by Sharon | Feb 26, 2017
I received a notification that several of my posts are lost.
That happens from time to time. It’s nothing for me . . . or you to get upset about.
At one time I moved this website and didn’t back it up — so everything, back then, was lost. It was sad for me and sad for many of my visitors. But I started over . . . and through time, some links get broken and some posts do get deleted . . . so if by chance you’ve been looking for something here at and get an error . . . hopefully, you’ll see the image to the right, with the word “oops!” to the left.
Just click the image and you’ll be taken to the Home page.
We make every effort to keep this website fresh and fun for all of you. We don’t like it that from time to time things get broken, but there is a lot of stuff here. Some old, some not so old, some new.
I realized I am really heavy on Halloween . . . maybe you like that . . . and maybe not.
We do have product review and crafts and holiday stuff, along with random thoughts. is my fun website — it’s where I was able to introduce my little Diva — the Yorkshire Terrier from wonderful breeders from Wisconsin. It’s also where I can tell you about products that caught my eye and all the fun holiday stuff — I may even have a ghost story or two to tell you from time to time.
It’s Raining!!! What am I to do?
Well, I think crafts are in order. I do my best crafts when it’s raining and I don’t want to go out — but today I may venture out and pick up some grocery items. Little Diva wants something different . . . not a toy, but something delicious to eat. And I’m due for something different, too.
But, I did get side-tracked there for a moment. Crafts . . . what do I want to make? What do I have that I haven’t shared with you before?
Mr. Printable has some adorable bug boxes you can download and print out on your home printer. They’re great for spring and summer. These favor boxes are easy to assemble and fun to fill with goodies. Just click the image to the left and you’ll be taken to the page where you can download these adorable bugs.
I definitely like them. They may have been designed for younger children in mind, but I think they are suitable for everyone this spring and summer. They would look nice in Easter baskets, too. You know, come to think of it, instead of an Easter Egg Hunt, you could have a Bug Box Hunt . . . what do you think?
I believe you could have some serious fun with these Bug Favor Boxes.
Until next time,
Sharon . . . and Little Diva
by Sharon | Feb 11, 2017
I love the rain, especially if I can stay home and listen to it.
But, this Saturday morning I ventured out to run some errands.
I was surprised by the number of people walking in the rain. They were strolling, in no hurry, enjoying themselves.
While I was at the grocery store, a woman approached me telling me she was out walking and how she just loves the little town where I live ( and evidently where she lives, too.)
This got me thinking of how truly fortunate we are to live in a nice place and enjoy the weather, no matter what that brings.
It is better to think positively than negatively. And to express that to others as well.
When I returned the cart to the store after putting my groceries in the trunk of my car, I noticed the woman walking out of the parking lot. She was taking her time, looking at all the beauty around her. At that moment, I thought how wonderful it would be to take a walk . . . but I was glad to have my car and I’d be home with my groceries in about 5 minutes.
As I’m writing this, I’m thinking about taking a walk . . . take my camera with me . . . just to capture this priceless moment of serenity with the rain and the beauty the day has to offer.
I’m pretty much comfortable with my laptop, listening to the rain, with my precious Yorkshire terrier, Diva, sleeping next to me.
This is a great day to curl up with a good book, watch a great movie, do a craft item or put together a jigsaw puzzle.
Since Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, I was wondering what Ray O’Bannon of RavensBlight had available to make.
Yes, it is a bit on the dark side, but you have to admit it is unique. It has a skull and spikes around it. Just the thing to give to your special Valentine. It’s truly a one of a kind gift box.
Just click the image to be taken to the PDF you can print out on card stock, assemble and fill with delightful sweets.
Here’s the link to the Assembly Instructions for this exceptional Valentine’s Box compliments of Ray O’Bannon from RavensBlight.
This could be a keepsake box as well. I’m sure I’ll bring it out again for fall. It would be wonderful for Halloween.
The reason I think this box is so great is because of all the people who thoroughly enjoy Halloween and give all celebrations throughout the year with a bit of a macabre twist. Make up a few of these and see how welcome they are among your friends and family.
Whatever you choose to do today, rain, snow, sleet, hail or sunshine, I hope you have a lovely day.
Thanks for stopping by!
by Sharon | Dec 19, 2016
Wow!! Where has the time gone?
Christmas is upon us with the New Year coming up fast.
Amazing how I can look back to this summer and yearning for fall. Then, it finally came and Whoosh! we’re into winter.
I belong to an internet marketing group where someone asked if we were taking Christmas Day off or working. Well, I know it is for celebrating with family, but I also know that working online I can celebrate and also work. That’s the beauty of the internet.
