Welcome To Two Cans On A String Blog
I’ve been blogging here since July of 2014. With so much content available, I decided to mix some of the older posts with the newer ones to give you a true flavor of what this website is all about. The concept of “two cans on a string” makes me smile. I remember as a child trying that out — it wasn’t the best, but we had fun talking about the stuff that interested us at the moment. That’s what I’ve created here. I hope you enjoy it!! And . . . Thanks for stopping by!

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Product Reviews


Creepy Stuff

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An Eclectic Blend Of What We’re All About!
Relax and take a leisurely stroll through our archives — hopefully there will be something of interest.

Free Halloween Printables
A-Manda is giving away a whole collection of Halloween Printables!!! There are cupcake wrappers, candy wrappers, juice...

Oh Uncle Harold!
Uncle Harold just wants to have fun! You've already met his sister, Aunt Ruth . . . and made that image into a Card In...

August Plans
August Is A Magical Time . . . We're hopefully coming to the close of summer. I've had enough . ....

Lazy Days Of Summer
This Summer Season Has Been Busy And Much Too Warm . . .Actually, it was downright HOT! Usually I...
Latest Blog Posts
Please visit often and share with your friends and family.
Spin Master Games — Escape Room The Game
Rain is in the forecast, so a new game is on my agenda for this weekend. I enjoy many of the Spin Master Games, so Escape Room was first on my list to check out. This game is for 3 to 5 players ages 16 years and up. It features 4 escape rooms: Prison Break, Virus,...
Amazon Echo Product Review
You may be more up-to-date with gidgets and gadgets than I am -- but that doesn't stop me from reviewing the Amazon Echo. It's a voice controlled hands-free speaker that connects to the Alexa Voice Service to play music, get news, sports scores, weather and so much...
Camping and Ghost Stories Are A Natural Fit
With spring, it is only natural for you to get all excited about your camping trip. And, the fun thing is, you don't have to leave your own backyard. This is wonderful for the whole family to enjoy. I know of one family who does a whole Friday night to Sunday camping...
Ravensblight Cemetery Free Paper Craft
Ray O'Bannon has been busy over at RavensBlight. He has this cool cemetery complete with all the graves . . . It does seem a big crowded . . . It would be worthwhile to take some time to check it out and read the assembling instructions before printing it out on card...
Put On Your Dancing Shoes
I just love modern technology!! When I found these rhythm shoes, I couldn't stop laughing!! They're great!! It's like in the old days when there were dance lessons kits where you set the shoe patterns on the floor and would step on them to music. Well, this has the...
Light Up Flashing UFO Spinning Tops with Gyroscope
Wow! It's always fun to buy Party Favors in bulk -- especially novelty items. I like having something different for kids and adults to enjoy when celebrating birthdays, holidays and get-togethers. These novelty items would be great for just about all occasions. You...
Oh My Goodness!
I received a notification that several of my posts are lost. That happens from time to time. It's nothing for me . . . or you to get upset about. At one time I moved this website and didn't back it up -- so everything, back then, was lost. It was sad for me and sad...
A Skeletal Band With Backup Musicians Paper Craft
My friends over at RavensBlight always make me laugh with the talent of Ray O'Bannon. Not only is there a Skeletal Band, but there are also Backup Musicians. They're all FREE for you to print out and assemble. I suppose some introductions are in order: The Band...
Aeromax GLOW Tangle Free Toy Parachute
Requires NO batteries. There are no strings to tangle. Just toss it high and let gravity take over . . . and maybe a little wind. With spring coming, kids need to get outside and have something enjoy. The Aeromax Toy Parachute: Tangle Free Glow in the dark troopers...
Disney Free Printables
This is my 500th post here at TwoCansOnAString.com -- I should make it something special. With Valentine's Day right on our heels, I think maybe something to print out would be in order. Something simple for a children's school or church party. Or something for you to...
Free Printable Valentine’s Day Cards
Oh yes!! I'm giving you these at the last minute with Valentine's Day being tomorrow, but . . . There are 8 Valentine Cards that you can print out on card stock and have ready for your family and friends. As you can see, they are from Disney . . . Tim Burton's...
Last Minute Valentines For The Kids
I know Valentine's Day is tomorrow!!! Some of us do wait until the last minute. These are so easy, the kids can do them! You just need to click the picture, print out the PDF of four different Minion Valentine Day cards on card stock, tape a sucker on them, fill out...
A Rainy Saturday Morning
I love the rain, especially if I can stay home and listen to it. But, this Saturday morning I ventured out to run some errands. I was surprised by the number of people walking in the rain. They were strolling, in no hurry, enjoying themselves. While I was at the...
LEGO Friends Amusement Park Roller Coaster Building Kit
LEGO Friends 41130 Amusement Park Roller Coaster Building Kit -- 1124 Pieces Do we ever outgrow our need to build awesome buildings with LEGOS? It's doubtful. They didn't make great building kits like this when I was a kid, but for grandkids, it's a no brainer to get...
Wonderful Rainy Weather
I love the rain, but not the flooding. Too much of a good thing can somethings lead to trouble. I've been thinking about digging into some jigsaw puzzles. They are a wonderful rainy day activity. Treasure Hunt Bookshelf is a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle by Sunsout Inc....
FREE Printable Goggles
This is so exciting!! These goggles are from RavensBlight and look so steampunk. You can personalize them, too. I'm sure you and your children will come up with hundreds of variations -- different colored lenses, using plastic sheets, adding metal gears, buttons,...
Holiday Vacation Mode
With the holiday . . . I've been doing other things . . . Just as I imagine you have, too. Time to get the tinsel out of your mind and spring forth with a brand new year. A time for making resolutions and planning ahead. I don't know how that has worked out for you in...
We’re On The Home Stretch
I probably got that wrong . . . Not into horse racing . . . It does seem to apply to Christmas shoppers. I have been delighted by the number of sales I've made by having one or more of the links clicked . . . Thank you very kindly. I believe many more of you have done...