Welcome To Two Cans On A String Blog
I’ve been blogging here since July of 2014. With so much content available, I decided to mix some of the older posts with the newer ones to give you a true flavor of what this website is all about. The concept of “two cans on a string” makes me smile. I remember as a child trying that out — it wasn’t the best, but we had fun talking about the stuff that interested us at the moment. That’s what I’ve created here. I hope you enjoy it!! And . . . Thanks for stopping by!

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An Eclectic Blend Of What We’re All About!
Relax and take a leisurely stroll through our archives — hopefully there will be something of interest.

Ravensblight Cemetery Free Paper Craft
Ray O'Bannon has been busy over at RavensBlight. He has this cool cemetery complete with all the graves . . . It does...

Oh My Goodness!
I received a notification that several of my posts are lost. That happens from time to time. It's nothing for me . . ....

Digging To Death — Horror Movie On Amazon Prime Video
When You Start Digging, You Never Know What You Might Find . . . While digging a hole for a septic...

Awakened — What A Creepfest!
Things Aren't As They Appear To Be . . .Confronted by secrets and shadows, a young woman embarks...
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Urban Legend Come To Life
During this Halloween week, I thought a real ghost story would be in order. On this fall evening, I had a few friends over. We were sitting around the fire pit near my patio. As is usually the case, we started talking about urban legends. I've always thought some...
Annoying Ghost
This has been some weekend with Halloween Parties . . . and All Hollows Eve is still a few days away ... I don't know about trick-or-treat-ers running around the neighborhood. I have noticed there are some strange things going on ... last week and over the weekend ......
Silhouettes On The Wall
Can an obsession be caused by tragic events from long ago? There's an old song that came out in the late 1950's by the Rays called "Silhouettes". Brian and Karen are a young couple in their mid to late 20's. Neither of them had heard the song until they went to an...
Finding Comfort At The Cemetery
Cemeteries mean different things to different people. Lori moved back home to live with her parents after a bitter divorce. She didn't want to burden her parents with her sadness and bitterness, so everyday she went to the cemetery and just poured her heart out on the...
Haunted Alcatraz
I was shocked when Molly and Kevin came into the coffee shop and sat down across from me. I was having my coffee and a blueberry muffin while working on my laptop. My ghost hunting friends were busy doing other things and we hadn't planned to meet at the coffee house....
The Story Of Halloween
This History Channel Documentary I found quite informative and thought it important to share it here. Bats, witches ... plus traditions and legends that led to our celebration of Halloween. I found this documentary very informative and I hope you agree. I especially...
Communicating With Spirits
I have been communicating with spirits by using candles. It started years ago when I was young and living at home with my parents. We had a power outage and my mother lit some candles so we wouldn't be sitting in the dark. My father took a flashlight out in the garage...
Haunted Museum
As I was taking my barrels out to the curb in front of my house earlier today, I could hear voices. None of my neighbors seemed to be out ... other barrels were out ... I couldn't understand why I was hearing talking. This got me thinking about Mike's real ghost story...
Haunted Ouija Board
I don't use a Ouija board or have one in my home. I believe they are a portal to trouble. There are many who agree with me and, of course, there are those who do not. It's fine to have your own beliefs. Just as we've all had our own experiences. And, since it is...
Tim Sees A Ghost At The Florist
When was the last time you saw a ghost? Today? Yesterday? A week or month or year ago? Maybe ... never? Well they are around ... Tim and his wife were at the florist shop in town ordering some flowers to send to his grandmother who was in the hospital recovering from...
Are Apparitions Always Transparent?
The short answer is No. When Josie was 10 years old, she was going to church camp. At around 6 in the morning she got out of bed, showered, washed her hair and sat in the living room in the dark before her parents awoke and got ready to fix breakfast and take her to...
Hazel’s Antique Telephone
As you read Hazel's Real Ghost Story, you may wonder as I did of how much is real and how much imagined ... I have a friend who told me when she was a child how she would rock her grandfather's rocking chair and have long conversations with him. She was very aware of...
Just Strange Stuff
As I'm writing this it is raining and there is thunder rumbling and grumbling in the background. I've been looking forward to this thunder storm for weeks now . . . and it has finally arrived!! While writing my previous post, my computer screen went black . . . I was...
Creepy Friday Night Scare
Well, it is finally raining with the thunder rumbling in the background to make a wonderful background for my writing this Real Ghost Story about a creepy Friday Night Scare!! This happened a few years ago, but it was a personal experience I'll not soon forget. I...
Ghosts Don’t Like New Construction
A neighbor was doing major repairs on his house. He is not the kind of person who would admit to having spirits in his house, but he had to admit something strange was going on since he began major construction by adding a second story to his home. His wife was much...
The Haunted Playhouse
You always have to be careful buying previously owned products. Jerry and Kathy's daughter and son-in-law were going abroad on a working vacation. Their two young granddaughters wanted to visit their grandparents. Kathy was delighted to have her granddaughters visit,...
Going On A Ghost Hunt
College kids and ghost hunting seem to go together -- especially with a media assignment. I was at my local coffee shop when some college kids came in all excited about an assignment they had to film something. They could have done a political ad or some documentary...
Haunted Library
Our local library has a colorful history of being haunted. Two librarians died in the library under unusual circumstances. One hung herself from the attic rafters and another was battered to death by a book cart. Spend a little time there and you'll hear footsteps,...