by Sharon | Dec 26, 2017
Christmas is over, but today is a day of returns and bargains!
My grandmother used to get in on the white sales — bedding usually, but there may have been table cloths, too. I think it was primarily sheets and pillow cases.
Today it is electronics, clothing and Christmas items.
After Halloween everyone is grabbing the half price candy. After Thanksgiving there’s Black Friday when the Christmas frenzy begins.
So really, it isn’t over until . . . the stores bring in the Valentine stuff.
It’s all for making room for the next celebration.
This is an excellent time to get Christmas wrapping paper, bows and ribbons to be prepared for next year. There may be Christmas cards, ornaments and decor items.
Fall and winter clothing may be on sale, too.
If we would shop after the great events, we could cash in on savings . . . Yes, things will be picked over . . . but you may find some real gems.
At times it can be ruthless . . . but it happens throughout the year.
It’s not for the frail, but the strong who brave the crowds and get those discounted items.
As a child I used to hate going to the tables with all the sale items. My grandmother and great-aunt and mother would paw through the items along with dozens of other women looking for their “must have” bargains.
I thought it quite ridiculous. If the stores could discount it so much, then why didn’t they sell it for that price and there wouldn’t be all this merchandise left over. But I never did seem to get the bargain hunting bug everyone else seemed to have. It’s just not my thing.
I’m not into the crowds . . . the traffic . . . the running around.
For me, the day after Christmas is a quiet relaxing day. I’m savoring the joy of the Christmas season. Looking forward to a New Year and finishing up tasks. I take down the tree and all the Christmas decor. I know many wait until after the new year, but I like to get back to normal as soon as possible.
For some they are experience winter storms . . . Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Enjoy the remainder of 2017 and may 2018 be a joyous and prosperous year for you and yours.
Until next time,
by Sharon | Oct 5, 2017
I’m always torn at this time of year whether to focus upon Halloween or think ahead to purchasing Christmas gifts.
Well, it’s worthwhile to follow-up on any “great deals.”
It is essential that we check out sales throughout the year. We should not get hung up on the time of year, but what gifts we need to give throughout the year and actively seek out the best deals.
Let’s face it, giving gifts throughout the year for family and friends can get expensive.
It is essential to focus on bargains.
Sometimes we can’t plan ahead for kids who absolutely want something one day and could care less about it a few days to a week or month later.
So, in some cases, planning ahead won’t pay off. Be sure to keep up-to-date with the interests of the children in your life. That includes adult children, too. We’re all changing our mind.
I was really excited about buying a GoPro camera.
I was close to making the purchase. 

What stopped me?
I had a camera I wasn’t using regularly and thought it best to learn the camera I had than to run out and buy another camera that I may or may not use.
Sometimes it is good to slow down and think through your purchases.
I’m not promoting any products in this post.
I’m just thinking about gifts and projects for the upcoming holidays.
I love making paper crafts. This includes cards and treat boxes.
In some ways it is necessary to have the right tools and equipment to make my project creation and mass production done in a timely manner. I do have many necessary tools and products to create just about anything I desire for the holidays.
I’m finding it is about using my time wisely and getting things accomplished in a timely manner. I know for Halloween, I’ll be making hundreds of gift boxes. I must begin now to mass produce these. Then when that project is completed, I move on to Thanksgiving and then to Christmas. I do like making hostess gift boxes and filling them with goodies. This is something I do and enjoy.
I do use templates and use my Silhouette Cameo to cut out these templates for me. This is a major time saver. It gives me time to embellish them and have them ready when the “event” comes around for me to fill them with treats.
I also have dies I use with my Big Shot to cut out templates of boxes. This seems more hands on, but it, too, saves me time.
And there are times I do love cutting things out and putting them together one at a time. It all depends upon my mood and how rushed I feel.
It’s wonderful to have technology to make your life easier.
I would be lost without my laptop.
And many of you are now thinking of items you could not live without. 

I know at one time — years ago, how a microwave oven was a major life improvement. I even remember when having a telephone not on a party line was a big deal . . . Many of you may not know what I’m talking about.
I’m not that attached to my cell phone, but I do marvel how others are able to do everything on their smart phones.
Technology is here to stay and will only get bigger and better.
Well enough of my rambling this morning.
by Sharon | Sep 30, 2017
When I invest my time in watching a movie I like to have it come to a conclusion.
Too often I’ve been watching movies on Amazon Prime and I have been left hanging.
I do find it a bit frustrating to get involved with the characters and the story, then left wondering . . . In many situations it may be good, but in most I do like to see how things work out for all concerned.
Now, not all of these movies on Amazon Prime are opened-ended, it just seems some of those I selected lately have been.
