Welcome To Two Cans On A String Blog
I’ve been blogging here since July of 2014. With so much content available, I decided to mix some of the older posts with the newer ones to give you a true flavor of what this website is all about. The concept of “two cans on a string” makes me smile. I remember as a child trying that out — it wasn’t the best, but we had fun talking about the stuff that interested us at the moment. That’s what I’ve created here. I hope you enjoy it!! And . . . Thanks for stopping by!

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An Eclectic Blend Of What We’re All About!
Relax and take a leisurely stroll through our archives — hopefully there will be something of interest.

Flip Flop Sandal Paper Craft Boxes
This is definitely flip flop sandal weather. I saw these cute boxes on-line and thought what a great idea. They're...

I Love Unusual Boxes
Unusual Boxes Are Especially Great When You Can Make Them Yourself. These work for all occasions . . . and it works...

French Press Coffee Maker
Bodum 1928-16US4 Chambord French Press Coffee Maker I remember seeing a French Press Coffee Maker...

Making Changes — Improvements
Yesterday I Did A Major Facelift To This Website I love this website. It has been part of me since...
Latest Blog Posts
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Valentine’s Day Cards Free Printable
Yes, Indeed! Family.Disney.com has you covered with their free printable Valentine's Day Cards. I don't know how you or your children's school handles Valentine's Day, but I know this was a fun day with a Valentine's Day Party when I was a going to school. It was fun...
Let’s Get Ready For Valentine’s Day
Yes, Indeed, It Will Be Here Before You Know It I know I did rush right into Easter . . . but I'm slowing down a bit and get with the calendar. And I'll do you one better . . . I'll include St. Patrick's Day . . . All Free Printables. Yes, I have been focused on...
Pin The Tail On Eeyore
I Love Paper Crafts!! And paper crafts with a purpose . . . are even better. Do you remember the classic game of "pin the tail on the donkey"? Well, we've come a long long way from that . . . we can pin the tail on Eeyore or Bullseye. And instead of using pins or...
It’s Easter Craft Time
Yes, TwoCansOnAString.com is ready for Easter You've probably concluded that I've been procrastinating. Well, yes and no . . . I've been thinking . . . thinking about crafts and how to make them work for me. I love doing various crafts for all of the holidays. I've...
R2-D2 Free Printable
Yes, I May Be A Bit Late With This But a free printable is welcome any ol' time as far as I'm concerned. R2-D2 has always been a favorite Star Wars droid. And, right here, right now you can click the image and print it out. You'll need to assemble it, but that's fun...
Let’s Have Some Fun With Sizzix Framelits
I Absolutely Adore The Bird Crazy Die Set Yes, it's Sizzix and it's a Tim Holtz die set. You'll need a Sizzix machine and some other items. To get started with scrap booking or creating your own cards and invitations . . . even whimsical gift boxes and tags . . ....
The Power Of Forgiveness
No, I'm Not Getting Preachy On You I was watching a movie. A Thousand Words with Eddie Murphy. What I got out of it was all the useless words we spout regularly. How much of it is truly valuable? As a blogger, it got me thinking. A thousand words for a blog post is...
Happy New Year
Yes!!! 2016 Is Finally Here!! We have such grand hopes for the year ahead . . . as we always do this time every year. Throughout the year, we've been able to count our many blessings and be truly thankful . . . then giving and the spirit associated with that . . . and...
Happy New Year’s Eve
Do You Ever Get Confused About The Word "Eve"? There's "All Hollows Eve", Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve . . . For the Halloween one, it seems to be a shortened version of "evening." For the Christmas and New Year's Eve meaning the "night before." But I could have...
Took A Bit Of A Break
Not Unusual For Christmas . . . It's time to regroup a bit . . . in anticipation for the New Year . . . Yes, time is going by quickly. It will be spring soon . . . and summer . . . and then fall . . . and it all begins again. It is definitely like clockwork. The...
The Approaching New Year
Oh Yes, Time Does Seem To Be Marching On It's a political year. It's also a leap year. Most importantly, it's a New Year. Politics is a private matter. We all have our views. And what comes will come. It is the nature of the world. Change is inevitable . . . whether...
Merry Christmas One And All
Merry Christmas!! My goodness!! Christmas is here!! I find it surprising. The days, weeks and months seem to have flown by. I remember preparing for Halloween . . . then Thanksgiving . . . and Christmas. Next is the New Year -- 2016 . . . unbelievable. Maybe I should...
Isn’t It Strange?
Have You Noticed That Most Of Life's Major Decisions Are Made When We're Young And Inexperienced? You start school at a young age. You either apply yourself . . . or don't. That's why it's so important to have a family with parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles...
Star Mint Meringue Cookie Recipe
These Meringues Are A Treat To The Eye With An Irresistible Taste It's definitely time to be thinking about the variety of cookies you want to make for family, friends and neighbors. Christmas is just a few days away . . . oh my! Time to get to work!!! It is raining...
It Is Feeling Like Christmas
What Does Christmas Feel Like To You? For me, Christmas is colder temperatures . . . not snow cold, because I don't get snow regularly during the winter . . . just at odd extreme times. There is something about having a wet Christmas rather than a white Christmas. I...
Do You Feel The Excitement In The Air?
Christmas Week Is Coming!!! Yes, excitement is in the air!!! I've been having dreams of candy canes and elves and a jolly fat man dressed in red with a long white beard. A huge sleigh and eight reindeer . . . Families are gathering . . . the stores are bursting with...
A Beautiful Rainy Day
Winds Gusted Through My Yard I was hearing bumps and bangs. I knew it was my new neighbors next door. I listened as the sound moved around to the front of the house. It sounded like footsteps, but more of a dragging . . . Before my imagination could switch into high...
Christmas Movies You Love
Lately I've Been Watching A Variety Of Christmas Movies The unfortunate thing is that I don't remember titles . . . or paid much attention to them. After a while the themes or story lines seems to blend together . . . I do like the movies that have to do with...