by Sharon | Sep 6, 2018
David bought a small house a year after his wife of 40 years passed.
He needed a change. The house was a constant reminder of the life he shared with his family — the children were grown with families of their own. So, David decided he needed to move on and maybe a new living environment would help him not be so lost and lonely.
In his new home, David. noticed the rooms were filled with junk from the previous owner. He phoned the realtor to see if they needed more time to remove all the old belongings they left. After an hour he received a call saying they took what they wanted and he could do as he pleased with what was left.
He busied himself disposing of all that was beyond repair and put other items into another spare room, for the next trash pick-up day. He also set aside some miscellaneous items to see if at a later date he might find a use for them.
He found a set of iron shelves he put on the wall as a bookcase, he used a couple of old chests to display his wine collection and used a sofa, chair, end tables and coffee table to balance things out a bit.
He was pleased there was a dining table with chairs already set up in the dining area and the kitchen still had dinnerware, silverware, and cookware in the cupboards.
He found an old bird cage he cleaned up and decided to put candles in.
He spent most of the day and evening putting together an old broken rocking chair.
He was sitting in the rocking chair and smelled honeysuckle. He wasn’t aware if any was planted outside, but he liked the scent and if not, he was going to definitely plant some outside.
He looked around the room, admiring all he accomplished and then wondered what was missing. He was positive something was missing. Consciously, this was the first time he started furnishing his house, but this was all odds and ends of another life, long ago — not David’s life. Was he remembering something? Was some entity there directing him?
He walked into the spare bedroom for anything he could add to his living room. He found a clock he could put on the mantle and some figurines of wild life.
When he arranged them on the mantle, he was feeling a bit more “complete.”
He turned around and said very seriously, “Is there someone here? Were you helping me? I hope you don’t mind my using your furniture, book shelves and these pieces I put on the mantle. I couldn’t throw some of this stuff out. I didn’t mean to interfere . . .” David didn’t want to say the next part. He really liked this little house, but he knew in order to have peace with spirits he would have to get it all out.
“If you don’t want me to be here, I guess I’ll have to sell the house and find someone else to buy it and find someplace else to live. If this is what you want, let me know, but please don’t move things around and make a bunch of noise. That would scare me half to death. Thank you.”
It seems everything is fine at David’s house. He’s been there for 5 years now. He has noticed the rocking chair rocking slightly and he feels there is someone there — an older man keeping him company when he doesn’t have friends or family visiting.
Yes, it does seem possible for the living and the non-living to share a space compatibly together. Very few mention having a resident ghost in their house, but sometimes they do seem just like one of the family.
Thanks for stopping by!
I do hope you did enjoy David’s Real Ghost Story.
by Sharon | Sep 2, 2018
Sonny was haunted by a little girl.
It seems my local coffee shop is the place for me to learn about the paranormal experiences of others. I guess I’ve gotten a reputation in my little corner of the city that I’ll listen to the strange and unusual stories of others without judgment. All I can say is that I’m delighted most of these things haven’t happened to me . . . but I’ve had my share of experiences.
It’s unfortunate that in many places throughout history there have been men and women murdering their families. For this and many other possible reasons, one never knows for sure what has happened in their own homes by previous owners or visitors.
Sonny lives with his grandmother in an old mansion near the cemetery. That, in and of itself is spooky enough, but that has no baring on this story — the location. What is significant is that there was a murder in the house. It seemed back in the 1940’s a family of five invited a long lost cousin to stay with them for a visit.
What happened in the house?
Hugh and Suzanne Williamson lived in a lovely mansion with their two sons and a daughter. Mrs. Williamson was in contact with a man who claimed to be a cousin from Montana. In their correspondence (this was during the 1940’s when snail mail was the preferred means of communication) it became clear that Suzanne’s father and Brian’s (the cousin) mother were cousins. As usually happens when one exchanges letters Suzanne extended an invitation to visit if he’s ever in California.
After a year of corresponding, Brian says he’s taking a train trip out to California for a visit. He gives Suzanne the details of when he’ll arrive.
The Williamson family picks up cousin Brian at the train depot and brings him into their home. He does come with gifts and photographs of the shared family history in Montana. It all seems legitimate and true. Suzanne has photographs of similar pictures. What the family doesn’t know is that Brian had a troubled upbringing and for the past several years was institutionalized for the criminally insane.
It is unknown if he escaped or was released.