If you haven’t checked out Amazon Prime, I think this is a wonderful time to do so. Besides movies, there is music and the big game changer for me was FREE second day delivery of my orders. No more shipping fees is a true money saver.
There is always a 30-day Free Trial you can do to see if it would be worthwhile for you and your family.
It is only $99. per year!!
I have a banner in the footer that will take you right where you can sign up and get started. This is a wonderful value.
There is so very much Amazon Prime has to offer. It is worthwhile for you to check it out.
I enjoy the movies. This is an excellent way for me to watch movies and series without having to buy the DVDs.
I did surprise myself when I bought my Kindle. I always liked a book to grab and read, but now, I love my Kindle without the mess of having a bunch of books around wondering where to put them. The same is true for the movies and music. It is always nice to have a collection of favorites to share with family and friends, but this is an excellent way to preview before purchasing.
Another big surprise I got was that Amazon’s Halloween Shop is now open!!!
Yes, it is definitely time to get thinking about your costume, getting goodies for your party and having your trick-or-treat candy on hand.
Here are some links you may find helpful:

Traditional movie collections and some nice goodie bags to fill with delicious treats. I didn’t even know where to begin for Halloween costumes for the whole family — you do need to take a look and get them now as supplies last. Maybe they will give you some ideas for the theme of your party.
I do hope this was helpful and you’ll consider signing up for Amazon Prime.
Thanks for stopping by!
by Sharon | Sep 3, 2017
I not only have been revamping one website, but decided to do another.
There could be something about the anticipation of fall for me that marks a new beginning.
We’re pretty much programmed in childhood to a new school year in the fall. Summer may be a time of recharging for the new school year ahead. Or it is all the holiday celebrations — Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Eve . . . Valentine’s Day . . . that get us thinking and planning ahead.
This could be the “kick in the pants” of making appropriate changes — changing our behavior, trying new things . . . Yes, I know it is the New Year that marks the resolution making, but for me it seems to be during the summer.
I’m not afraid of change, I do welcome it. Revamping websites is part of what I do. I sometimes want a fresh look for my visitors. And, unfortunately, I sometimes lose interest in a website or I just want it to be better.
I could be in a rut where all my websites seem to look the same, but with the Divi Theme, one can make it into anything one would prefer.
The problem — deciding how to make it better . . . and keep the feeling and purpose upon which it was initially created.
This was my first real website — an eclectic blend of everything of interest to me (and hopefully to you), but I have gotten into a rut of sorts and it is time for me to get out of it and to have some serious fun . . . Just like when I first created this website.
So . . . on this Labor Day Weekend . . . What do I want to do?
Nothing drastic. Just freshen up this website a bit.
I think it just needed a bit of a boost — and more importantly, I need to write more posts on a regular basis.
Goodness, July and August have truly been neglected. I can’t do anything about that — it’s the past. I can, however, begin writing more posts here and now and continue on a more regular consistent basis. We’re getting into some fun times!!
Maybe I’ve been waiting around like Elvia — waiting for fall. We have had some very hot and humid days. We even had a few thunder showers that made being outside more miserable.
So what if we’re having a heat wave. Enjoy what we do have and be grateful. I believe I am very fortunate to have this website — and the ability to revamp other websites. I just need to remember where it all started.
I did make a few changes on my “home page”. I hope you will check it out, if you haven’t already done so. I just wanted to extend my background image of a cluttered attic and to have a place to feature some past posts you may want to revisit. That’s what’s great about having an established website running for several years. There are a whole lot of posts that need your attention. The information is still relevant. Especially the recipe for Cupcake S’Mores.
Thank you for stopping by!
by Sharon | Aug 6, 2017
Before we know it kids will be returning back to school.
This is all good. I always looked forward to a new school year.
And school seems to begin earlier and earlier. In the good ol’ days it was usually around Labor Day, but now . . . it’s August!!
We had a few overcast and humid days last week. It really zapped my energy. I’m definitely not used to humid weather conditions.
As I mentioned in an earlier post, I’ve been busy revamping a website. It has definitely taken more time than anticipated. Obviously, there is more to it. It is my new business venture as well. I didn’t realize how much time it would take.
I’m working on my priorities.
As you may recall, I love ghost stories.
Well, I’ve watched a series you can view with Amazon Prime. It’s called The Living and the Dead..
I really liked this first season and it left me wanting more. I don’t want to give a spoiler, but the last episode of season 1 made me wonder if it was at all possible.
There were also questions to be answered . . . but unfortunately they won’t be answered because the series was not picked up for another season.
