Welcome To Two Cans On A String Blog
I’ve been blogging here since July of 2014. With so much content available, I decided to mix some of the older posts with the newer ones to give you a true flavor of what this website is all about. The concept of “two cans on a string” makes me smile. I remember as a child trying that out — it wasn’t the best, but we had fun talking about the stuff that interested us at the moment. That’s what I’ve created here. I hope you enjoy it!! And . . . Thanks for stopping by!

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An Eclectic Blend Of What We’re All About!
Relax and take a leisurely stroll through our archives — hopefully there will be something of interest.

Passion For Quilling
I know I'm a bit obsessed about quilling. First I was curious. Then I became excited about the 3-D construction. Now ....

Paper Quilling
Do you know about quilling? I heard about it several years ago, but didn't think much of it . . . until now. I got...

The Mystery Of Critical-Conceptional Thinking Uncovered
I have a Tarot Website and I've been studying the Tarot lately in those posts. I've also looked...

Cake Decorating Using A Lazy Susan
It's truly amazing what you can create -- Of course, it takes practice, but with the desire and...
Latest Blog Posts
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Halloween Contradiction
Are You A Good Parent? You practice what you preach, right? At least to the best of your ability. You want to give your children life enriching experiences that allow them to grow into intelligent, productive adults. But . . . no matter your good intentions children...
Another Haunted House Story
I'm fascinated by haunted houses. Not for me to explore, but for me to hear the true experiences of others. They usually begin with finding their dream house . . . and ends with it becoming their worst nightmare. This isn't a spoiler alert. It is how these stories...
Halloween Inspiration
It's Amazing How Something Simple Can Be Made Halloween Creepy I'm not into the gross, but I can appreciate the spooky and the thought provoking. This image with the Victorian Birds seems tasteful, but also creepy in a Hitchcock sort of way. Maybe a bit Poe . . . and...
Thunder, Lightning, Rain In The Early Morning Hours
I'm always amazed when the weather commentator gets it right. It was right on schedule, just past midnight. The thunder rumbled and roared. A bright flash of lightning and the tap, tap, tapping of the rain on the roof. This weather pattern will remain in place through...
Have You Had A Recurring Controlling Dream?
I've had several recurring dreams throughout my life. They all center around one place associated with one deceased family member. I'm not at all comfortable with the idea of my grandmother controlling me from the grave, but I had a friend visiting one day who...
Let’s Boo The Neighbors This October
Boo-ing the neighbors is a good thing to do. I see it as a "pay it forward" type of activity. I did this last year and had a great time. At our annual Block Party around Christmas, Boo-ing the neighbors was the buzz. And it can happen around Christmas, too -- stay...
The Inspiration of Autumn
Autumn Glory Written by Marilyn Ferguson ©2004 Autumn breeze is blowing Chill is in the air Leaves are gently swirling Scattered here and there. People clad in jackets Cider nice and hot Wiener roast and campfire Sure does hit the spot. Football games on Fridays Fans...
Change Like The Autumn Leaves
October 9, 2015, I wrote my 300th blog post. I didn't make a big deal about my 200th or even 100th here at TwoCansOnAString.com Maybe it was no big deal to me because this was the second time around for me with this website. So why is this 300th post so important?...
Apple Bread With A Caramel Glaze
I couldn't think of anything more appropriate for this 300th post! I absolutely love apple anything. Then add a caramel glaze over it and it is pure heaven! My mother and grandmother were the pie makers in the family. Sure, I could join their ranks . . . but...
Apple Bites Food Craft Recipe
It is fun to play with your food!! These little guys would truly be a fun surprise to put in your kid's lunch . . . or to have out for an after school snack. They are truly easy to make. . . and fun to eat. You can make these apple bites with green or red apples. I...
Sweet Potato Skins With Chipotle Chicken Recipe
I suppose you could make these any time, but for some reason sweet potatoes come to mind in the fall and stay there through the holiday season. But, it could be a good one to remember for your Super Bowl Party . . . introduce it now and you'll have requests for it...
Black Halloween Apples
Here's A Change From Candy Apples or Caramel Apples . . . A nice coating of chocolate over your apple -- red or green would be a delicious surprise for the guests at your Halloween Party. It could just be me, but I found them difficult to eat . . . and I wasn't a...
Get Your Fall On With Popcorn Ball Pumpkins
These Popcorn Ball Pumpkins are flavored with orange jello and decorated with mini Tootsie Roll stems and green leaves you flatten and shape from green fondant. They are excellent for parties -- young and old alike enjoy popcorn balls. The kids may enjoy...
Bleeding Candles
Witches Brew Scented Bleeding Skull Candle by Wicked Wicks The skull is filled with red wax, when lit "bleeds" out the eye sockets. This is truly creepy which makes it perfect as a centerpiece for your Halloween bash. The candles are Flamable and should be set on a...
Random Thoughts For Fall
My internet and telephone service have been off and on for a week . . . and it may continue until the network server is back in service. I don't mind the telephone service being off as much as I mind the internet being out. But the ideal situation is to have both...
Le Creuset Signature French Dutch Oven
It's always nice to have quality cookware for superior heat distribution. Le Creuset Signature is quality and beauty you can proudly set on your table for serving. This is a huge Dutch Oven that is excellent for large family dinners. I love mine. I can cook to...
Mini Haunted Houses You Can Make
I absolutely love paper crafts. Ravensblight.com has a new collection of mini haunted houses that are fast and easy to make. The creator Ray O'Bannon has a creepy little tale about this trio of mini houses that stand about 5 inches tall. They can be tucked away nicely...
Homemade Snicker Bars Recipe
These are absolutely delicious and not that difficult to make. This is one candy bar that seemed to be the right combination of everything I craved in a candy bar. Now I can make them myself! Let's get started! Ingredients: 1 cup of semisweet chocolate chips for the...