Brian was the perfect house guest for the first couple of days. Then he stopped interacting with the family. He would stay in his room all day and would be out all night.
Suzanne and Hugh waited up for him one night and told him it was time for him to return home — his visit was now over.
While the Williamson family slept, Brian murdered them all and was on the train early the next morning, destination unknown.
It took a couple of days before the bodies were found. (This was told to Sonny’s grandmother by a neighbor who lived next door to the Williamson’s when it happened.)
Sonny is a college student. He lives with his grandmother, aunt and little cousin, Gillian.
One Saturday morning, Sonny was doing laundry in the basement. His grandmother, aunt and little cousin were out shopping. He saw a little girl he thought was Gillian playing in the basement. She asked him for a glass of water. He went into the kitchen to get the water for her. He set the glass on the counter when his grandmother, aunt and cousin walked in with their arms full of grocery bags. He went out to the car to help bring in more bags.
When he went back into the basement to put his laundry into the dryer, he noticed the glass next to some toys. Sonny realized that Gillian wasn’t in the basement with him asking for a glass of water. She was out of the house with her mother and grandmother.
The creepy thing was that the glass was empty — no evidence that it had spilled.
He immediately told his grandmother what had happened. He was shaken up by the experience.
No one else has seen the ghost of the little girl or any other Williamson family member.
Sonny believes the little girl is with him all the time. He’ll see her in the house and at college and every place he goes.
I noticed Sonny brought his coffee and a glass of water to the table. He drank his coffee and never touched the water, but by the time his story was completed . . . his water glass was empty.
Now that was a Creepy Real Ghost Story!!
by Sharon | Aug 26, 2018
I am definitely intrigued by the ghosts of children.
For one thing it breaks my heart that children have died young. Maybe since I’ve been a teacher, they’re attracted to me, or me to them. Whatever the case, I do get my fair share of children ghosts.
I met two young lady ghosts — Emma and Sarah while visiting the local cemetery..
Sarah invited me to visit her Aunt Francis in this old Victorian Mansion just outside of town.
Normally, I don’t want to go ghost hunting . . . or meet ghosts in a creepy, rundown old house . . . but I did.
Yes, I was arguing with myself the whole time. I was definitely telling myself how this was stupid. I knew of this old house and Aunt Francis before inviting my ghost hunting friends on this venture.
My friend Barbara was the only one from my ghost hunting group of friends who could join me on this great adventure. Barbara was all for it, especially since we received an invitation to visit the old matriarch of this old mansion.
I’m torn in telling this “adventure” as Barbara puts it.
You know, I always come out as being anything but brave. Yes, this is no different. You see, Aunt Francis . . . well . . . Aunt Francis is a cranky old woman who nagged her husband to the point where he took an axe to her and . . . goodness, she’s come back as a floating head.
The young nieces dote on their beloved Auntie Francis and she’s insistent on meeting the “human” they’ve grown fond of.
I know the old woman loves peanut butter cookies, so I made some for her. I would have preferred to buy something, but Sarah insisted they had to be homemade.
We needed to time it so that the cookies were “fresh from the oven.”
I don’t know why or how a two hundred plus year old woman would know the difference or care, but it may be her controlling way — as in life, so in death.
So, there I was with Barbara and two ghost girls paying a call on dear old Aunt Francis in a creepy old, rundown mansion in the middle of a thunder storm. Not much rain, but plenty of thunder.
The girls float on up the stairway. Barbara and I walk slowly, testing the boards as we step lightly. Some of the steps are missing so we did our best to continue moving up. Barbara knocked the banister down in her attempt to climb up three broken steps. My hand went through the wall in a couple of places.
This wasn’t unnoticed by Aunt Francis who screamed, “Sarah, tell your clumsy friend to be careful. This is our home.”
Then, a little calmer I heard, “Those cookies better be good.”
Aw geez, now my culinary skills were on the line.
My only thought besides trying not to break my neck was, “Betty Crocker, don’t let me down.”
Barbara and I made it to the landing. I didn’t see the girls, but I heard dear old Aunt Francis.
“Quit dallying, woman. I want my cookies!”
Of course, she had to be another flight of stairs up. Only those stairs were in worse shape than the ones Barbara and I just climbed.
Whatever happened to ladies meeting guests in the parlor? I was getting tired of this charade.
