Welcome To Two Cans On A String Blog
I’ve been blogging here since July of 2014. With so much content available, I decided to mix some of the older posts with the newer ones to give you a true flavor of what this website is all about. The concept of “two cans on a string” makes me smile. I remember as a child trying that out — it wasn’t the best, but we had fun talking about the stuff that interested us at the moment. That’s what I’ve created here. I hope you enjoy it!! And . . . Thanks for stopping by!

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An Eclectic Blend Of What We’re All About!
Relax and take a leisurely stroll through our archives — hopefully there will be something of interest.

Time Flies When You’re Busy
It's so true . . . but no excuses! All last week I thought about posting here . . . but with the turn in the weather...

Mass Production Vs. Personalization
For most crafters this can be an issue. I know it can be for me . . . that's why I'm writing about it. You see, I...

Back To The Rafters Review
It's Truly Unfortunate How A Wonderful Series Can Come Back With All The Fan Fair And Be Awful . ....

Have You Watched Packed To The Rafters?
Packed To The Rafters It's a great title for a series about a family . . . kids leaving the nest ....
Latest Blog Posts
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What’s Up?
Another Week Is Almost Over Getting closer to Santa's visit. Goodness, I can't believe how fast this month is going by. Yet, it is said that the older you get the faster time goes by. I must be getting older because I can see it. Do You Remember A Christmas Carol by...
Attended A 5 Hour Webinar
Do You Believe It? Yes, the webinar I attended was 5 hours long with a 10 minute break. There was time for questions and answers and clarification. That ate up some of the time, yet it was full of useful information. And my conclusion . . . I'm going back to how it...
Change Is In The Air
Do You Feel It? You may be all wrapped up with Christmas shopping, decorating and preparations. Yes it will be here before you know it! I'm changing some websites. I've eliminated one and plan to eliminate another one and perhaps a third one. It's interesting how...
The Down Side Of Holidays
So You Think This Is Going To Be About Sadness . . . Wrong!!! I'm talking about hope. With a whole lot of truth thrown in. You see, whenever you think of loved ones who have passed, they're right here with you. It could be a physical touch or a sound in another room....
What Are Your Dreams?
If You Can Dream It . . . I've been very fortunate to have very vivid dreams. That is, when they are positive. I've had some that may have been exciting, but they made me face my fears. I suppose that could be a good thing. Things like speaking in front of a large...
Catching Up
Have You Noticed That You're Always Catching Up On Tasks? I am. I promised my brother I'd print out some pictures for him . . . that was months ago . . . I finally decided to get to it. Once I got started it wasn't that big of a deal. Maybe you've found the same to be...
Thanksgiving Cootie Catcher
I Found This Great Thanksgiving Cootie Catcher It's a way of getting everyone to think of how thankful they are for so many of life's blessings. This is fun for kids and adults, too. I hope you enjoy it. You can get the Cootie Catcher Here. Some like printing it out...
Charlie Brown Christmas Tree Product Review
It's not the best quality, but it is a Charlie Brown Christmas Tree. It's an Amazon Best Seller for good reason. It reminds us all of the True Meaning of Christmas. It's a delightful conversation piece that would be excellent on a buffet or dessert table. This is a...
One of Life’s Many Journeys On Thanksgiving Day
This Thanksgiving's Travels I love Thanksgiving. The anticipation and the preparations. It's all about bringing family and friends together to celebrate life's numerous blessings. A time of caring and sharing. Yes, Thanksgiving can bring much joy and happiness into...
Thanksgiving Is Almost Upon Us
The Days And Weeks Are Going By Quickly. Thanksgiving is less than a week away! I was out shopping yesterday and the Thanksgiving grocery displays were moved front and center. It was so easy to find just about everything in that one section. I could feel the...
When Life Gives You A Kick In The Seat Of The Pants
What Do You Do When Things Aren't Coming Together? We've all been knocked down from time to time. It doesn't make it right or pleasant, but it is an opportunity to regroup and take a closer look. I'm no Pollyanna, but I choose to look on the bright side of every...
Happy Veteran’s Day
This is a special day of remembrance. And celebrating the many veterans who have served over the years . . . and those who are no longer with us. I'm pleased by the many ceremonies taking place today with parades. And some restaurants are giving veterans a free meal....
When You Find You No Longer Belong
That's Harsh! Yes, but there are times when you discover that many may have moved on without you. I remember how I lost interest in school when my best friend moved away. Sure, I had other friends, but with my best friend gone . . . I felt lost. This demonstrates that...
Do You Use Google + Hangouts?
There are plenty of social media networks that are available for different types of communication. It all depends upon what you like to use. I have internet marketing friends who use Google + Hangouts. I like it. We're able to see one another and have a conversation....
Feeling Good
Isn't It Wonderful To Wake Up In The Morning Feeling Great!!! I was cold this morning. Even Lil' Diva was snuggled in her blanket. Temps dipped in the night and my temperature outside was 48° F. It was warmer in the house, but time to turn on the heat. In an earlier...
Sunny Day With Forecast Of Rain
Feeling A Bit Lost After Halloween It's interesting how the let down of one holiday event drives one forward to another holiday. I have been anticipating Thanksgiving prior to the Halloween celebration. Then, once Halloween arrived, I was at a loss to proceed forward...
Listening To Things Going Bump In The Night
A Windy Night With Gusts Of Wind Banging, Clanging And Going Bump In The Night Windy days have never been my favorite. It has been blowing steadily for a couple of days and nights. I hear the train whistle off in the distance. Always a calming sound to me. Our senses...
Thankfully Looking Ahead
Do You Count Your Blessings Daily? Are you truly thankful for your many blessings? Is this a thought that comes around only during Thanksgiving? There's plenty of negativity around us. The trick is to ignore it and fill your heart and mind with positive thoughts. I...