Welcome To Two Cans On A String Blog
I’ve been blogging here since July of 2014. With so much content available, I decided to mix some of the older posts with the newer ones to give you a true flavor of what this website is all about. The concept of “two cans on a string” makes me smile. I remember as a child trying that out — it wasn’t the best, but we had fun talking about the stuff that interested us at the moment. That’s what I’ve created here. I hope you enjoy it!! And . . . Thanks for stopping by!

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An Eclectic Blend Of What We’re All About!
Relax and take a leisurely stroll through our archives — hopefully there will be something of interest.

Let’s Make Something Useful
I found these video tutorials awhile back and made up some of these bookmarks. I had a great time because they're...

Closure Box Free Printable
I love paper crafts . . . especially boxes I can fill with interesting things. This closure box seems suitable for...

Easter Egg Spinner Decorating Machine
A New Fun Exciting Way To Decorate Your Easter EggsDecorating Easter Eggs is only the beginning of...

COSORI Air Fryer Toaster Oven
Fried Food With Flavor But No OilAir frying is the way to eat healthier . . . Wonderful recipes...
Latest Blog Posts
Please visit often and share with your friends and family.
Officially Summer And It Is Hot
Yes! I'm already complaining about the summer temperature. It reached the triple digits! Wonderful beach weather or spending time in the pool. I spent time working on my personal projects indoors. Yes, I am a bit boring, but I enjoy quiet activities in hot weather. I...
I Love Unusual Boxes
Unusual Boxes Are Especially Great When You Can Make Them Yourself. These work for all occasions . . . and it works well for you to keep some hidden treasures of your own safe. I do love the design of this box and the ability to set it among other books for safe...
Summer’s On The Way
Our June Gloom turned to sunshine with rising temperatures. This Father's Day weekend is going to bring excellent BBQ weather. My temperatures are tipping the 90's and will easily slip into triple digits. It's important to check on the elderly and keep your pets in...
Life Lessons
How do we learn them? They have been usually learned from our elders -- parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. Then there are the books we read and the movies we watch . . . and the video vlogs, too. And what our teachers and peers tell and demonstrate. I didn't...
What’s Up?
Once again my thoughts are rambling. Just wanted to give you fair warning. I was at my local "neighborhood market" a few days ago. I had to feed my ice cream craving. I bought a couple of boxes of Good Humor Strawberry Shortcake Ice Cream Bars. I knew in the past the...
Amazon Prime — A Review
Do you have Amazon Prime? At $99. a year, I believe it's a real bargain for those who order regularly from Amazon.com There are so many other reasons -- if you're into shopping for bargains -- you get an advanced looked to get in on the savings. There's also movie...
Do You Remember Elvira?
What was she? Elvira, Mistress of the Dark . . . She would host these movies that were awful . . . but we watched . . . just to get her take on it . . . and to laugh. It was something for the whole family . . . or for friends . . . I would think that just about...
Time Flies When You’re Busy
It's so true . . . but no excuses! All last week I thought about posting here . . . but with the turn in the weather to HOT . . . and playing around with paper strips . . . time just flew by. It's fun to learn something new and to be motivated to finish projects I've...
Holiday Weekends Mess Up My Week
I don't know about you, but after a Monday holiday my week is messed up. I'm always a day off . . . The same with the weekend -- did I have two Sundays? Well, it seems that Tuesday is upon us and I'm trying my best to keep up with the week the best I can . . . with my...
Mass Production Vs. Personalization
For most crafters this can be an issue. I know it can be for me . . . that's why I'm writing about it. You see, I enjoy making boxes . . . lots of boxes . . . some for my family and friends and neighbors and some for special occasions. When it comes to special...
Passion For Quilling
I know I'm a bit obsessed about quilling. First I was curious. Then I became excited about the 3-D construction. Now . . . I am completely blown away. Turish Artist Sena Runa quit her paying job to devote her time to quilling. This shows true passion . . . and a true...
Paper Quilling
Do you know about quilling? I heard about it several years ago, but didn't think much of it . . . until now. I got thinking about the layering of paper many crafters do. Then I wondered how quilling could be a part of that, especially when it involves 3-D objects. And...
Halloween In A Jar
How much Halloween can you fit in a jar? I know it is way early to be thinking about Halloween, but . . . it doesn't hurt to get started with some of your Halloween decor. I know people who plan for their Halloween party immediately after their last Halloween party ....
Terra Cotta Pot Mini Campfire
Some People Are So Clever! Line a terra cotta pot with aluminium foil, put in some charcoal, light it and you have a mini campfire where you can roast marshmallows . . . or make some s'mores . . . or make a delicious sugar cone filled with fruit and chocolate and...
Art Impressions Girlfriends
I Love These Rubber Stamps!! These ladies know how to have fun . . . and fun they do have throughout the pages in my mini-albums and on various greeting cards I make for family and friends. These stamps for me have become a "family" . . . they are very much part of...
What Could You Do In 10,000 Hours?
The Theory Is That You Could Master A Skill . . . If you practiced for 10,000 hours!! Goodness! What's that 5, 6, 7 years? Well, I'm not that patient. But I do rack up quite a few hours watching how to videos. Watching isn't doing -- watching isn't "practice." There...
Thank Your Lucky Stars
I can't believe these things are still around . . . As long as parents and grandparents and great-grandparents are around to share these Lucky Stars with their kids, grand kids and great grand kids, these will be around for generations to come. I learned how to make...
A Motivational Thought
Formal Education vs. Self-Education What do you think? Perhaps a bit of both? Formal education gives you the basics and the theories . . . but self-education digs in to bring out the essence . . . motivating you to think outside the box, perhaps . . . to discover more...