“I sorry, madam, but it’s impossible for me to go any farther. I’ve met you halfway, the only polite thing for you to do is come down here,” I said as forcefully, yet politely as I could.
“Who are you to tell me . . .” she sputtered.
I didn’t wait around to hear more. I motioned for Barbara to go on down the stairs we just climbed.
“What about the cookies,” Barbara whispered. “Shouldn’t you leave them?”
I’m not really up on ghost etiquette, but this woman wasn’t the most hospital ghost I’ve encountered.
“If she wants them, she can come and get them.” I took them out of the carry-all I put them in so she could get a good whiff of the fresh from the oven peanut butter cookies.
“What is that I smell?” the woman bellowed.
“Your cookies. You can find them in the parlor.”
Fortunately, it was easier for Barbara and me to get back down the stairs. Finding the parlor was another matter.
Sarah came down to meet us without Emma.
“Auntie wants her cookies, why can’t you bring them to her?”
“The stairs,” I stammered, “there are no stairs.”
Sarah didn’t seem to understand. Her perspective of the house was locked in time. Too bad I didn’t share her same perspective.
A head bobbed beside Sarah. I almost jumped out of my skin.
“Aw, Francis, I presume.” I said awkwardly to cover up my fright. Her countenance matched the gruff voice I heard.
Barbara wasn’t aware of what I was looking at, but she shared my fright. I must have scared her.
“The cookies!” Francis boomed, shaking the house.
I opened the container again and Sarah picked up a cookie and fed it to her aunt.
It was the most disgusting sight I’d ever seen. Crumbs dropped to the floor. The woman made obscene grunting sounds. I thought I was going to be sick.
I expected a lady of the manor with Victorian manners, but what confronted me was a head that had no resemblance of refinement . . . a head that was badly decomposed.
“What’s that putrid smell,” Barbara whispered.
“Aunt Francis.”
“I need some air,” Barbara said as she bolted for the door.
I wanted to follow, but I had to wait for Aunt Francis’s feeding time to conclude. Four more cookies to go.
Francis nodded for Sarah to take the remaining cookies upstairs.
Why hadn’t I thought of giving the cookies to the girls and save myself all this aggravation?
They just floated away.
“More tomorrow,” Francis said.
“No, ma’am,” I said. “There will be no more cookies.”
“What?” she boomed, knocking me down with the shaking of the foundation.
“Your nieces are polite young ladies. You, madam have no manners at all. I refuse to bake cookies for you again.”
Normally, I don’t stand up to spirits, but there was something about the situation that got my dander up. Maybe it was the lack of appreciation and the demanding tone. I had enough and I wasn’t going to take any more abuse from this disgusting ghost.
I got out of the house as pieces of it were thrown at me under the wrath of a peanut butter cookie craving ghost.
“That went well,” Barbara said.
Was any of this captured in pictures or video . . . of course not — Barbara and I are not professional ghost hunters . . . and besides, Barbara’s camera batteries were drained — I guess Aunt Francis doesn’t like her picture taken . . .
I hope you enjoyed this Real Ghost Story . . . and if you happen to meet Aunt Francis, please don’t mention my name . . . but be sure to bake some fresh peanut cookies.
Thanks for stopping by!
by Sharon | Aug 22, 2018
I met some friends at our local coffee shop. Some dabble in ghost hunting — some more serious than others.
I like hearing of their ghostly adventures . . . and I’m rather fond of the blueberry muffins.
My friend, Barbara brought along her nephew Joel.
He seemed nervous.
After the introductions, Barbara told Joel to start at the beginning. Joel is a college student.
He decided to give us a description of the room he was in when his unexpected visitor appeared. The back room, they use as a TV room was added on to the back of the house about five years ago. From the living room, there’s an archway and you step down three steps into the back room. There are windows across the back of the room and a door on the right to the backyard. There’s a couch under the windows, a loveseat is against the wall to the right with the back door and to the left are bookcases and a couple of chairs with a table and lamp between them. Mounted on the wall to the right of the archway is a widescreen TV. There is a coffee table in front of the couch. Nothing is in front of the loveseat.
Joel was standing in front of the couch, bent down to pick up the remote from the coffee table. When he pointed it at the TV, in the reflection of the TV screen was a tall man wearing overalls and a straw hat, holding a shovel or hoe, standing behind the couch, right behind Joel. The curtains on the windows were closed, because it was night.
