Welcome To Two Cans On A String Blog
I’ve been blogging here since July of 2014. With so much content available, I decided to mix some of the older posts with the newer ones to give you a true flavor of what this website is all about. The concept of “two cans on a string” makes me smile. I remember as a child trying that out — it wasn’t the best, but we had fun talking about the stuff that interested us at the moment. That’s what I’ve created here. I hope you enjoy it!! And . . . Thanks for stopping by!

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Creepy Stuff

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An Eclectic Blend Of What We’re All About!
Relax and take a leisurely stroll through our archives — hopefully there will be something of interest.

Minion Egg Dress Up For Easter
Let's have some fun with your Easter Egg decorating. How about dressing your eggs to look like Minions? And creating...

Heather’s Easter Eggs
Heather has come through with some interesting crafts. In a previous post, I showed you Heather's Simulated Window and...

Halloween Ends — Michael Myers And Laurie Strode Finale
All Good Things Come To A Spine-Chilling Climax!Halloween franchise fans will undoubtedly feel let...

What We Found — An Experience Like No Other
Watch As A Group Of Teens Embark On A Thrilling Journey. Filled with suspense and heart-pounding...
Latest Blog Posts
Please visit often and share with your friends and family.
Did You Hear That?
Jill was attending a party with some of her co-workers.She was fascinated by the house more than mingling with the party attendees.There was an elderly man sitting at the top of the stairs.“This is a lovely old house,” Jill said, hoping to learn more about...
How Weird Are You?
Many of us have superstitions. But do they prevent us from doing as we please?There are the well-known superstitions we’re all familiar with:An apple a day, keeps the doctor awayOpening an umbrella in the house is bad luckFriday the 13thBlack cat crossing your...
Dolls Creep Me Out
I may not be alone -- dolls creep me out.I felt this way before Chucky! There has always been something creepy about them.But a Raggedy Ann doll? What could be creepy about it?It’s not the doll, but what’s in the doll.Ed and Lorraine Warren renowned demonologists and...
Whispered Message
We’ve all shared whispered thoughts, but have you heard a whispered warning and no one was around? When I was in high school, I was waiting in the car while a friend was knocking on the door of another friend. We were going to the homecoming football game. I heard...
My House Is Haunted
That’s right!! It’s not something I like to admit . . . some of you may think I’m nutz!! I may be . . . but I know what I know . . . and something strange is going on in my house!! I have an antique music box . . . one of those with the metal disks. It has been in our...
Are You Followed By A Ghost?
Some people seem to be plagued by a ghost that follows them around for years. Why is this? I usually think it could be a relative, but I’ve found it has more to do with the positive or negative energy one gives off that attracts spirits to them. I feel very fortunate...
Cemetery Scare
Karen couldn’t shake the desire to visit the cemetery. She had no relatives buried there. A few years ago she had a bad breakup and instead of going home to an empty house would go to the cemetery after work. She would walk among the headstones thinking about her life...
Haunted Farm House
When Rick was six years old he moved into an old farm house in Georgia with his parents, grandparents and siblings. It was exactly what one would imagine a haunted house to look like. When they first arrived to their new home, Rick and his brother were excited...
How Many Ghost Hunters Are There?
I've been watching some YouTube Videos. I'm truly amazed by the number of people who go out to explore haunted locations. I have always been fascinated by haunted stuff and haunted locations. Some people are into cemeteries, hospitals, schools ... roads, tunnels,...
Every House Has A Story
We've been experiencing quite a lot of rain lately along with thunder and lightning. This always gets me thinking about ghosts and things that go bump in the night, Also urban legends along with folklore, superstitions ... This got me thinking about the land and the...
Haunted Antique Desk
Going antique hunting is always fun, especially when you find an old treasure. Carrie and Lisa planned a trip to go antique hunting and brought along their husbands for the heavy lifting. Carrie was looking for an antique desk and Lisa was looking for a grouping of...
Follow-Up On The Previous G Team Video
I Have This Love-Hate Thing Going On With Dolls ... Haunted Dolls I'll write stories about haunted dolls and videos about them ... but I won't be investigating them on my own or with my friends ... They just creep me out!! Today I have two YouTube Videos to share with...
G Team Investigation Video
I was excited to see Patty and Omar doing an investigation together. They made the video below for their fans. Omar recently moved his family to their new home, but they did visit his previous residence to make this video. His haunted dolls are in his old residence...
Haunted Hearse
A friend of mine bought a hearse. It was a vintage hearse that had been fully restored. He bought it from a local mortuary. They sold it because they believed it was haunted. He wanted to conduct ghost tours and thought a hearse would be an ideal vehicle to get his...
Haunted House By The Railroad Tracks
Here's a true story about a haunted house by the railroad tracks. I love haunted house stories, but add the railroad tracks and I'm thrilled. I do love old railroad tracks and railroad depots. I love model railroad trains. There is just something extremely special...
Keeping A Ghost Hunting Journal
My Ghost Hunting Group met at our favorite coffee house the other morning. Many of them keep a journal of their paranormal experiences. I don't keep one and neither does my friend Barbara. We usually remember our experiences when prompted by another member who shares...
Spirit Communication
Have You Been Thinking About Getting A Pendulum To Communicate With Loved Ones? Pendulums have become popular for communicating with spirits. There are some who put pendulums in the same category as Ouija Boards and recommend staying away from them. If you choose to...
Winchester Mystery House
. Is the Winchester Mansion really haunted? Psychics have visited the mansion and believe spirits still roam around the grounds and the mansion. The ghost of Sarah Winchester has been seen by many over the years. On one particular visit, I've been there several times,...