Welcome To Two Cans On A String Blog
I’ve been blogging here since July of 2014. With so much content available, I decided to mix some of the older posts with the newer ones to give you a true flavor of what this website is all about. The concept of “two cans on a string” makes me smile. I remember as a child trying that out — it wasn’t the best, but we had fun talking about the stuff that interested us at the moment. That’s what I’ve created here. I hope you enjoy it!! And . . . Thanks for stopping by!

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An Eclectic Blend Of What We’re All About!
Relax and take a leisurely stroll through our archives — hopefully there will be something of interest.

A Skeletal Band With Backup Musicians Paper Craft
My friends over at RavensBlight always make me laugh with the talent of Ray O'Bannon. Not only is there a Skeletal...

Disney Free Printables
This is my 500th post here at TwoCansOnAString.com -- I should make it something special. With Valentine's Day right...

White Lie Is A Whopper!
Is There Such A Thing As A White Lie?In a world where honesty is valued above all, one popular...

Halloween Theme Jigsaw Puzzles
Jigsaw Puzzles Are Great Family Fun!!Jigsaw Puzzles are great for all ages -- I remember doing...
Latest Blog Posts
Please visit often and share with your friends and family.
Strange Encounters
There are plenty of old houses where I live. I sometimes get a weird feeling from houses, just passing by them. Some are inviting and others feel creepy and I don't even want to look at them. Has this happened to you? I believe every house has the potential of being...
Old Historic Pioneer Park
There's an old park in town with a sinister history. I avoid it as much as possible. There is an open theatre there and during the summer they put on family plays. They are held in the afternoon so the park is empty well before dark. This is also a popular place for...
Are You Familiar With Ravensblight?
Ray O'Bannon is a talented artist who created Ravenscraft. Since it is finally fall/autumn, I thought I'd share some of my favorite Ray O'Bannon Haunted Toys. Of course, it's The Ghost House! It also has a Secret Chamber . . . Well, as I remember the story . . . The...
Are You Afraid Of Ghosts
I ain't afraid of no ghosts seems to be the running joke with "ghost hunters". But in reality, I'm not too sure. We may not be afraid afraid of them, but we can still be startled by them or feel uncomfortable around them. This is a real ghost story told to me by...
Ghostly Figures In The Rear View Mirror
This is the creepiest thing imaginable! I don't know anyone who would want to see a figure in their rear view mirror on a dark road late at night, but this is exactly what happened to John as he was returning home from a weekend at his cabin. The radio was on Coast to...
Haunted Hotel
There are plenty of stories about haunted places -- especially hotels. Will anyone forget Stephen King's The Shining? Well, this isn't about that book, movie or hotel. I met Paul and Paula with their parents at my local coffee shop. Paul and Paula were twins in their...
Thumping On The Wall
The imagination goes a bit wild when in the dead of night there is thumping on the wall. There have been several stories where people have been buried in the wall of a basement or in a wall of the house, perhaps sealing a closet. It's not something I like to think...
The Lizzy Borden Story
Lizzy Borden's life and trial have been discussed over the years with divided beliefs of her guilt in murdering her father and step-mother that fateful day in August, 1892. In 1975 there was a movie made with a possible means of how Lizzy Borden committed the crimes...
Brenda and Carl’s Haunted Life
I met Carl and Brenda at my local coffee shop. They have lived in 4 different houses and each and everyone has been haunted. They believe since both of them are sensitive to spirits that they may be attracting them into their lives. Carl recalls seeing a ghost when he...
Are Some Houses Not For The Living?
I don't like to admit it, but I believe this is sometimes true. Rachel wasn't feeling well one evening and got up to make some toast after everyone else went to bed and were sleeping soundly. She was in the kitchen waiting for the toast to pop up out of the toaster....
Tea Time At My Local Cemetery
I was delivering flowers to grave sites one afternoon when I saw a ghostly apparition of three ladies dressed up in Victorian style clothing having tea. They nodded at me as I passed by. It was quite remarkable to see a formal tea party. I didn't want to intrude and I...
Kelly’s Special Gift
I believe my local coffee shop is haunted. It seems that every time my friend Kelly comes to the coffee shop, before she gets to our table a chair is pulled out. It's almost as though one of us kicks the chair out in greeting for her to sit down. The first few times...
Unexplainable Experiences
I'm always hearing about unexplainable paranormal experiences people have had. I hear about them while I'm at my local coffee shop. Also while I'm setting flowers out at the local cemetery. Many people go there to visit with their past loved ones -- and sometimes they...
The Scent Of Honeysuckle And An Old Rocking Chair
David bought a small house a year after his wife of 40 years passed. He needed a change. The house was a constant reminder of the life he shared with his family -- the children were grown with families of their own. So, David decided he needed to move on and maybe a...
Mystery Basket Unveiled
Patty and her daughter, Heather of The G Team Paranormal Investigations were given a Mystery Basket by a friend. They decided to open it while filming. You can see for yourself that strange things were going on outside of Patty's house. No simple explanation could be...
Sonny’s Personal Haunting
Sonny was haunted by a little girl. It seems my local coffee shop is the place for me to learn about the paranormal experiences of others. I guess I've gotten a reputation in my little corner of the city that I'll listen to the strange and unusual stories of others...
An Old Diary
I was at a used bookstore one afternoon and I found this old diary. I was excited about it, but I was also nervous about buying something as private as a diary, but I bought it and kept it in my car for a few weeks before smudging it and bringing it into the house....
Estate Sale Ghost
It was one of the old mansions in town that got everyone exciting about this particular estate sale. I was there bright and early so I wouldn't miss anything. The article said that everything had to go and the attic was filled to the rafters with cast offs from...