Joel stood still for a few minutes staring at the man reflected in the TV screen.
He slowly turned around to see if someone really was behind him. As happens so often, as soon as he turned his head to look, the man was gone.
Joel ran from the room, to join the rest of the family in the kitchen, looking at old photo albums. He tells his mother, Barbara’s sister, what he saw and to his surprise she smiles and walks away.
Joel just stood there, still in shock from his encounter. He watched pictures being passed around. There was an old yellowed newspaper article with a grainy black and white picture that he swears fell from the ceiling and landed in the middle of the table.
According to Joel, it was like the whole world stopped. He pointed to the picture and yelled, “That’s him!”
Barbara took the newspaper clipping from her purse and passed it around the table. Evidently, the man was found dead in his backyard, apparently from a heart attack, working in his garden. This garden is now the TV room.
Joel’s mother had seen the gentleman several times over the years. She usually saw him in the backyard before they added the TV room. At times she saw him in various areas of the house — this had been his home. She knew a man died on the property when they bought the place, but that didn’t bother Joel’s parents.
Barbara couldn’t explain where the newspaper article came from, but it was appropriate to note that the date of the newspaper article was August 20, 1968 — 50 years ago Monday.
We made a point of going to the cemetery and looking up this gentleman’s gravesite to place flowers and to let him know that he is remembered.
Joel is still uncomfortable. It will take him some time to come to terms with this unexpected visitor. He is actually no stranger to the paranormal . . . but it’s the newspaper clipping that has him creeped out.
I would feel the same way. How about you?
Leave me a comment, tell your friends about and come back and visit us again soon!!
by Sharon | Aug 20, 2018
Psychometry is the ability to read objects.
All of us have this ability to a degree. We get vibrations that are either good or bad. We just need to spend some time with an object and see if we receive any reaction to it. It may make you feel happy, sad, or any feeling along the spectrum.
It is no different from walking into a room and instantly feeling uncomfortable. Or when meeting someone for the first time — you do get vibrations . . . a sense of whether you want to get to know the person or want to move on . . . and sometimes run!
I noticed a woman at my favorite antique mall put on gloves before handling jewelry.
Some people think its to show respect to the jewelry and the prospective buyer. In her case, she gets very emotional when handling some jewelry pieces with her bare hands. In one case, there was an emerald ring with two small diamond baguettes on each side of the emerald. It was a pretty ring and just about everyone interested in jewelry wanted to see it, but after handling it, trying it on and studying it, each woman passed.
I was curious.
I asked to see the ring. I held it for a few seconds. I didn’t want to try it on. Actually, I felt something bad would happen to me if I did try it on. Obviously, it wasn’t right for me, but what about the other women. I sought them out and asked them what they felt when they handled and put on the emerald ring.
Julie wanted to know what I felt before telling me her story. The other women were interested to hear what I had to say, which was helpful — I didn’t have to run after them, they were all eager to tell their reactions.
I was brief. I explained how I felt sad just handling the ring. I knew trying it on was the next logical step in the process, but I became frightened that if I did put it on, something awful was going to happen to me. I didn’t get anything specific just a warning not to put it on my finger. It was almost as though I heard a voice saying, “You’ll be sorry if you put it on.” It felt as though the ring spoke those words. I wasn’t going to question it or tempt fate. I accepted the fact that the ring was not for me.
Julie said she, too, felt sad. The other women agreed. When Julie put it on, she knew it was a “promise ring,” but it was a promise that wasn’t kept.
“I don’t know why I know that,” Julie said, “I just know it to be true. I was going to buy it for my daughter, but I knew it would bring nothing but trouble to her.”
Gloria spoke up next. “I got a picture in my mind of a young girl who was gloating about the ring and who gave it to her and what it meant. She was bragging that Phillip was her intended and the girl she was talking to would end up alone with a house full of cats for companionship.”
Gloria knew she wanted nothing to do with the ring and the previous owner. “She was just too cruel in her manner and attitude.”
Pat was nodding the whole time Gloria was talking. “I got the same mean spirited picture in my mind, but when I put it on, I got the image of this woman being hit by a car when she left the place where she was showing it off to the other woman.”
Connie was next to speak up. “I felt strong and entitled when I picked up the ring. When I put it on, I felt as though it would squeeze the life out of me. I got scared and couldn’t wait to get away from it.”
