Welcome To Two Cans On A String Blog
I’ve been blogging here since July of 2014. With so much content available, I decided to mix some of the older posts with the newer ones to give you a true flavor of what this website is all about. The concept of “two cans on a string” makes me smile. I remember as a child trying that out — it wasn’t the best, but we had fun talking about the stuff that interested us at the moment. That’s what I’ve created here. I hope you enjoy it!! And . . . Thanks for stopping by!

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An Eclectic Blend Of What We’re All About!
Relax and take a leisurely stroll through our archives — hopefully there will be something of interest.

Cake Decorating Using A Lazy Susan
It's truly amazing what you can create -- Of course, it takes practice, but with the desire and some basic tools --...

Enjoying The Holiday Season
Holidays Are About Sharing With Family And Friends ... And Taking Lots Of Pictures ... I've been making a few changes...

An Amazon Original The Burial
Fighting To Save His Funeral Business! Inspired by true events, this remarkable story follows the...

Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: Haunted By Murder On Prime Video
A Great Mystery!A chilling mystery resurfaces within the eerie confines of a supposedly haunted...
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Delighted To Get Orders Within Hours Not Days
I Am Not The Most Patient Person . . .I'm most delighted when I discovered overnight delivery on some items with my Prime Membership. I don't know about you, but I'm like a child when it comes to placing an order and wanting it immediately. I love online shopping. It...
Christmas Movies On Amazon Prime Video
Going Home For The Biggest Holiday Of The Year . . .I've noticed Amazon Prime Video has been running Christmas movies since the summer. I don't mind. It's always nice to get a taste of the Christmas Spirit throughout the year. Now, with Thanksgiving just around the...
What Can Be Said For Series?
I've Been Hooked On Several SeriesIt's interesting how a series either grabs you right off or turns you off within the first few minutes. I suppose this is true for movies as well. It may depend on many factors, but the more important one is what we're in the mood to...
When A Stranger Calls
What Is Scarier -- Being Home Alone And Hearing A Strange Sound Or Being Alone In A Strange House?For me, I believe it is being kind of alone in a strange house. Now in this movie, the babysitter has sleeping children upstairs and a live-in housekeeper who is on the...
Peripheral 2019 Movie
I Love Movies About Writers -- This One Has To Do With Editing Software . . .It does make one wonder about the power of artificial intelligence -- with our computers and smartphones and other smart appliances . . . We may be living in our own science fiction creation...
Just Finished Watching Saving Grace On Amazon Prime Video
Many Of You May Like To Watch What Is New And Current, But I Appreciate Some Of The Older Series I Missed When They Were First Aired . . .I may have been busy with other stuff . . . or just not interested in it at the time. Or I may have just missed out on it. That's...
An Antique Mall
There Is Truly Something About The Halloween Season That Makes Me Nostalgic . . . I remember back in 2014 when I began this website again that I was truly into the paranormal and all things that go bump in the night. That has not changed . . . although I did set up a...
What Images Come To Mind When You Hear The Word Halloween?
All Hollows Eve Is My Time Of Year!The fall season comes around and everyone in my neighborhood is eager to get out and do some major yard decorating -- of the scariest and freaky kind with pumpkins and creepy stuff hanging from the trees . . . maybe a graveyard or...
How Many Names Are There For The Shopping Cart?
The Shopping Cart Seems To Be A Universal Symbol For Shopping In Various Venues Across The Globe . . .I know here in the United States we have several names for the shopping cart. Some refer to it as a basket . . . In the south it is common to hear someone calling it...
Do You Play Board Games?
Hasbro Gaming Trivial Pursuit: Wizarding World Harry Potter Edition Compact Trivia Game for 2 or More Players, 600 Trivia Questions, Ages 8 and Up (Amazon Exclusive)I've always loved board games and Trivial Pursuit is one of my favorites. It does work well with all...
Tim Holtz Idea-ology Thrift Shop Ephemera Pack
I purchased this ephemera pack a number of years ago. I used it for scrapbooking, cards and other paper craft projects I had in the works. A thrift shop is a place where one can usually find anything -- especially stuff you didn't know you wanted . . . How many times...
Philips 3200 Series Fully Automatic Espresso Machine with LatteGo
An excellent coffee maker is what everyone wants -- and one that would make a delicious latte is a bonus! I like my coffee made easy . . . I'm not into making a fancy fuss and I believe I can have just that with this coffee maker . . . It's good to get shopping now...
Blue Ridge The Movie
I sometimes have a bad habit of multi-tasking while I'm watching a movie. The problem is that I have to watch it again if I missed too much . . . And sometimes I just enjoyed it so much I wanted to view it again. That's the beauty of Amazon Prime Video . . . or owning...
August Plans
August Is A Magical Time . . . We're hopefully coming to the close of summer. I've had enough . . . My air conditioning went out twice and just yesterday the electric company gave the neighborhood a power outage to work on the power lines . . . Why is August and not...
Paper Girls — Amazon Original Series
Wow! This Amazon Original Series is Science Fiction, Adventure, Fantasy, Action, Suspense, Horror and Drama all rolled into one fantastic series. I've watched the first episode and I'm hooked. There are four girls with different backgrounds all coming together the day...
Lazy Days Of Summer
This Summer Season Has Been Busy And Much Too Warm . . .Actually, it was downright HOT! Usually I don't mind it with air conditioning . . . but when it goes out, life can be quite uncomfortable and miserable. I did buy a new heating and air conditioning unit -- my...
Hasbro Gaming Clue: Wizarding World Harry Potter Edition
A Harry Potter Edition Of Clue!!This is truly excellent for all the Harry Potter Fans -- combining a great game with your favorite characters!! There's no murder to solve, but there is a missing student you must find -- It kind of feels like a great game of Hide And...
Hasbro Clue Game; Incudes The Ghost Of Mrs. White; Compatible With Alexa (Amazon Exclusive); Mystery Board Game
A Truly Upgraded Edition Of The Classic Board Game ClueIt's excellent to be able to add another demension onto the beloved board game Clue -- Alexa Compatable, but not necessary in order to play the game -- You have the Ghost of Mrs. White . . . Depending upon her...