I was about to say, had I known that I wouldn’t have gotten involved . . . but the truth of the matter is that I did enjoy the first season and will probably watch it again — several times to try to fit the pieces together.
For now it is available with Amazon Prime — click the link in the footer to sign-up.
I enjoy my Amazon Prime Membership. I love the free shipping and there are other perks you may enjoy as well. I like old movies I missed during the years of working. It’s kind of nice to get reaquainted with an old favorite or discover one you missed. There are some wonderful original series by Amazon that are definite award winners. An Amazon Prime membership is definitely worth checking out at only $99. per year.
I was just updating the website and I’ll be back with a review or something of interest.
Thanks for stopping by!
by Sharon | Jul 12, 2017
I’m sorry I haven’t been adding content here in quite a while.
I started a new business venture with Stampin’ Up!
I needed a website and thought I would revamp one domain I already owned.
I find it interesting how working on one website makes me want to change my other websites, but I am fighting it. I like things as they are here. I think over the years I’ve messed with this website enough.
I have been thinking about fall while others are all into Christmas in July.
As you know, Halloween and actually fall gets me excited. I do like Christmas, but there is definitely something about fall that seems to energize me. It may be the end of summer and the anticipation of the holidays. I may be a rare one when it comes to Thanksgiving. It is truly worth celebrating in my house.
Since the 4th of July has passed, we have nothing coming up except back to school and Labor Day.
So, why not start planning ahead for fall.
Before joining Stampin’ Up! I bought some stamp sets for the upcoming holidays — you may find them interesting too for your paper crafting ventures:

I hope some of them made you laugh as they did me. I’m into the fun side of Halloween. For some it is about the candy and for others the decorating and dressing up. I tried not to get too carried away . . . but I did . . .
Wherever you are in your holiday preparation, have fun and make the most out of this summer season.
Oh, I can’t let you go just yet. I’m sure I have an appropriate ghost story to tell you that you can retell to your friends as you’re sitting around having a nice visit.
Some friends were sitting around Annie’s house one evening bored to tears. Alex suggested they go out exploring an old abandoned farm house he saw on one of his trips out of town.
He explained how it was supposed to be haunted. I guess some guys went out there are got scared away. Maybe it wasn’t ghosts, but the homeowner not taking kindly to trespassers.
In any event, Annie and her friends hopped in Alex’s truck, Annie, Barb and Sissy sat in the cab with Alex while Bob and Hank sat in the back truck bed.
The boys could feel the air shift as they got out of town. The closer they got to their destination, they were cold — freezing in fact.
Sissy was feeling uncomfortable just looking at the outside of the abandoned old farm house. Her imagination was running over with all the movies and scary stories she had watched and heard over the years.
There was a barn a few yards from the farmhouse. Hank nudged Sissy to encourage her to join him into the barn. Alex joined them, leaving Annie, Barb and Bob to explore the farmhouse.
Bob was busy in the kitchen trying to open an old tool box while Barb and Annie went exploring the house.
They heard footsteps upstairs.
My personal instinct would be to either shout out or run out the door, but these kids did the unthinkable. They went upstairs.
They looked around and as is usually the case saw nothing . . . but Annie felt something hit her in the back on her left side. The pain was awful which dropped her to her knees.
She wasn’t aware of screaming . . . maybe it was Barb . . . within seconds, they heard Bob shouting and running up the stairs.
Barb noticed blood soaking into Annie’s blouse.
“You’re bleeding!! What happened!!”
“Something hit me.”
To Barb, it looked as though Annie was stabbed by a knife and she needed immediate medical attention.
They got to the emergency room at the local hospital. Of course, they had to explain where they were and what happened.
“You mean that old farmhouse out by the freeway?” an orderly asked.
“Yes, that’s the one,” Alex answered.
The orderly just shook his head and walked away.
“Hey wait a minute,” Alex called out. “What about that old place?”
“It’s haunted! You guys got off lucky, Most people don’t live to tell of their experience, but I know a guy who was outside waiting for his brother who got the stuffin’ kicked out of him, but no one saw anything, just his body jumpin’ from the kicks . . .”
I should stop the story right there . . . and you can in the retelling, but this isn’t the end of the story . . . not that there is an ending . . . Those kids never returned to that old place, but they did see a black figure from time to time watching them.
Oh Annie got all stitched up and spent the night in the hospital. She was fine, but she, too, felt as though she was being watched in and outside her home.
I suppose the moral of the story is not to go looking for trouble in abandoned buildings.
Oh, I almost forgot!! Remember that old tool box Bob was fiddling with in the kitchen? Well he did get it opened and he did the unthinkable. He took a tool out of the box and took it with him.
That may explain why they were being “haunted”.
Thanks for stopping by!