Elizabeth, the woman who was showing the jewelry walked by our little group. I stopped her and asked about the emerald ring.
“We’ve had it for quite some time. I show it several times a day, but no one wants to buy it. We’ve marked the price down, too. I doubt we’ll be able to give it away.”
I asked her how she felt when she handled it. She paused for quite some time before answering. “The first time I held the ring I felt sad. There were other times I would feel revengeful, like I wanted to prove something to someone. The last time I became so angry when the person I was showing it to didn’t buy it. I almost shouted at the woman, telling her she was wasting my time and didn’t know a good ring if it fell in her lap.”
Elizabeth was disturbed by her mood changes/ That was when she started wearing gloves before handling jewelry.
Is it possible to read antiques?
Yes, definitely. You read the account of five women who handled the same ring. Did we get a clear reading? I believe it was close enough. Do we know the truth about the ring and who brought it in to sell it?
Yes, as a matter of fact. Elizabeth went to look up the information about the ring. She called the owner who agreed to come to the antique mall and meet with us.
Cindy seemed anxious. She was curious about our reaction to the ring and also wanted to disclose what she could about the ring.
“This ring was passed down in my family. It seemed whoever came in possession of the ring had bad luck in love. It’s like the ring is cursed.”
When Cindy inherited the ring, she immediately wanted it out of her house. She brought it to the antique mall to sell along with other items. As Cindy explained it, “My great-aunt Sue was killed in her late twenties. She was coming out of a small tea room when she was hit by an automobile. She was wearing the emerald ring at the time of the accident. Family legend has it that the ring was a “promise ring” from a wealthy businessman by the name of Phillip. At the time he was engaged to someone else, but he was going to break it off with the other woman and marry Aunt Sue. Obviously, that didn’t happen.”
She went on to explain how Sue’s parents got divorced shortly after Sue’s death. Then the ring was passed to the eldest niece who’s husband was killed in a hunting accident. There was one tragedy after another. Either the niece or her boyfriend or fiancée lost their life or the relationship went sour. Once the ring was passed to another, it was like a curse that she would not find happiness.
Cindy didn’t want to chance it. She had been married for 37 years and her four daughters were each engaged. Cindy didn’t want the curse to touch her family.
Well, there’s the story.
Curse or coincidence?
Is there something to a self-fulfilled prophecy associated with knowing the history of the ring and the owner’s fate that these relatives put into motion?
Or was there really a curse placed upon the ring by “Aunt Sue” as she was dying from her injuries — or was she killed instantly — that we don’t know . . . but I do believe it may have something to do with “Aunt Sue’s state of mind prior to the accident.
I do wonder if the “curse” applied only to Cindy’s family or if it would be passed on to the new owner. It does seem logical that it would — especially because it was centered around the ring — and all the women who handled it and tried it on felt it . . .
I don’t believe it was an actual “curse” placed upon the ring . . . unless “Aunt Sue” put one on it — or perhaps it was just her negative energy that lingers.
I’m curious about cleansing it and perhaps contacting “Aunt Sue” in a seance to learn more about the woman.
I can only imagine she wasn’t too kind — a bit selfish perhaps . . . and with her bitterness of dying young and not attaining marriage is delighted by the chaos she has created within her own family.
I honestly can’t imagine gaining any pleasure from that . . . Perhaps she did place a “curse” upon the ring. And by not knowing the “curse” it may be next to impossible to reverse it.
I don’t know. I would, however, like to hear your thoughts on the subject of “Aunt Sue” and psychometry. Please leave me a comment below.
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by Sharon | Jul 31, 2018
I’m aware of 4 different kinds of “hauntings”.
You may know them by different names . . . or you may know of some that are “new” to me. From my understanding, these are the basic types of “hauntings” or “spirits” — other ones may fall into these categories.
First there are Impression Hauntings.
This is usually “left over energy” from a person who is now deceased. It’s not a conscious ghost, nor conscious ghost energy. This “impression energy” can also be given by the living.
Huh? Let me give you an example: let’s say you’re a college student. At the beginning of the term you had good feelings about all your classes and viewed the text books as a welcome source of information. Later on, one of those text books became a source of great anxiety to you. The class was difficult and the subject matter was near impossible for you to grasp. So, over time, that book picked up on your anxiety to the point where you couldn’t even look at it without getting upset. And, if you sold the book back to the bookstore, your anxious energy would have built up in association with that book and would be left on that book.
