Welcome To Two Cans On A String Blog
I’ve been blogging here since July of 2014. With so much content available, I decided to mix some of the older posts with the newer ones to give you a true flavor of what this website is all about. The concept of “two cans on a string” makes me smile. I remember as a child trying that out — it wasn’t the best, but we had fun talking about the stuff that interested us at the moment. That’s what I’ve created here. I hope you enjoy it!! And . . . Thanks for stopping by!

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An Eclectic Blend Of What We’re All About!
Relax and take a leisurely stroll through our archives — hopefully there will be something of interest.

Free Printable Recipe Binder
Having Problems Getting All Of Your Recipes Organized? There is help on the way! Just click the image to the right for...

Pumpkin Carriage Paper Craft
I may be completely nuts . . . But I believe Mom would love a pumpkin carriage paper craft for Mother's Day. You see,...
Mr. Potato Head
It's Interesting How Some Toys I Had As A Child Are Still Available ... With Improvements, Of...

April Showers Bring May Flowers
My Goodness We've Been Experiencing Considerable Rain Over The Past Few Days I do love the rain...
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Crunchy Monkey Peanut Butter And Banana Sticks Recipe
Rachael Ray comes through with this great snack that makes a wonderful breakfast, too. It serves four and has great ingredients: 1/2 cup of chunky style peanut butter 2 tablespoons of honey 1 cup granola with nuts and raisins -- I suppose you could substitute trail...
Introducing Amazon Echo Release Date July 14, 2015
Amazon Echo It's exciting news when I can announce something so incredible as Amazon Echo. It's designed around your voice. It's hands-free, always on and has 7 microphones with beam-forming technology. Echo can hear you from across the room even with music and family...
Summer Has Finally Arrived
We're officially into the summer season. I don't know whether to celebrate or cry . . . it's not my favorite season because it lasts so very long . . . but I must be grateful for the seasons we do get in Southern California. It's been much cooler today . . . another...
Green Chili and Chicken Lasagna Recipe
It's hot outside and I'm giving you a recipe to make a hot meal in the oven . . . but if you do this recipe right, then you'll have a feast for several days to come. Remember, recipes are only a suggestion . . . you can substitute ingredients or add some of your own ....
One Skillet Italian Sausage Tortellini Recipe
I absolutely love one skillet cooking -- makes for easy clean-up. Yes, I am lazy . . . but I prefer to think of it as smart. Italian Sausage Tortellini Recipe This recipe makes 4 servings . . . so double the recipe for a larger group . . . or just play it by ear as I...
A Quote For Thought
Occasionally I come across a quote . . . I wonder is funny . . . or just dumb. "I don't exactly hate you, but if you were on fire and I had water, I'd drink it" seems to be a bit of a head scratcher. Initially, it did pull me up a bit short and I could see the humor...
Thoughts of Summer
It may not officially be summer, but the weather is feeling as though it is. We've been experiencing some of the normal June Gloom, but lately it has gotten hot and I do mean hot . . . high 90's and threatening to reach triple digits. Summer is not my favorite season...
Monster Ring Toss Game You Can Make
Here's a frightening pair of Monsters you can make along with the rings. This is a good use for the old boxes you have ready for the recycle bin. I think making a game would be a better use for the cardboard. And it's a great way to keep the kids busy when school is...
4th of July Mini Banana Split Firecracker Recipe
These mini banana split firecrackers will be a definite hit at your 4th of July BBQ. You're going to need some cherries with the stems, bananas, blue chocolate melts, sprinkles and some whipped cream. Melt the blue chocolate melts in the microwave. Peel the banana...
Sundae Cone Cake
It's always a challenge to have something new for dessert or for a sweet snack. This Sundae Cone Cake Recipe seems to fill the bill nicely. This cake is actually ice cream! Are you surprised? That's what makes it a sundae with the cone crunched up and placed around...
Slow Cooker Beef Stroganoff Recipe
This looks good with a side of vegetables or a salad. You're going to use stew meat for this recipe, but you're going to cook the noodles separately as you usually cook noodles. They don't go into the slow cooker . . . Slow Cooker Beef Stroganoff Recipe Ingredients:...
Slow Cooker Cheesy Chicken And Potato Recipe
This looks really tasty. It's cheesy, chicken-y and potato-y. I like the idea that you make this in a slow cooker either on high or low setting to get this meal made without last minute scurrying around. Great for a Friday and over the weekend left-overs. This recipe...
Happiness Is A Choice
It seems we are bombarded with all kinds of distressing news, even the weather can irritate us. I know the warm sticky weather we're experiencing right now isn't having a positive effect on my disposition. I've also chosen not to listen to the news other than to be...
Newspaper Clipping of Kentucky Fried Chicken Recipe
It's amazing the stuff you can find on Pinterest. This may have nothing to do with the KFC franchise recipe. The only thing they have in common is the name. It is a different way of making fried chicken, though. Once upon a time women would clip recipes out of the...
Frozen Hot Chocolate Recipe
With the warm weather coming our way, here's a delicious pick-me-up to cool down the kids as well as yourself. Mexican Frozen Hot Chocolate You're going to need: 1/2 cup chocolate syrup 1 cup sweetened condensed milk -- I personally don't like this, so I go for...
Free 4th of July Paper Chain You Can Make
I absolutely love making paper chains. This 4th of July Free Printable Paper Chain is great for other patriotic holidays, too. It's going on my fireplace mantle. It will truly dress it up. Get the kids involved . . . your paper chain may be much longer than you ever...
Fourth of July Hot Dog Recipe
It's just about that time of year when we celebrate America's Independence! I saw this image on Pinterest and had to give it a quick look . . . basically what you see is what you have. Recipes with pictures are much more exciting than words, but, of course, I'm going...
National Donut Day
National Donut Day is the first Friday in June. Be sure to mark your calendars! My goodness! We do have undeclared holiday celebrations. I'm late in telling you about it and celebrating it . . . but I'm going to share a donut that you'll enjoy taking a bite out of . ....