Welcome To Two Cans On A String Blog
I’ve been blogging here since July of 2014. With so much content available, I decided to mix some of the older posts with the newer ones to give you a true flavor of what this website is all about. The concept of “two cans on a string” makes me smile. I remember as a child trying that out — it wasn’t the best, but we had fun talking about the stuff that interested us at the moment. That’s what I’ve created here. I hope you enjoy it!! And . . . Thanks for stopping by!

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An Eclectic Blend Of What We’re All About!
Relax and take a leisurely stroll through our archives — hopefully there will be something of interest.

Art Impressions Girlfriends
I Love These Rubber Stamps!! These ladies know how to have fun . . . and fun they do have throughout the pages in my...

Thank Your Lucky Stars
I can't believe these things are still around . . . As long as parents and grandparents and great-grandparents are...

Reacher — Amazon Prime
Oh my goodness!! I just don't know what to say . . . This video trailer of Reacher says it all . ....

Are You Enjoying Your Day?
I'm updating my websites. It is a slow process for me ... I've been away from my computer for much...
Latest Blog Posts
Please visit often and share with your friends and family.
Inspirational Centerpiece
I love having something I can make, set out and make minor changes to from time-to-time. It is inspiring to paint messages on rocks as reminders of how very blessed we truly are. I may get into my fall mode and write "thankful" with a "boo" here and there. It can be...
Jello Worms Recipe
Have You Made Jello Worms? If you can make jello, then you can make these squiggly worms to delight and disgust your family and friends. All right! Here's the recipe: Ingredients: 2 - 3 ounce packs of a red jello of your choice 1 package of unflavored gelatin for...
Halloween Monster Pretzel Sticks
These delicious pretzel sticks will dress up your Halloween Snack Table These are easy and fun to make. The kids would love to give you a hand. You and the kids will have a great time decorating pretzel sticks with sprinkles and edible eyeballs to create an assortment...
Halloween Sign You Can Make
I'm wondering whether to put this on my front door, out in the yard or somewhere in the house. This is a fun project you can make. Just get a wooden plaque at your favorite craft store or building supply place. Then with some letters, paint and sealer you're ready to...
Raiders WinCraft NfL Snack Helmet
Since I'm in California, I'm going with the Raiders, but each snack helmet is similar -- except for the logo and color. These are great for your football fans!! They are a very attractive container for displaying your various game time snacks. And a wonderful way to...
Invite A Monster To Lunch
For Halloween, it's great to have fun nutritious lunches and snacks for the kids. Everyone would love to have one of these sandwiches! So why not make up a platter of them for your Halloween Party!!! Now, normally, you'd attach toothpicks to the olive "eyes", but for...
Interesting Craft Idea For All Occasions
I love crafts, especially those I can do for every holiday. This pictorial tutorial shows you exactly what you need to do. I like the coffee cup concept with the saucer, too. I may want to experiment with a wine glass or other glassware and also kitchen or other...
Centerpiece Witch’s Hat
I'm all into fall decorating and this witch hat is an excellent place to begin. You can check out any left over items from last fall that would be excellent to decorate this hat for your table. I love the rustic natural feel of the decorations. I have some small...
Unofficial End of Summer
It's Interesting How Labor Day Unofficially Marks The End Of Summer. I go by the weather and also the calendar. However, they don't necessarily coincide in California, but maybe someplace in the world. Labor Day became a Federal Holiday in 1894 and is observed on the...
Whimsical Pumpkin Planters
Here's a great Fall project that will get a whole lot of attention when you put it in your front yard. I like starting the season with fun projects. It's excellent to be able to make these plastic pumpkin planters and fill them with flowers or herbs. These do have...
Fall Candle Jars
It wonderful to get into fall and all the projects you can do to decorate your home. These fall candle jars are easy to make and fun to use. You can use any jars you've saved or use mason jars. You'll need Mod Podge and fake leaves. I like the fake fall leaves because...
Bringing Out The Old To Make It New
These Vintage Recipes Are Great! Well, let's see what else I can add. I'm truly excited about getting into the Halloween Spirit!!! Oh No!!! Not Voodoo Sugar Cookies!!!! Oh yes, I do believe so!!! Just use your favorite cookie recipe -- could be sugar cookies or any...
Melted Wicked Witches Of The West
I absolutely wasn't going to jump into Halloween! Then . . .! I thought of The Wicked Witch of The West from the Wizard of Oz and then I saw the picture below and these Melted Wicked Witches of the West were born! It is such a fun concept. The kids will eat them up!!...
Caramel Apple Cookies Recipe
August is almost over. September is within sight. My thoughts turn to apples and all the great fall recipes. Bet you thought the subtitle was going to rhyme. Sorry, not a poet. It's just a statement. Trying not to jump into Halloween. I've been doing quite a bit of...
You Can Cook In Your Waffle Iron
Do you believe it? You can actually cook hamburgers in your waffle iron!! I found this really good article that shows all kinds of stuff you can cook on your waffle iron. Seeing is believing. Check it out. I wasn't too sure about all the things, but you know, it does...
5 Facts About My Website That Will Make Your Hair Stand On End
Yes, I Talking About TwoCansOnAString.com First, I didn't think I had a niche for this website. I refer to it as "my fun website" or my "kitchen junk drawer." And I do mean the last one quite favorably, because where would we be without a junk drawer for all those...
New Twist On Decorating Pumpkins
Yes, yes, I know it's August, but you can never begin too early with your Halloween decorating ideas. Goodness!! You can go creepy, funny or cute; scary, disgusting or thought provoking. I think if I went to so much work decorating a pumpkin I would go with an...
Halloween Cookie Recipes
Halloween Themed Cookie Recipes To Kickstart National Cookie Month -- And A Halloween Cookie Exchange. Please leave me recipes in the comments. Here are some Oooie Gooie Monster Cookies Ingredients: 1 box of White Cake Mix 1/2 cup of softened butter 1/2 teaspoon...