Welcome To Two Cans On A String Blog
I’ve been blogging here since July of 2014. With so much content available, I decided to mix some of the older posts with the newer ones to give you a true flavor of what this website is all about. The concept of “two cans on a string” makes me smile. I remember as a child trying that out — it wasn’t the best, but we had fun talking about the stuff that interested us at the moment. That’s what I’ve created here. I hope you enjoy it!! And . . . Thanks for stopping by!

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An Eclectic Blend Of What We’re All About!
Relax and take a leisurely stroll through our archives — hopefully there will be something of interest.

A Rainy Saturday Morning
I love the rain, especially if I can stay home and listen to it. But, this Saturday morning I ventured out to run some...

FREE Printable Goggles
This is so exciting!! These goggles are from RavensBlight and look so steampunk. You can personalize them, too. I'm...

Red Eye On Prime Video
A Suspense Film Starring Rachel McAdams!!After an interesting encounter with a fellow traveler...

Sitting In Bars With Cake — An Amazon Original Movie
It's quite an interesting concept and a truly heart-warming story! It's about two best friends --...
Latest Blog Posts
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The Dead Speak — And Sometimes Play Piano
Let's begin with a couple of definitions -- I know, the former teacher in me is coming out . . . When you pick up voices that's an EVP = Electronic Voice Phenomena. It's a disembodied voice imprinted on a recording device that was not audible to the ear at the time...
I Got Bitch Slapped By A Ghost!!
I'm confident that many of you who have dabbled into the paranormal have had an experience or two that either still shocks you . . . or tickles you . . . and perhaps a little bit of both . . . This Real Ghost Story happened quite a few years ago. I found it amusing...
It May Be My Imagination
But it seems too real -- I heard it . . . and so did my precious Yorkie. I bought some "ghost hunting" equipment. Nothing fancy, just some tools to discover who and/or what is in my house. It's one thing to be aware of "ghosts" in my house and another thing to have it...
Different Types Of “Hauntings”
I'm aware of 4 different kinds of "hauntings". You may know them by different names . . . or you may know of some that are "new" to me. From my understanding, these are the basic types of "hauntings" or "spirits" -- other ones may fall into these categories. First...
Spirit Box Warning
As with any device you choose to use -- a digital recorder, a camera, tarot cards, spirit box, crystals, candles, etc. -- if you're feeling afraid, please don't use it. Some "spirits" may not be loving. Some messages may be frightening. That's why it is important for...
Haunted Cabin In The Woods
Yes, a haunted cabin deep in the woods of Tennessee. It's always exciting to see in real time and receiving honest reactions when strange paranormal activity happens right in front of you. Most of the time, many of us don't have the peace of mind to grab a camera . ....
Have You Heard Of The Dybbuk Box?
Yeah . . . That box, sold at auction on eBay and was said to be haunted. Wasn't there a book and a film about that creepy old thing? It's a wine cabinet -- a dybbuk box and also spelled "dibbux". It's said to be haunted by a dybbuk. That makes sense for a dybbuk to...
Have You Seen A Ghost?
That's what we want . . . or is it! A great image of ectoplasmic goo that is transforming right before our very eyes into a human form. I was over on Twitter the other day and a "person to follow" suggestion was a woman author with a menopausal character who sees...
My Creepy Antique Mirror
Although I love real ghost stories, it doesn't mean I don't get creeped out and down right scared when strange paranormal activities happen in my own home . . . and with my personal belongings. Antique mirrors are known to have some of the silver reflective "mirror"...
Haunted School House
On Canada's East Coast, there's an old haunted school house. I'm intrigued by this real ghost story as well as the school. It's a 3 story building with a rooftop observatory and fire escape slides on both sides of the building. All grades are taught at this school --...
Haunted Old Train Station
I've always been interested in old train stations that have been abandoned or converted into shops and restaurants. No I don't explore them -- the abandoned ones, but I will visit a converted one. There is always an interesting story to be heard. This one took place...
Is That A Haunted House?
You're driving down a road in an older part of town. You spot an interesting old house. You want to get out of the car and explore the house . . . it may be haunted . . . do you really want to go inside . . . Are you prepared for what you'll see? I've always wondered...
Lost On A Country Road
There are many urban legends and downright scary stories about driving down a country road -- running out of gas, seeing No Trespassing signs, seeing a ghost . . . This real ghost story is a bit different -- and maybe familiar. Yes, there is a ghost involved and a...
Who’s There?
I'm absolutely thrilled by the increase in the number of visitors who have been visiting TwoCansOnAString.com with my Real Ghost Stories. Thank you so very much!! I have had some strange paranormal activity in my current home. At times I wonder why I'm still here . ....
House In The Woods
Since this is the beginning of Summer, I thought it appropriate to tell a ghost story about a house in the woods. I'm creeped out a bit when it comes to property with woods beyond the property line. This seems to be an ideal place for ghosts and sinister behavior by...
Not Feeling Safe
This real ghost story hits home a bit with me and you may also be able to relate. Sophie bought her first home after working for 15 years at her job. The sad thing was that the room she selected for her home office felt uncomfortable and actually scared her. I know...
Uninvited Ghost
I suppose most ghosts are uninvited. Janet moved into her new apartment. All seemed well with the landlord bringing in a refrigerator and an antique dining table and chairs. Immediately, my thoughts are to cleanse the whole apartment and especially the items brought...
Don’t Play With Ouija Boards
I don't play with Ouija Boards . . . but for some strange reason I enjoy hearing the creepy experiences of others who have. I seriously encourage you NOT TO PLAY WITH OUIJA BOARDS!! Yes, we've all been warned . . . and some fool brings one to a party . . . and all...