by Sharon | Mar 25, 2016
Oh Goodness!! A Garden Goblin!!
I don’t know whether to be alarmed or delighted . . . 
It’s spring . . . and with spring comes some surprises in your garden. I know my California live oak tree is blooming!! I have that fluff all over the yard, porch and sidewalk. I clean it up and after an hour or so, it’s time for me to sweep and rake again. Yes, it is a huge tree . . . it’s been here a long time.
And this little guy . . . he may be a garden guardian . . .
I think it is all a matter of perspective. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And, we’ve learned somewhere along our life journey not to judge people by the way they look . . .
Our first impression may not have been too kind toward this goblin . . . then again, he could very well be a good luck amulet for your garden . . . take a lesson from nature and see if this guy is helping or harming your garden . . .
Maybe the two of you should get to know one another a bit. He may be wondering if he wants to stay around . . . maybe he’s not too fond of your looks or the general atmosphere in your garden . . .
Time will tell.
Let’s see about garden goblins or gnomes you may find suitable for your spring garden:

Have a great Easter celebration and enjoy your spring . . . every season is special and precious . . . giving us time to relax and enjoy nature . . .
by Sharon | Mar 6, 2016
Is This Creepy? Or Do You Have Old Photographs With A Shadow?
Take a good look at the photograph.
Does it make you hungry for an ice cream cone or give you a sense that something sinister is afoot?
Throughout the United States and perhaps the world there are countless old photographs of the subject being photographed plus the figure of a man wearing a hat.
Is it a stalker? Has it been photoshopped in? Oops! no photo shop back then. Many people have noticed this is several of their own photographs.
You probably know there is a logical explanation to this.
Yes, it is the man taking the photograph.
So, throughout the decades, we have captured the object of the photograph plus the photographer in shadow form. Back in those days there were many box cameras where the viewer was on top of the camera. So you don’t see the hands up with our modern cameras at eye level or the image of the camera.
It’s amazing how common this is and can be found in just about everyone’s old vintage photographs . . . unless they were discarded. I find it amusing and funny to realize how many people have similar “shadow” photos in their collection.
I think it’s kind of cool, but I like stuff like this. It can fuel the imagination or draw you into the shadow . . .
I’m always curious by what I can’t see than what I can. I wonder who the man was taking the picture. Most likely it was the father or relative of the little girl out getting ice cream one afternoon.
With the right music and setting . . . it could take on a whole new meaning . . . and Hollywood has played on this and will continue doing so . . . because we love it!
Leave me a comment if you have any photographs like this of your family . . . or if you found it creepy. I would like to know your thoughts. Just be kind, I will not allow rude or crude comments on my website.
Until next time,
by Sharon | Feb 24, 2016
I’ve been watching a lot of “how to” YouTube Videos lately.
They are quite motivating.

I’ve even thought of making some of my own. I love doing Christmas crafts throughout the year and I also like having some fun with Halloween. I do love the vintage feel of these holidays.
They’re a time of memories and just having some fun. You remember how it was when you were a kid. It was all so magical.
I like my crafts to reflect that magic and fill me with joy . . . if it’s making an album or scrap book page, it’s all about having fun and creating something out of paper and chip board that will be delight you and those who see it.
I am amazed by what can be created from paper.
I’ve given you many links of paper crafts you can print out and make . . . some you can fill with goodies or just set up as a decoration.
As with all crafts, they can be expensive, but essentially, they are a fun way to pass the time either alone or with others.
I was surprised to learn that I could use my camera to make videos. It’s just all a matter of setting up my camera on a tripod and gathering up my materials to make a tutorial. I think it will be fun . . . it’s just getting to it.
I was watching a video a woman had made 3 years ago. It was a windy day and she was distracted by the wind and the bangs and booms she was hearing outside. She moved the camera from her tutorial to show us what was going on outside her house. Yes, the wind was blowing and trash barrels were rolling around making such a racket.
She even had her husband break out in song downstairs.
I think it is absolutely delightful to record a video and make a comment about what is going around while you’re recording. Yes, not everything is ideal. We do drop things and our pets or children come running through . . . the doorbell may ring . . . it could rain or snow . . . or be windy . . .
We can avoid some noise by not doing our filming during noisy times of the day, but not everything is ideal.
Some people may not like the distractions. They “tuned in” to see how to do a project and they don’t care about the weather conditions. But I found it interesting. It made the woman real . . . just like us.
We do have distractions in our lives. Most of them are unexpected. I find it interesting how others react to them. I would be just like the woman and show you what is going on outside. I find it better than getting annoyed.
Maybe that’s what makes vlogging so popular.
I’m really not one who would record my grocery shopping or running errands.
But many people do and they’re surprisingly popular. Some focus around the activities of their kids. Others include their friends. There are those who take you with them to fix breakfast or dinner. Or go out to a restaurant or fast food place.
I haven’t seen too many vlogging out and about, but maybe I haven’t been looking that closely. I’m usually tuned in to what I’m doing. But, it could be helpful when you’re looking for a new printer or laptop or whatever you’re thinking of purchasing. Or you’re just looking and gathering information before you buy.
