leaning in that direction, but this webinar basically told me it was for the best . . . and my stats weren’t all that wonderful. That may have had some bearing on my decision.
I’m a blogger and is actually my favorite blog. But lately I wasn’t feeling that great about it.
This webinar also showed me how I do need to eliminate a few more blogs. It’s difficult to have so many of them and add to them regularly. So I’ve been messing up by splintering my focus.
It was interesting to learn that some people started a website not out of their passion, but because they thought they should do it in a particular way. That’s basically what happened to me with the changes I made.
Well, I found it wasn’t working for me . . . and obviously for you . . . so I’m back to doing my own thing and seeing if I can get you back or get a whole bunch of new people. I’m not claiming it will be “better.” It will be what I do and what I’ve done over the past year or so.
I want to just have fun again. That will make it enjoyable for all concerned.
Too Much Information
When I learn something new . . . it usually contradicts something I’ve learned . . . and I need to look at why it’s this way. Was there a change or is this a different type of blog?
Well, it is a different type of blog.
Quite honestly, it is the type of blog everyone on-line should strive to have, but that’s my opinion which may not be worth all that much.
All I know is that what I was doing wasn’t working and I’m going to go back to my own concept of what blogging is to me here at
Since This Is A New Post For Getting Back To Normal
I was thinking about a fun project the whole family would enjoy.
A picture basically says it all. So you decide what you’ll need to make them. This is going to be your family project.
You decide upon the size of candy cane, the size of marshmallows — I was thinking of using one of those jumbo marshmallows for the body and a regular sized one for the head.
In the picture the hat is a Hershey’s Kiss, but I was thinking of a Rolo or a mini Peanut Butter Cup. There’s the Twizler type of scarf you could make from a fruit roll up. Then add branch arms using a creative mix of Twizlers.
There’s M & M’s for the buttons, but you can use what you want. Also black frosting gel for the eyes and orange frosting gel for the nose. And some white frosting to stick the hat, eyes, nose and buttons on the marshmallows.
I think I pretty much have it covered, but you may have other ideas of your own.
It’s interesting to see what your kids create. They’re always better than what we think.
They can be eaten “as is” or dunked in hot chocolate. That should be a deliciously gooey mess that will delight the eye and the taste buds.
Enjoy this fun recipe for these delightful Snowmen On A Candy Cane.
by Sharon | Dec 5, 2015
So You Think This Is Going To Be About Sadness . . . Wrong!!!
I’m talking about hope.
With a whole lot of truth thrown in. You see, whenever you think of loved ones who have passed, they’re right here with you. It could be a physical touch or a sound in another room.
These are all reminders of those we loved and the connection is forever there.
We can grieve, but we’re also healing when we know there is no loss . . . at least in another form. Yes, our loved ones aren’t here to share that secret family recipe, but they are always present.
Making Me Rethink My Priorities
I was thinking of not putting up my Christmas tree this year.
Yet, I know how much a tree is a family tradition. It may not mean a lot to me, but it means everything to them.
So, Christmas and other holidays aren’t about you or me, but those who have influenced us and are now watching over us. This gives me a different perspective.
By putting forth the effort . . . just as they did for you . . . in the end will be the greatest gift you can give them . . . and a major gift to yourself. In honoring them and validating them, you’re benefiting from it as well.
Sure you have to put forth the effort . . . but remember how many times they put forth the effort for you when they didn’t feel like it.
Stop to think for a moment of all the sacrifices they’ve made for you.
You May Not Believe In The After Life
But it does exist.
You feel it. You think it. You don’t have to believe it to make it true.
We’re visited in dreams. We’ve felt that familiar touch of having your hair brushed from your forehead, ever so gently and lovingly. There are also playful tugging of your hair or a squeezed cheek . . . you instantly think of a loved one who has passed.
Yes, we do think of them more around the holidays. Yes, they are still around, watching us and protecting us.
They’re not judging. They want us to live our lives, to love, have joy and happiness. Not guilt, grief and sadness. Let go of all the what ifs, if onlys and should haves . . . it does no good. Lift that burden from your mind and shoulders this holiday season.
Honor your memories and celebrate the good times you had. Love is never=ending.
Just think about this . . . honestly . . . think of the strange or unusual things that have happened . . . coincidences . . . a sound or fragrance . . . a dream . . . something that reminded you of someone . . .
The list could go on and on, but this is your moment to remember and reconnect within yourself . . .
You may think I’m nuts . . . that’s fine . . . but with a few minutes of searching your memory of any unusual event . . . you’ll know . . .
Holidays Are To Be Celebrated
Over the years I’ve met many people who are extremely sad during the holidays.
They dwell on the loss of a loved one or a divorce or other form of break-up.
Those who have walked through their pain, loss and sadness have created holidays that suit them. Many people are alone . . . they are joyous and carefree . . . they made their holidays joyous. It’s not easy, but worth the effort.
It’s like having a make-over.
You’re making over the holidays. You’re creating new traditions that suit you and make you happy. You may be celebrating it alone, but you’re having a good time without expectations or obligations.
It’s a freedom I hear echoed by many. You’re free to eat what you want . . . relax and enjoy yourself however you wish.
Many don’t have a big meal. They break it up in small courses. Some begin with dessert . . . wouldn’t that be lovely!!! Life is truly grand without rules.
You can relax with a good book, watch the fire in the fireplace, drink a hot beverage, take a walk or stay in your pajamas all day.
It’s your new tradition of doing what pleases you . . .
And it can change from year to year. You can keep some traditions, but you can create new ones . . . just for you.
No matter how you celebrate this Christmas, make it meaningful and worthwhile for you . . . and your family.
I wish you much happiness this Christmas and throughout the New Year.