Welcome To Two Cans On A String Blog
I’ve been blogging here since July of 2014. With so much content available, I decided to mix some of the older posts with the newer ones to give you a true flavor of what this website is all about. The concept of “two cans on a string” makes me smile. I remember as a child trying that out — it wasn’t the best, but we had fun talking about the stuff that interested us at the moment. That’s what I’ve created here. I hope you enjoy it!! And . . . Thanks for stopping by!

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An Eclectic Blend Of What We’re All About!
Relax and take a leisurely stroll through our archives — hopefully there will be something of interest.

Three Day Weekend Of Fun In The Sun
While everyone is having fun this weekend celebrating America's Independence . . . I'm thinking of Halloween . . ....

Patriotic Pinwheel Free Printable
We're getting closer to the 4th of July! I'm going to put my flag out early this year so it can proudly wave in the...

The 5 Things You Need To Know About The COSORI Electric Gooseneck Kettle
COSORI Electric Gooseneck KettleWith an electric kettle it sets a whole new image in my mind when...

Multi-Purpose Kaffe Electric Coffee Grinder
A Multi-Purpose Coffee Grinder Is Essential For Every Well Equipped Kitchen Thinking about...
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What Do You See?
I Love Vintage Photographs I wrote about this on my TwoCansOnAString.com website today. I usually don't like repeating links, but I thought it appropriate to share here. I'm sure you have similar photographs in your family albums with the "shadow" of the...
The Shadow Knows
Is This Creepy? Or Do You Have Old Photographs With A Shadow? Take a good look at the photograph. Does it make you hungry for an ice cream cone or give you a sense that something sinister is afoot? Throughout the United States and perhaps the world there are countless...
How To Fold Easter Bunny Napkins
I Love Having A Formal Easter Dinner With Linen Napkins But how do you do it? Martha Stewart is usually my source for learning something new and valuable to dress up my dinners. Just click the image and you'll be taken to the directions. They are a bit of a challenge...
Easter Snack Recipe
There Are A Lot Of Holiday Snacks Using Popcorn If you don't have a popcorn popping machine, don't you think it's about time you got one? I don't want to be pushy, but the microwave popcorn bags ones don't work as well with this recipe. You can always pop corn kernels...
Are You Thinking Spring?
For Many Of Us, Spring Is On The Way I've been thinking of Easter and have already given you some crafts to do. I do love winter and all the fun things associated with special holidays . . . but spring has Easter and some fun activities to do. It is nice to get...
Envelope Punch Easter Treat Box
I went on a bit of an adventure through YouTube this morning. I absolutely love the creativity of others. Perhaps one day I'll be able to design some boxes on my own. I believe it is all a matter of time . . . and a full large zip-lock bag full of scraps from failed...
Eager To Get Crafting
I've been watching a lot of "how to" YouTube Videos lately. They are quite motivating. I've even thought of making some of my own. I love doing Christmas crafts throughout the year and I also like having some fun with Halloween. I do love the vintage feel of these...
Disney’s Thumper Easter Basket
I fell in love with Thumper when I first saw him in Bambi. So every spring and Easter, I get thinking about him. Initially, I was thinking of just printing out Thumper and forgetting about the basket. I would love to make other crafts using his image throughout the...
Emoji Easter Eggs
Emoji's are extremely popular . . . so why not use them to decorate your Easter Eggs Yes, it seems easy enough. Just die your eggs yellow and with an appropriate marker draw the emoji of your choice. This would definitely be a fun family project. I'm sure you could...
Harry Potter’s Butter Beer Fudge Recipe
Oh yes, we can't seem to escape butter beer. Yet another recipe with the butter beer theme. This time it is fudge . . . and no one can resist fudge! Let's get started! Ingredients: 3/4 cup butter 1/2 cup half and half a 7.5 ounce jar of marshmallow cream 2 cups...
Garlic And Parmesan Seasoned Baked Potato Wedges
A Delicious Recipe That Will Have Your Family Wanting More . . . Please. Let's get on with the recipe: Ingredients: 3 to 4 large russet potatoes sliced into wedges 4 tablespoons olive oil 2 teaspoons salt 2 teaspoons garlic powder 2 teaspoons Italian seasoning 1/2 cup...
Cupcakes Inspired By Harry Potter’s Butter Beer
Oh yes! A Harry Potter Fan Delight!! Have you tried the Harry Potter Butter Beer? If so, and even if you haven't, you'll love these cupcakes!! Let's Get Started With This Recipe!!! It may seem a bit complicated . . . but it's fit for the Great Harry Potter!!! Cupcake...
Amazing Tree House
Did You Have A Tree House When You Were A Kid? I guess tree houses aren't just for kids . . . but the one in the picture is awesome. It seems to be designed for kids. With a little imagination you could make it into quite a spectacular "get away" for the whole family....
Little Chocolate Candy Mail Boxes
These are great for Valentine's Day! You can also adapt them for other holidays. It's always fun to wrap up some mini chocolates for family and friends. To make this project easy . . . Here's a video!! I wouldn't hot glue my candy. They would fit nicely without the...
Breaking Resolutions
Did You Make Any New Year's Resolutions? Have you kept them . . . or have you already broken them? Most of us don't make New Year's Resolutions . . . and for good reason. Then, again, there is something to be said about getting more exercise, eating right and stop...
How About Some Valentine’s Day Free Printables?
With Valentine's Day Coming Towards Us, Are You Ready? Family.Disney.com is always on board when it comes to making unique Valentine's your children can hand out to their friends and classmates. Adding a lollipop would be a great bonus in Valentine card giving. Just...
I Love A Rainy Day
Yes, It's True. Rainy days are truly a blessing. It's a time to relax and get into crafts. I did give you a wide variety of Disney Character Treat Boxes to make for your children. And let's not forget the Free 3-D Printable you can made of R2-D2 for all your Star Wars...
Grandma’s Baked Caramel Corn Recipe
Baked Caramel Corn From Scratch Yes, you make your own caramel and pop your own corn. No, not the microwave stuff. You'll need a popper . . . it's about flavor, which must be savored . . . and anticipated. This is an old family recipe . . . it does pay off to save old...