Welcome To Two Cans On A String Blog
I’ve been blogging here since July of 2014. With so much content available, I decided to mix some of the older posts with the newer ones to give you a true flavor of what this website is all about. The concept of “two cans on a string” makes me smile. I remember as a child trying that out — it wasn’t the best, but we had fun talking about the stuff that interested us at the moment. That’s what I’ve created here. I hope you enjoy it!! And . . . Thanks for stopping by!

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An Eclectic Blend Of What We’re All About!
Relax and take a leisurely stroll through our archives — hopefully there will be something of interest.

Do You Remember Memory Books?
Are they still popular? Do people even do them? Or have they become scrap books or mini-albums? I remember having many...

Flip Books
Are You Familiar With Flip Books? These are primarily for pin pal creations that you send through the snail mail...

Find Your Soul’s Purpose With Kim Russo
Kim Russo, The Happy Medium Has A Very Powerful Message To Share With All Of Us We've seen her and...

Do You Have Amazon Prime?
I Enjoy The Amazon Prime Movies I believe they came up with a real winner with Upload ... It's a...
Latest Blog Posts
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Skinny Chocolate S’Mores Pie Recipe
This is S'Mores Season for me! Anything s'mores is a definite winner as far as I'm concerned . . . and a s'mores pie, a whole s'mores pie for family and friends to enjoy . . . priceless . . . and a skinny s'mores pie? Is that even possible? Yes, yes it is!! Well,...
Hot New Releases
It's always good to know what's new and what's hot! Why is it that we're always competing for the newest and the best? Do we really want it? Is it to impress our friends and family? Do we really need it? Well, I think it's best for you to bookmark the link above so...
Summer Sundae Recipe
Summer Sundae Recipe You Can Make At Home With The Kids! It's great fun to have the kids create their very own summer sundae from the variety of goodies you've gathered for this festive treat. Some ideas or ingredients: vanilla or any flavor of your favorite ice cream...
You’re Better Off Cooking At Home
I went out the other day for a hamburger at my favorite fast food place. I was disappointed and thus unsatisfied. Not only was the meal more expensive than the last time I went plus the gas to get there . . . I would have been much better off making something at home....
Summertime Is A Time Of Reflection
I enjoy taking a moment from time to time to stop and think. It's always good to count your blessings daily and not wait until Thanksgiving Day . . . Yes, I know the date . . . it is summer . . . I want to enjoy this season and I'm willing to wait for now until fall ....
S’More Bars Recipe
It seems we can't get our fill of the delightful summer treat S'Mores. I'm always on the look out for easy recipes that I can make all year round . . . then pretend I'm out camping while sitting in front of my fireplace. S'More Bars Recipe Ingredients: 1-1/4 cups of...
Are There Things To Celebrate This Summer?
Earlier I posted What's Next https://twocansonastring.com/whats-next/ and then found out Amazon is having a great Prime Day on July 15 with bigger and better sales than Black Friday . . . You're definitely going to want to get in on the great bargains...
Best Coffee Cake Recipe
Coffee Cake has always been a favorite of mine! My friends think I bought this coffee cake from the fancy coffee house . . . I told them I made it, but if they don't want to believe me . . . Let's see if you have the same problem . . . It's absolutely too good to be...
Summer Cupcake Decorating
So many possibilities for decorating cupcakes . . . especially this summer to get your imagination in gear. What do you think of when I say Summer? I would imagination a day at the beach with an umbrella . . . and something deliciously cool to drink. This may...
One Day Only July 15
Just click the banner and you're on your way to having access to so very much more than you thought possible! There's a deadline!!! Don't miss out on July 15 -- you know it will be here before you know it!!! Don't delay click the banner above!
What’s Next?
There are always holidays anticipated . . . and gone . . . What's next? Nothing more in July, then nothing in August . . . unless Back to School is a major concern on your radar and To Do List . . . maybe a vacation is in the works . . . maybe a camping trip or...
Early 4th of July Celebrators
At three in the morning some neighbor decided to shoot off fireworks. It accomplished two things. It woke Diva and me up and it upset Diva. . . well, I'm not thrilled by this early celebrator. This is not going to be good. I was in a hang-out last night with my...
Have A Safe And Happy 4th of July
Many of us have been grillin' and chillin' feasting on BBQ while others are spending quality time at the beach. This is truly an exciting weekend! And now a word from Little Miss Diva: Mom and I are talking all about this great 4th of July celebration. This is my...
My Precious Diva Is Going To The Groomers
I honestly don't know who is more nervous, Diva or me. I think Diva likes this picture -- it looks like she's growing antlers just like her little stuffed toy moose. Well, it's grooming day. I need to deliver Diva early in the morning and hope they won't keep her all...
Delicious Taco Casserole
This Delicious Taco Casserole is a real crowd pleaser. These hectic days of summer need to give the chef in your household a break every once in a while. This Taco Casserole is the ticket. It is not only delicious, but also quick and easy to prepare. Delicious Taco...
Fun Bread Stick Bones And Chili Cheese Dip Recipe
Kids have wild imaginations and during the summer you have to use yours, too. I know this works for Halloween, but it would work for summertime or after watching something about pirates or any mention of bones. I do like the Bat Bowl. And then you'll need bone molds...
Ultimate Crunchy Cheese Burger Recipe
The Ultimate Crunchy Burger is a real treat for the whole family. It's truly a challenge to wrap your mouth around this burger. This is almost a "clean out the refrigerator" burger. I add all kinds of chopped or sliced left-overs from salads. It's truly fun to put in...
Time Flies
I don't know about you, but I've experienced days, weeks and months flying by. It may be because I'm getting older . . . This may not be something we want to admit, but I've been experiencing this for quite some time. It may be a thing about "retirement" or it may be...