Welcome To Two Cans On A String Blog
I’ve been blogging here since July of 2014. With so much content available, I decided to mix some of the older posts with the newer ones to give you a true flavor of what this website is all about. The concept of “two cans on a string” makes me smile. I remember as a child trying that out — it wasn’t the best, but we had fun talking about the stuff that interested us at the moment. That’s what I’ve created here. I hope you enjoy it!! And . . . Thanks for stopping by!

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An Eclectic Blend Of What We’re All About!
Relax and take a leisurely stroll through our archives — hopefully there will be something of interest.

Paper Craft Easter Bunny
This happy Easter bunny is a great craft for you to do -- you may have just enough time to make a few for family and...

Heather’s Simulated Window With Wreath and Lantern
This is my friend Heather's beautiful wreath she made with a picture frame simulated window as a lovely background. It...

Clue — The Campy Comedy We Loved In 1985
Experience The Thrill Of The Game Come To Life On The Silver Screen. Meet all the notorious...

Harry Potter Cauldron Soup Mug With Spoon
A 16-Ounce Cauldron-Shaped Soup Mug!Made to look just like a cauldron from a potions class at...
Latest Blog Posts
Please visit often and share with your friends and family.
Evil In The Basement
There's a legendary haunted estate not far from my home. Many of my ghost hunting friends have visited this place several times over the years, bringing in psychics and other paranormal investigators who have all experienced the same creepy feeling ... some even...
It Happens The Same Time Every Night
Jill worked the night shift at a convenience store. There were gas pumps and a car wash. Right at midnight, every night the car wash would start . . . but there was no car . . . The manager thought it might be a timer he wasn't aware of, so he checked it out. Nope! No...
Is There A Difference Between A Ghost And A Spirit?
I enjoy having interesting discussions with my ghost hunting friends. We had a lively discussion and finally settled on ghosts are tied to a particular location and spirits are free to roam as in the expression "free spirit." Now that I think of it, there were ghosts...
Does Ghost Hunting Have A Season?
I like to give my ghost hunting friends something to think about while we're at my favorite coffee shop. I was surprised they didn't laugh me out of the coffee shop. I just got thinking about different hunting seasons and different holiday seasons along with the...
Ghost Car
There have been numerous stories of people seeing cars going down the road without drivers. It is unnerving when it happens, but it has been witnessed too many times to be discounted as one's imagination. I was driving home from a party in the local mountains. It was...
Aggressive Ghosts
I have a friend who always said, "I'd love to live in a haunted three story Victorian house." As the saying goes, "Be careful what you wish for." No, she didn't get her three story Victorian, but she did encounter an aggressive ghost. She was sitting in her living...
Haunted Fireplace
I haven't been adding real ghost stories to this website for awhile ... mainly due to a personal experience that still bothers me. I won't be writing about it any time soon. I don't know about you, but there are times a paranormal experience does scare you so...
Tough Love Ghost Story
Lilly and Tom rushed into the coffee shop to tell me the latest about Brat Boy. I find it always interesting to hear the ghostly experiences of others. This on-going saga with Lilly and Tom isn't one where they have actually seen the ghost, but observed changes in the...
Busy At The Cemetery
I decorate grave sites during the early morning hours. This being Veteran's Day Weekend I put out plenty of American Flags along with flower arrangements. At dawn it will be a sight to behold. I love my job, but I must admit I do sometimes get a bit creeped out. I...
Strange Experience At The Coffee Shop
Occasionally when I meet my ghost hunting friends at our local coffee shop there is a ghost or two hanging around. They do try to get our attention in various ways. On this particular morning I kept hearing a strange buzzing sound. I thought it was some kind of...
Taking Gifts From Ghosts
I was with my ghost hunting group at the local cemetery. While there, we met Bertha who had a story to tell. She went on one of those tours of haunted places. She didn't specify where and we didn't press her. Bertha was 14 or 15 years old at the time. She was looking...
Cloudy Weather And Ghost Hunting
I'm always curious how the weather affects ghosts and spirits. I am reminded that ghosts and spirits were once living beings and for some reason are stuck here or chose to visit here to look out for others. It may be where their friends are and they enjoy being with...
Haunted Elevator
My local coffee shop is a great place to meet my fellow ghost hunters and friends who have an interest in the paranormal. It's also a good place to meet new people who have had experiences they can't explain. We don't usually have an agenda when we meet. Sometimes we...
Home Cleansing and Shielding Recipe
This is for those of you who feel there is something going on in your home or within you -- attracting negative forces into your life. This can take two or three days to complete. On Day One: Open all curtains, blinds, windows and doors. Allow the fresh air and...
Can Evil Spirits Affect A Loving Relationship?
Demonic Entities love causing problems. Ryan and Liz didn't know what was going on with them. It seemed little things would set them off. For their wedding anniversary they decided to get away and work on their marriage. When they reurned home, Liz noticed the silver...
Daytime Ghost Hunting
I'm a daytime ghost hunter. I prefer to do my ghost hunting during the day. There are plenty of dark places to go and I like to be able to run out into the daylight, not the dead of night. Maybe I am chicken. I can get scared and creeped out during the day just as...
Hauntings In Normal Everyday Places
You really don't need to venture far from home to encounter ghostly apparitions or orbs. It doesn't have to be late at night, it can be during the daylight hours. Granted, they are easier to see at night, but that doesn't mean that's the only time they are present....
Strange Paranormal Activities
There's this theatre in the park that is known to be haunted. The stories are quite outrageous from wild zoo-type animals to a satanic cult frequenting the area. Most people discount this by saying "Nothing has been substantiated." Of course they're going to say that,...