Welcome To Two Cans On A String Blog
I’ve been blogging here since July of 2014. With so much content available, I decided to mix some of the older posts with the newer ones to give you a true flavor of what this website is all about. The concept of “two cans on a string” makes me smile. I remember as a child trying that out — it wasn’t the best, but we had fun talking about the stuff that interested us at the moment. That’s what I’ve created here. I hope you enjoy it!! And . . . Thanks for stopping by!

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An Eclectic Blend Of What We’re All About!
Relax and take a leisurely stroll through our archives — hopefully there will be something of interest.

Free Printable Valentine’s Day Cards
Oh yes!! I'm giving you these at the last minute with Valentine's Day being tomorrow, but . . . There are 8 Valentine...

Last Minute Valentines For The Kids
I know Valentine's Day is tomorrow!!! Some of us do wait until the last minute. These are so easy, the kids can do...

A Thousand Little Cuts
How Does The Mind Cope With Trauma?A mysterious journey unfolds as a resilient young woman awakens...

Under The Boardwalk: The Monopoly Story
So Much More Than A Board Game"Under the Boardwalk" takes an in-depth look at the immense global...
Latest Blog Posts
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Chased Out Of An Old Cemetery
Many of you may find cemeteries to be creepy . . . but they don't have to be. Some people have some very interesting ideas about ghost hunting and being right in the middle of the action, but would you set up camp next to a cemetery? I have a respect for cemeteries...
Why Hunt For Ghosts In The Dead Of Night?
There is a common belief that 12 midnight is the bewitching hour when ghosts, spirits, poltergeists, what have you will appear. For ghost hunters, many have day jobs and night is the best time for them. I believe it is spookier at night and having some nice scary...
What Scares You?
The easy answer is the unexpected. I truly wish there was a camera set up awhile back when my ghost hunting friends and I came running out of an abandoned house like scared children. You'll just have to imagine a group of senior citizens running for their lives down a...
A Visit To Aunt Francis
I am definitely intrigued by the ghosts of children. For one thing it breaks my heart that children have died young. Maybe since I've been a teacher, they're attracted to me, or me to them. Whatever the case, I do get my fair share of children ghosts. I met two young...
Scared Half To Death
I received a frantic telephone call from my friend Barbara early one morning. We decided to meet at our favorite coffee shop. I was hoping others would arrive, too, to get to the bottom of Barbara's paranormal experience. These spirits Barbara encountered were...
Goo Was Dripping From The Wall
I was at my local antique mall quite some time ago and as I was looking around I noticed goo dripping from the wall. We did have quite a bit of rain, but it wasn't the normal rain type of drip unless there was something in the attic that made this happen. It gave me...
Do You Believe In Demons?
To be honest with you, I try not to give demons much thought. Yes, I have seen demons and I have felt them. I've had to remove them from my house and antiques. I thought with the movies and some YouTube videos, people put too much emphasis on demons. They...
Joel’s Freaky Ghostly Encounter
I met some friends at our local coffee shop. Some dabble in ghost hunting -- some more serious than others. I like hearing of their ghostly adventures . . . and I'm rather fond of the blueberry muffins. My friend, Barbara brought along her nephew Joel. He seemed...
The Brown Lady Of Raynham Hall
The photograph of The Brown Lady of Raynham Hall is familiar to most everyone. It is included in everyone's collection of ghostly apparitions. Many believe it is authentic, but there are always those who believe otherwise. I'm no photography expert, but I am open...
Haunted Flower Shop
While in high school, I did house sitting and dog sitting. I had another job at a local flower shop. The local flower shop would hire high school students from time to time when volume was high -- Valentine's Day, Mother's Day -- graduations and weddings. Then, there...
Who Was That Guy?
Have you ever seen someone who seemed a bit out of place? I've mentioned before how I've talked to spirits thinking they were real or saw something that really wasn't there, but I know what I saw. Well, Janet was working in a nursing home. Basically she would claim...
The Practice Of Covering Mirrors After A Death
Where did this practice originate? I'm fascinated by the folklore of our ancestors. When it came to ghosts and ghouls they had very definite practices. The one I'd like to tell in this post is Why cover mirrors after a death? First I looked to Europe, second to old...
Reading Antiques Before Purchase
Psychometry is the ability to read objects. All of us have this ability to a degree. We get vibrations that are either good or bad. We just need to spend some time with an object and see if we receive any reaction to it. It may make you feel happy, sad, or any...
Our Family Plot
I've always been fascinated by cemeteries. I was one of those strange children who enjoyed the outings to the family plot when we'd visit my grandmother. I didn't know who was there and why we'd go. I just knew it was important to my grandmother. The great thing for...
Would You Buy A Haunted Doll?
I can't imagine adopting a haunted doll. I was at my favorite antique mall a few weeks ago with some friends and I witnessed something I won't soon forget. We were looking around and when Barbara and Amy went to look at dolls, I followed them. I immediately...
Ghost Chair
Have you seen something out of the corner of your eye and then when you looked head-on it was there, but not? There is this "other dimension" that we're sometimes privy to seeing. It makes you shake your head a little when you see something not fully...
My Brother’s Howdy Doody Marionette
All right, no surprise -- this Howdy Doody Marionette Freaked Me Out. I've never really liked puppets or marionettes. I thought they were just creepy. Sometimes my dolls would creep me out as well. But I digress . . . Way back in the 1950's, my brother got a Howdy...