A sensitive person, upon touching that text book could detect this anxious energy you placed on it.
I’ve had similar experiences with a particular chair or desk in a classroom. As though it was the “hot seat” — the one the teacher would invariably call upon to answer a difficult question. There was a build up of “anxious” energy on that chair or desk. The student felt it — and the teacher felt it . . . It could have been anyplace in the classroom — it wasn’t the location, but the seat itself.
Second we come to the Loop Apparition.
This is basically the same concept as an impression haunting, except of it being left behind energy on an object or place, there is an image associated with it — a ghostly apparition may appear which is a left over energy source of an event that occurred during a critical part of a person’s life..
These loop apparitions are not conscious ghosts. They are more like a recording, stuck on repeat and replayed over and over again of what the person was doing before they died.
An example would be the Battle at Gettysburg. Many people have seen ghostly apparitions on this site. There have also been reports of people seeing Civil War soldiers sitting around a table cluttered with maps, planning their strategy.
A friend of mine recorded an apparition that would come in through the front down and walk to the kitchen . . . then disappear. She recorded it on consecutive days — the same woman, same movement.
I’ve heard of “hauntings” where a lit candle is placed in one particular window night after night. Or a woman walking night after night on a “widows walk” waiting . . . watching . . . That, I believe is an excellent example of an energy source apparition rather than a conscious ghost.
Third, is one most of us are aware: Earth Bound Spirits.
These are conscious ghosts whose passing was unexpected, usually through an accident or murder.
They could also be of those who were not ready to “pass over” because they felt their life was “cut short” due to illness or had regrets of being unable to complete something important to them. This even happens to those who died peacefully in their sleep. They are unaware of their passing.
You may be familiar with EVPs who ask, “Am I dead?”
These earth bound spirits remain in familiar surroundings. This could be the land, the house, a favorite place where they “felt at home.” That’s why many children haunt a playground of a school or even their classroom. If people loved their job, they may want to be there.
And, there are those who have a treasured possession and want to stay near it. This happens with jewelry, household items such as cabinets, music boxes and various furnishings. They seem to move about in unpredictable patterns. These conscious “ghosts” may interact with you. You’ll feel as though you’re being watched or followed when you wear a particular object. Or, if it is a household possession, you’ll feel as though you’re not alone in the house.
I’m reminded of a story I read about a man who saw a woman every morning standing at the picture window in the living room. It was as though she was anxiously watching for someone to arrive. That’s a non-conscious loop pattern energy source apparition. She’s following a repeated pattern, completely unaware of the man watching her.
These “earth bound spirits” can and do move objects, open and close doors, walk around the house day and night, etc.
I had a “resident ghost” who would move my furniture around. Obviously, she didn’t like the way I arranged my furniture and kept moving my furniture. Sometimes she became fixated on a particular piece and would move it around — even to different rooms. It became quite annoying, so I sent my “resident ghost” on her way.
Finally, we come to the Malevolent Spirits.
I’m not at all fond of these non-human spirits. Their purpose is to cause bodily and emotional harm to living human beings. These are extremely rare, but they can come from evil or possessed deceased humans.
They usually are attached to a toy or doll. They prefer contact with children rather than adults. We’re very aware of malevolent spirits being attached to Ouija Boards — more for the tween, teen and young adults.
As I said earlier, their goal is usually to infest children, but they can infest anyone of any age depending upon the spirit’s motive. Brings to mind “Chucky” doesn’t it.
Once you detect something malevolent about an object, get rid of it!!!
That last one really freaks me out. These malevolent spirits can start out by being “friendly”, helping you find misplaced items or playing pranks on a bully. Then, once they gain your trust . . . all hell breaks loose.
Be aware of ghostly visitations in dreams, nightmares, foul smells, loud unexplained noises, objects being moved or rearranged.
One child, upon getting a new toy would find that his homework was torn up the next morning upon awaking. He also noticed the toy was never where he left it before going to bed. It appeared this malevolent spirit was always getting him in trouble by “stealing cookies”, spilling the contents of cereal boxes, dumping out the contents of the refrigerator, drawers and cupboards. Also cutting up the parent’s clothing.
That may be why I don’t like the Christmas item “elf on a shelf”. And why many children are freaked out by it — yet it is still quite popular.
Well, that’s enough of that!! I hope this was informative. Thanks for stopping by!