I got thinking about the New Year and spring . . . I’m really getting excited about spring . . . but I’m enjoying the weather we’re having now and the anticipation of Christmas, too.
It’s all exciting!
It’s all good . . . every season and everyday. There is always something fun and exciting to discover or finally decide to purchase.
I haven’t been much into rubber stamping or making cards, but I’m finding that I’m warming up to the idea.
I’m a fan of Tim Holtz and, of course, love my Sizzix Big Shot. The combining of the two in this set of stamps and die cuts has really gotten me excited.

Sizzix Framelits Dies Mini by Tim Holtz Bird Crazy and Things, Stampers Anonymous Mini Bird Crazy & Things Tim Holtz Cling Stamps,
Sizzix Framelits Mini Crazy Cats and Dogs Die Set, and not shown is the Tim Holtz Cling Stamps Mini Cats & Dogs by Stampers Anonymous.
I decided to go with the mini set because of the Village Dwellings I’m making and they go better with other stamp sets.
They work well for cards and mini albums and so very many other fun projects you may have throughout the year. There is always something exciting you can do with birds, cats and dogs. And, by all means feel free to get the regular sets of these as well.

Sizzix Franelits 18 Piece Bird Crazy Die Set, Stampers Anonymous Tim Holtz Cling Rubber Bird Crazy Stamp Set, Sizzix Crazy Things Framelits Dies by Tim Holtz, Stampers Anonymous Tim Holtz Cling Rubber Stamp Set Crazy Things, Sizzix Framelits Dies by Tim Holtz Crazy Cats, Stampers Anonymous Crazy Cats Tim Holtz Cling Stamps.
What about the dogs? Sizzix Franelits Crazy Dogs Die Set and Tim Holtz Cling Stamps Crazy Dogs by Stampers Anonymous.
Most people buy both the regular sets and the mini sets to go with their various projects.
I was going to say, if you hurry, you may be able to get these before Christmas, but you know something, I think it would be much more exciting to get them after Christmas . . . even if it is a gift for a special crafter in your family. You know why, because you’ll have something to look forward to receiving and so will your special crafter.
It’s all a matter of perspective, actually. You want ’em for Christmas . . . click the links!!!! Otherwise relax and don’t get all uptight about when it will arrive — it will arrive when it arrives!!
I do thank you for stopping by!
by Sharon | Nov 20, 2016
A good “whodunit” always intrigues me.
It goes back to Nancy Drew for me . . . and the Clue game . . . and then the TV Columbo and Murder She Wrote . . . and then there are movies and older books . . . as well as popular writers today . . .
The thing is, the concept of finding a body floating in a pool is a theme that has been used in literature and movies for years . . . There are hundreds of thousands of twists that have been suggested and we may still be interested in learning more . . . But, it may not be how the person died, but who the person was and all the friends and neighbors, coworkers and acquaintances who knew the victim that interests us and makes up the story.
Sometimes the story is opened ended and leaves you hanging . . . but you may feel confident you know “whodunit” . . . or it’s something you discuss with friends or family . . . comparing notes and thoughts . . . It can be quite haunting, finding you’re thinking about it from time to time.
I suppose a good mystery does that.
I’ve always wanted to write a good mystery, but, as yet, haven’t gotten the characters and the plot together to make an interesting story . . .
It does seem my mind is chewing on it . . .
I remember a book that came out 2 to 3 decades ago inviting people to solve the mystery. I remember it being a complicated plot and getting lost within the story and quite frankly losing interest in it as well. I think someone did solve it and won a cash prize. I do congratulate that individual for muddling through the story and untangling the web or red herrings that ran through it.
With winter approaching, I would like to read a good mystery . . . Here are some that may interest you:

A good mystery on a cold winter’s night is a great way to spend a quiet evening . . . or maybe you like to watch a good movie . . . Here are a few you may enjoy:

I have gotten hooked on these Hallmark mystery series. I like DVDs I can share with the whole family and then discuss it later . . .
Thanks for stopping by!
by Sharon | Nov 12, 2016
There is always a degree of apprehension and anxiety when faced with change . . . along with disappointment, discouragement . . . which leads to challenges and looking for the positive . . .
For some, there may be a pay off to being unhappy, angry, disappointed . . . 
For others, in spite of disappointments, we look for the positive . . . the challenges within ourselves that we must face to accept not getting what we want to something not being what we thought it would be.
I was all into the concept of die cuts and how wonderful it would be to have a plain template . . . but then, having something ready-made seemed to appeal to me more . . . Allowing me to see where I was going . . .
And changing something to my liking from a ready-made printable seemed the easier way to go.
But, in truth, it all comes down to your personal comfort level.