You’d be amazed by what people want to buy. And sometimes, you find yourself interested in that, too.
Maybe it’s the power of suggesting . . . or an impulse buy . . . then the thought comes, “Where am going to put it?”
I was talking with my brother last fall . . .
He told me he was shopping at Lowes.
I don’t recall what he was shopping for, but he was startled when he went by an automated witch who cackled at him. Yes, he was initially startled, but later he had great fun watching others who were startled when the witch “came to life.”
Yes, people watching is a favorite past-time of many. That may be why vlogging is so popular. Allowing others a glimpse into their lives.
It does seem a bit creepy to realize that we are being recorded wherever we go. There are cameras in stores and on the streets and parking lots. And, of course, people may be doing their own recordings, too.
Someone sitting on a bench or walking through a store. You never know what you’ll find.
I think I’d feel a bit self-conscious about doing it . . . but after awhile, it would feel “normal.”
Just as doing my own video tutorials at home.
I do need to figure out how to set us my camera. I don’t want to attach it to the wall or build some contraption . . . but maybe I’ll need to. The most important thing is not to break my camera in the process.
I know there is a simple way of doing it.
There usually is after exhausting other ways. I may be straddling the tripod or have it set up over my work space. I don’t have a flip out monitor on my camera . . . some have used a mirror . . . other do a hit or miss process . . . and do learn along the way where the camera is focused.
I’m going to do a lot of trial and error. It will be interesting to see how this works for me. But, first I need to decide on a project . . . and it doesn’t hurt to plan ahead instead of doing it on the fly . . . but that could be interesting, too.
When I think about it, I do like it when people are prepared. I can follow along. But, then there are always things that do go wrong . . . especially with crafts . . . the glue sticks and won’t come out . . . or a glue gun that doesn’t work . . . or a piece that doesn’t fit right . . .
I do have some interesting adventure ahead.
Let me know your suggesting when it comes to vlogging or making tutorials.
Thanks for stopping by!
by Sharon | Feb 13, 2016
Did You Have A Tree House When You Were A Kid?
I guess tree houses aren’t just for kids . . . but the one in the picture is awesome.
It seems to be designed for kids.
With a little imagination you could make it into quite a spectacular “get away” for the whole family. No long drive to get somewhere, just pack up a few things and go into the backyard tree house.
You would definitely have a spectacular view. You may not have modern lighting and plumbing . . . but you might be able to add that, too.
People definitely go all out in their creations of tree houses and play houses for children.
You could add a slide for a fast exit.
This is definitely “food for thought” when you’re thinking of building a tree house for the kids . . . or for the whole family to enjoy.
It may make a great home office, but you’d like to have wifi and electricity and plumbing. You’d need a refrigerator and maybe even a small kitchen. And don’t forget about heating and cooling.
I’m sure every family member would find a good use for this tree house. It may be a good place to unplug from all the gadgets and gizmos and enjoy star gazing and conversation.
I know the kids would love a “sleep over” in the tree house . . .
It would be impressive to invite people over and spend a quiet evening.
I can definitely see the value of having such a magnificent tree house structure in my yard.
I hope you enjoyed this post . . . Let me know if you’ve designed a special tree house for your family.
Until next time,
by Sharon | Feb 6, 2016
Did You Make Any New Year’s Resolutions?
Have you kept them . . . or have you already broken them?
Most of us don’t make New Year’s Resolutions . . . and for good reason. Then, again, there is something to be said about getting more exercise, eating right and stop procrastinating . . . among other things.
But, it does seem, about now, many resolutions have been broken . . . maybe revised . . . or completely forgotten.
I’ve Been Doing Re-Evaluations Of My Goals
I believe resolutions are merely goals we want to attain within the coming year.
You can make them New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day . . . or any time you choose. It’s usually when you find there are things you’ve neglected and need to make some changes to make your life easier. Or your plans for a vacation this summer and you want to get into shape . . . There are always goals we have for a particular time or event.
And life also gives us other things to take our time away from our goals.
As I said, I’ve been doing some re-evaluating of my goals. Some have been completely abandoned . . . others, I’m rethinking. And, of course, there are some, after more research, have been found not to be something I want to delve into at this time.
I love my websites and in particular. There are no changes I plan to make here. This website reflects what is important to me.
Then, there are my other websites. Some I had thought of letting go . . . then, I started thinking . . . but depending upon the time of day . . . I have a different thought process. I wonder if decisions should be made in the morning or evening or sometime during the day.
I read the best time for making decisions is when you’re fresh and alert. So, when you’re not feeling well, it’s best to not make decisions other than doing what is necessary to feel better. Then tackle those other decisions when you’re feeling fresh and alert.
As with my other websites, I’ve been taking my time making a decision about them. There is no rush . . . but I do have a better idea of my priorities.
I do love paper crafts.
I’d love to make my own designs. So, I’ve been studying about that. It does take time away from my other websites . . . so, it should be an easy decision for me to follow my interest and allow me the freedom to concentrate upon what is truly important to me.
I know at one time, I thought having many websites would be a great thing. Then learning how to write for the internet and do guest blogging . . . and then just writing and being true to myself . . . and by being true to myself, that means that I need to pursue paper crafts and learn as much as possible.