Initially, I was overwhelmed by the pieces, as above, that didn’t seem to have a purpose . . . because I never put it together before . . . and it didn’t look like anything . . . But there are more possibilities for creativity and individuality with the die cut pieces than the ready-to-print-out-and-assembly Gingerbread House.
It does go together nicely and it does have all the icing and embellishments in place . . . The first one will look the same as the second . . . fifth . . . tenth . . . fiftieth . . .
There is no surprise there . . . unless I decide to alter it in some way . . . but such alterations may be much more work than if I started with a die cut template.
Yes, if I want, I could make the die cut elements above into a gingerbread house. I can add a wreath on the front door . . . I could make a fence of gingerbread children . . . I can cut out white window frames . . . and add some white “frosting” to the roof tiles . . . And candy canes . . .
Now look back at the first image . . . The die cut . . .
You have a decision to make . . . What color card stock to do want for the body of the house . . . and for the roof of the house . . .
With the die, I had to decide at that point the colors and cutting the card stock and place it over the appropriate places . . . and later learned how I should have taped it down so it wouldn’t slip . . .
Yes, I was initially overwhelmed and a bit disappointed . . . But, it was all a matter of getting out of my way that I realized there was a learning curve for me . . . I didn’t like it . . . but if I wanted to create something different each time I made this Tim Holtz Sizzix Village Dwelling, I’d have some decisions to make . . . and it started with the first one . . . an experiment . . . and maybe several experiments until I got it right . . .
I had to learn the die . . . and the Sizzix Big Shot . . . then assemble the pieces . . . and decide what else I wanted to do with it . . . add a different roof pattern . . . add a siding pattern . . . It takes a bit of trial and error . . . and some disappointment that it didn’t turn out as initially imagined . . . but it was all about learning . . . and facing each challenge head-on.
I was watching a movie yesterday about this mathematical genius . . . who really didn’t fit in with others . . . not understanding the dynamics of relationships . . . except those associated with numbers . . . He did learn how he missed out on things . . . and found he wasn’t “all that” . . . especially when it came to his relationship with his mother . . . And, in the end, after waiting for her son to respond to her . . . they learned how to communicate . . .
This gets me to a YouTube video I watched of an interview with an adult who had a famous mother . . . and the relationship they had . . . which wasn’t so much love . . . as respect . . . an admiration of her mother’s talents and abilities . . . It struck me a bit strange . . . Yet, many famous people may be incapable of love or conveying it to their children . . . It is all about them . . . their career . . . their life . . .
It’s all a matter of perspective . . . and how we deal with it . . .
Life isn’t easy . . . we are faced with challenges . . . disappointments . . . successes . . . 
The same applies with crafts. The whole concept is to have fun . . . to make something . . . So you get all the tools and paper . . . and find it isn’t as easy as it looks when watching someone else.
You can always throw in the towel and give up or pout and throw the whole thing in the trash . . . or realize it is a bit of a challenge and the first effort may not work out . . . or even the second . . . third . . . oh my gosh! fourth . . . But, each time, you get a bit closer to achieving your goal. Just know that there may be another failure after a success . . . There are no guarantees.
There’s no guarantee that the more you work at it, that you will succeed . . . It depends upon your perspective of success . . . and respecting the tools for what they are . . . and recognizing their limitations . . . as well as your own . . . but having a determination to figure it out . . .
There are always these wise people who have these wise sayings . . . but we can never bring them to mind when we need them . . . So, we need to rely on ourselves . . . depend upon ourselves . . . be gentle with ourselves . . . accept that we’re not perfect and things aren’t always easy . . . and alternatively, things aren’t always difficult . . . We may have cycles of success . . . and cycles of failure . . . but it’s just a cycle . . . and we have to go through it until the tide changes . . .
We control our thought, our actions, our feelings . . . there are some things we can’t change . . . nor control . . . but we can focus our perspective . . . we can look for the positive . . . strive to find something funny or different or interesting or unusual each day . . . Surprisingly, you’ll find it . . . because you’re looking for it . . .
So, what we may be unable to do one day . . . we may be able to do the next . . .
This applies to all things in life . . . I know I throw a lot of concepts at you all at once . . . You may be wondering what I’m thinking . . . But, if you’ve ever had a conversation using Two Cans On A String . . . you miss some stuff and have to fill in the blanks . . . And, drawing the string of what connects life, movies, interviews and crafts together . . . is your challenge of filling in the blanks to make sense out of it for you . . .
Thanks for stopping by!
Oh! I almost forgot!! Click the image of the Gingerbread House on the left to be taken to a PDF you can print out, cut out and assemble. It’s a great treat/gift box.
by Sharon | Nov 6, 2016
Talking with people, listening to others. watching movies, reading books . . . All show us something about others . . . and about ourselves . . .