It works with playing a musical instrument or learning a new skill. It does take a lot of practice and understanding of what you’re learning. It takes time to master . . . or at least to become better at it than you were before. Maybe baby steps is the process.
It’s best not to get over your head too soon.
No matter whether you made New Year’s Resolutions or not . . . are keeping them . . . or not . . . revamping them . . . or not. There are always things we want to do or learn to do better . . . or have a goal to accomplish by a certain date.
I may have the wrong attitude about things.
I know I will get to them when I have to. It’s a motivator to clean the house when company is coming!! And the thought does come into our heads that it wouldn’t be this much work, if we a did a little each and every day . . . or hire someone to come clean once a week or twice a month.
There are options and solutions.
And when you think about it, there are options and solutions to every goal or resolution you’ve made or didn’t make . . . but are now thinking about accomplishing within a particular time.
Goals are definitely a personal thing you have to be committed to accomplishing.
Don’t feel forced into doing something . . . anything you’re not ready to tackle.
It usually doesn’t work out well.
I’ve found, it best not to depend upon someone else to help you. It’s your goal . . . and you have to be self-motivated to achieve it.
I’ve read that it’s best not to let others know your goals . . . too many like to burst your dreams. But, someone you can trust and value their opinion may help you figure out exactly what you want to accomplish . . . and can achieve.
When You Find Yourself Running In Circles
It’s best not to make any decisions until you have to time to sit down quietly and think things through.
It may appear to others as procrastinating, but it’s not wise to make any serious decisions in haste . . . just to please others . . . or save yourself from not making a decision hastily.
As we get older, the opinions of others means less and less to us. It’s not that we don’t care, it’s that we don’t worry about insignificant things.
I remember a co-worker would always ask . . . “In 5 years, how important will this problem be?”
Depending upon your age . . . 5 years seems so far in the future . . . or just a snap of the fingers . . . and through personal experience we’ve learned that some decisions could have a significant impact 5 years down the road . . .
Life is strange, but it is definitely worth living to the fullest. We may get bogged down with the daily stuff . . . and need to take care of some old business . . . and in the end, we’re better off by putting forth the effort.
This isn’t an advice column. It’s just a forum I use from time to time to think . . . and to get others to think, too. We all have decisions to make . . . and we give it our best shot . . . but there’s nothing wrong with finding we made a bad decision or we need to do some re-thinking from time to time.
Thanks for stopping by!
by Sharon | Jan 31, 2016
Yes, It’s True.
Rainy days are truly a blessing.
It’s a time to relax and get into crafts. I did give you a wide variety of Disney Character Treat Boxes to make for your children.
And let’s not forget the Free 3-D Printable you can made of R2-D2 for all your Star Wars fans.
For many, rainy days bring up thoughts of Halloween . . . I don’t know why, but ghost stories and the like are a favorite on rainy days around my house. Also thoughts of all those urban legends you heard as a child or teen. There were lessons to learn from them . . . and the thought of them brings a cold chill down the spine.
Then, a rainy day is a good day to curl up with a nice book . . . a mystery is always my choice, but a romance may be more to your liking.
There are also videos you may enjoy. But crafts seem to win out for me.
What Kind Of Rainy Day Craft Do I Have For You?
I love the haunted houses . . . especially if they have a story associated with them.
Ravensblight has a variety of 3-D haunted house free printables you can print out and make. Ray O’Bannon offers an interesting history to go along with most of his papercrafts.
This lighthouse is no exception.
According to Ray, all the previous lighthouse keepers have gone insane . . .
I don’t want to ruin the story for you. Be sure to think about it while you’re constructing this lighthouse . . . It stands 10-1/2 inches high and would be a wonderful addition to your Christmas or Halloween Village . . . or to have tucked away on a book shelf.
I find it inspirational in my office. I look at it and wonder . . . I think of all the other stories that are centered around a lighthouse . . . and Ray has some monsters you can add and you may want to add an old abandoned car . . . it’s always fun to add some added haunted accessories to make it more real and more captivating.
Oh yes, I did forget the Cliff House. It, too has a delightful history.
It is quite sad to see how it has wasted away over the years. The roof, the windows and the porch do give it quite a creepy, desolate feel. It is a miracle it hasn’t fallen down. But, in another decade or so, it may be just a memory.
These Spooky Offerings And Disney Boxes Are A Delightful Way To Spend Your Time On A Rainy Day
It’s good to keep busy and learn something new about Ravensblight. It is a website I visit often . . . but insofar as Ravensblight, the community . . . as a real place to live . . . uh . . . I think I’ll pass . . .
This reminds me of a haunted place in a movie I saw quite a few years ago. A family went off the beaten path to find this ghost town . . . and as with most movies, wished they hadn’t. There is something to be said about curiosity . . . maybe somethings aren’t worth finding out . . .
I just know . . . or I think I know Ray O’Bannon is having fun . . . and he’s created a wonderful collection of haunted toys that are free to print out and assemble . . . and he does warn you they are haunted . . . and he adds a history to go along with them . . .
I hope you’re enjoying your day and will take a look at the links I’ve provided.
Until next time,