There are kids with cancer who just want to live a normal life . . .

There are people in dead-end jobs who can’t quit, because it pays the bills and provides for the family.
I’m finding “stuff” doesn’t make us happy. Maybe for the moment or when someone compliments us on what we’re wearing or how we look or where we live . . . But, it truth, it isn’t about “stuff” it’s about you and what truly makes you happy. It could be playing a musical instrument or singing . . . You may not become rich and famous, but you enjoy it nevertheless. It could be making paper crafts or some other hobby using clay or wood, glass or some other medium. Or walking with your dog out in nature.
You may be a sweatshirt and jeans type of person . . . but you know you need to dress better when you leave the house. You may just want to live in a comfortable home in a nice neighborhood with comfortable furnishings — nothing fancy and impressive. You live within your means and drive an older car, but it runs well and looks good. You may not be beautiful or handsome, but you don’t frighten people. You’re happy more days than not. You have a wonderful family who loves you just the way you are.
That appears as though you have found happiness. Your pursuit is over.
Yet, others may not view you as successful or affluent . . . they may judge your appearance and not allow you to join some community clubs or groups. There is a standard . . . and you may not match up to it.
Initially, my thought is who cares about their opinion . . . and then I think how important it is to fit in . . . but then, if the goal is to be happy and you’re happy with yourself . . . Why do you need this club or group?
I can go back and forth with this until my head spins . . .
We are social beings . . . and that means interacting with others . . . joining in and being , , , social . . . The alternative is being alone . . . isolated . . . secluded . . . excluded . . .
No one really chooses the latter . . . but some people have made it work . . . at the expense of being referred to as odd or strange or a recluse. And perhaps some unflattering judgmental terms . . .
I don’t have answers . . . just thoughts and observations . . .
For me, this began when I found this picture of a Tim Holtz Village Surf Shack . . . It has its charm and appeal . . . but would you want to live there? Would you be embarrassed to invite your friends and family?
It’s kind of like Gilligan’s Island . . . Do you remember that television sit-com?
They made due with what they had . . . and their daily goal was to get off of the island . . . But life also happened on that island. They had good times and hard times . . . They had fun and adventures . . . They made it work . . . and knew they would make it for however long they needed before being rescued. So, basically, they made the best of an unfortunate situation.
There is something appealing about that . . . to a degree . . . 
And, here is another Tim Holtz Village Dwellings that someone made . . . and got me thinking about what I’d like to make and how that contradicts how I would like to live . . . I don’t want to be embarrassed by my home, but I don’t need to live in a mansion. But there is an appeal about a bungalow or a place on the bayou . . . or an old log cabin . . . a place in the woods . . . Nothing fancy, just functional . . .
I love the bricks holding up the dwelling, the hides on the side of the house, the barrels . . . the steps going into the shack . . .I may want to add some crates . . .
It does have a certain character to it . . . makes you wonder about the person who lives there . . .
I’m beginning to think that what appeals to be is the structure and how creative I can be when building a shack as opposed to building a nice place.
I have a friend who lives in Alabama who has a non-functioning still in her front yard. It is a work of art . . . she decorates it for Christmas. I imagine in its day it brewed plenty of moonshine . . . A relic of long ago . . . And maybe the type of village pieces I want to create have that same appeal , , , I may not want to live there . . . but there is something unique and genuine about it . . . Maybe I came from very simple roots . . . That’s why I don’t go for the fancy or give much thought to what people think of me . . . What’s important is what I think of myself . . . and whether I’m happy . . . And yes I am very happy.
I’m a blogger. I’ve been out in the world of work and keeping up appearances . . . but now that I’m retired . . . I don’t have to dance to the tune of others . . . and I don’t have to fit in . . . I can be me . . . genuine, honest without pretense . . . It makes life easier . . . and much happier.
During this fall/autumn season before Thanksgiving, it is positive to take a moment to reflect . . . Think about how truly fortunate you are . . . You may have goals to achieve and things to do . . . but deep down at this moment, you are happy . . . It doesn’t mean you don’t have to achieve your goals or do the things you want it do . . . it means that you’re happy now and you know how to achieve happiness in your life . . . That is truly an accomplishment . . .
I share my random thoughts from time to time . . . Just to get you thinking . . . As I’ve been thinking and striving for clarity and understanding . . . It’s not about being right or wrong . . . it’s about understanding here and now . . . and maybe tomorrow or next month or several years from now, you’ll find your thoughts and ideas and goals and aspirations have changed . . . You have a different perspective . . . which is neither good nor bad . . . it just is . . .
It’s comforting to live without judgment . . . from yourself or others . . . because it doesn’t really matter . . .
Thanks for stopping by!